jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013
Pressure Grows to Protect Domestic Workers | Human Rights Watch
Pressure Grows to Protect Domestic Workers | Human Rights Watch:
Activist Post: Why There Are No New Jobs In America
Activist Post: Why There Are No New Jobs In America
In this short video, financial publisher Porter Stansberry interprets President Obama’s comments about small business and follows Obama’s lead by creating an “offer” of partnership for start-up companies in the United States to evaluate. Would you accept this deal?
"Too Scared to Go Outside": Family of Pakistani Grandmother Killed in U.S. Drone Strike Speaks Out | Democracy Now!
"Too Scared to Go Outside": Family of Pakistani Grandmother Killed in U.S. Drone Strike Speaks Out | Democracy Now!
"I don’t understand why this happened to me. I have done nothing wrong," says 13-year-old Zubair Rehman, who was injured in an alleged U.S. drone strike that killed his grandmother last year. "What I would like to say to the American people is to please tell your government to end these drones because it is disrupting our lives."
The family spoke out before members of Congress this week and is featured in the new documentary, "Unmanned: America’s Drone Wars."

6 Videos Of Quantum Physicists That Will Melt Your Mind | Minds
6 Videos Of Quantum Physicists That Will Melt Your Mind | Minds
6 Videos Of Quantum Physicists That Will Melt Your Mind
[267] Lift the Cuban Embargo, War Criminal Media Parade & The True Face of Drone Warfare - YouTube
[267] Lift the Cuban Embargo, War Criminal Media Parade & The True Face of Drone Warfare - YouTube
Abby Martin Breaks the Set: Lift the Cuban Embargo, War Criminal Media Parade & the True Face of Drone Warfare
Syria and Our Educational System | Noam Chomsky, Richard Falk, Lawrence Davidson and Ilan Pappé interviewed by Daniel Falcone
Syria and Our Educational System | Noam Chomsky, Richard Falk, Lawrence Davidson and Ilan Pappé interviewed by Daniel Falcone:
Syria's civil war that started in March 2011 continues to attract Western attention. Although nearly half of the Syrian population does not support US leadership in the world, the United States has shown a "resolve" to make this one of our international priorities. For many citizens outside of the public arena, Syria is an obscure and irrelevant geographic location. Recent events in the diplomatic field have, however, catapulted the country to headlines across the United States. I spoke with four prominent public intellectuals to discuss the context of Syria within our educational system. This is a roundtable format including the eminent linguist and social scientist Noam Chomsky from MIT, Princeton professor emeritus of international law Richard Falk, professor of Middle East studies and author of the Middle East Reader Lawrence Davidson and Israeli historian and author of The Modern Middle East Ilan Pappé.
How 'We The People' Became 'We The Corporations,' In Under 4 Minutes
How 'We The People' Became 'We The Corporations,' In Under 4 Minutes:
The courts have been giving corporations the rights of people since way before the Citizens United decision, which allows corporations to spend as much as they want to influence politics. - Brandon Weber
Orwellian DoubleThink: War is Peace
Orwellian DoubleThink: War is Peace:
No need to modernize the phrasing of this most obviously relevant Orwellian slogan. Obama, our Nobel Prince of Peace, continues the endless wars, warrantless and evidence-less detentions, and illegal torture. The public is kept in an increasing state of fear of a manufactured bogeyman that assumes the faces of individual leaders as needed (and their countries), but ultimately is defined as a War on Terror, thus a war without end.
The perpetual nature of war was at the heart of what Orwell was illustrating when he wrote, "A peace that was truly permanent would be the same as a permanent war." We are now living in a situation, similar to 1984, where our society believes that the only way to everlasting peace is through everlasting war. This mentality leads to a fundamental internal restructuring of society, as the actions we have condoned overseas have reworked America to resemble a battlefield landscape at home.
Congressional No-Show at 'Heart-Breaking' Drone Survivor Hearing
Congressional No-Show at 'Heart-Breaking' Drone Survivor Hearing
It was the first time in history that U.S. lawmakers could hear directly from the survivors of a U.S. drone strike. But only five elected officials chose to attend the congressional briefing that took place on Tuesday.
It was the first time in history that U.S. lawmakers could hear directly from the survivors of a U.S. drone strike. But only five elected officials chose to attend the congressional briefing that took place on Tuesday.
“My grandmother was nobody’s enemy," said 13-year-old Zubair, whose grandmother was killed by a drone strike in Pakistan.
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, October 31 - YouTube
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, October 31 - YouTube
Today we report that President Obama's healthcare speech yesterday was interrupted by protesters urging him to reject the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would bring tar sands oil from Canada to Texas. Obama's response: "We’re talking about healthcare today ... We had the climate change rally back in the summer. This is the healthcare rally."
Today we report that President Obama's healthcare speech yesterday was interrupted by protesters urging him to reject the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would bring tar sands oil from Canada to Texas. Obama's response: "We’re talking about healthcare today ... We had the climate change rally back in the summer. This is the healthcare rally."
Watch the video clip of this protest and our summary of other news headlines.
Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People (2007) | Watch Documentary Free Online
Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People (2007) | Watch Documentary Free Online:
This groundbreaking documentary dissects a slanderous aspect of cinematic history that has run virtually unchallenged from the earliest days of silent film to today's biggest Hollywood blockbusters. Featuring acclaimed author Dr. Jack Shaheen, the film explores a long line of degrading images of Arabs--from Bedouin bandits and submissive maidens to sinister sheikhs and gun-wielding "terrorists"--along the way offering devastating insights into the origin of these stereotypic images, their development at key points in US history, and why they matter so much today.
Shaheen shows how the persistence of these images over time has served to naturalize prejudicial attitudes toward Arabs and Arab culture, in the process reinforcing a narrow view of individual Arabs and the effects of specific US domestic and international policies on their lives. By inspiring critical thinking about the social, political, and basic human consequences of leaving these Hollywood caricatures unexamined, the film challenges viewers to recognize the urgent need for counter-narratives that do justice to the diversity and humanity of Arab people and the reality and richness of Arab history and culture.
CATALONIA -- Joan Tardà: 'Què fareu, ens detindreu?' - VilaWeb
Joan Tardà: 'Què fareu, ens detindreu?' - VilaWeb:
Joan Tardà:
'What will you do, we stop?' Deputy ERC said here on Christmas 'live the most delicate moment'
'Hence Nadal live most delicate moment. Because they know perfectly well that when the world knows the date and everything will fall as the question, "said John yesterday afternoon at Civic Center Can Fabra, the Sant Andreu, in dialogue with the Galician writer Suso de Toro to talk the independence process. Deputy ERC continued thus: 'And then what will? I have spoken with members of the PP and I said "what will you do, we stop?" If a minute is the president Mas arrested the wife would not because it would be enough. What will they do? So we query the will. The calls and the will. And if we stop ... If you stop at Junqueras obviously be the next president of the republic. ' According Late, 'objective conditions had never been so ripe to make a democratic revolution'. I explained: 'What do we do? Accumulate forces next year because the Big Bang possible (...) There have not understood the process in Catalonia is very deep. What now, to release Mr. Lara saying go away .... Where do you go? With that scare us? '. Chronic and video full of dialogue Late-Suso de Toro: Late John, Suso de Toro and the courage to be independent
Noticias de Prensa Latina - La ceguera social del Consejo Europeo
Noticias de Prensa Latina - La ceguera social del Consejo Europeo
The European Council's social blindness |
Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 31 October | Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 31 October | Human Rights Watch
In today's Brief: #Syria meets chemical weapons deadline but slaughter goes on; a grim discovery in the #Sahara; witnesses to North #Korea's brutality; #NSA reform proposals fall short; Tony Blair's work for #Kazakhstan; embracing thugs in #Indonesia; and #Uzbekistan's fist-thumping denials of torture.
Human Rights Watch
Facebook Considers Vast Increase in Data Collection - The CIO Report - WSJ
Facebook Considers Vast Increase in Data Collection - The CIO Report - WSJ:
Facebook Inc. is testing technology that would greatly expand the scope of data that it collects about its users, the head of the company’s analytics group said Tuesday.
The social network may start collecting data on minute user interactions with its content, such as how long a user’s cursor hovers over a certain part of its website, or whether a user’s newsfeed is visible at a given moment on the screen of his or her mobile phone, Facebook analytics chief Ken Rudin said Tuesday during an interview.
NSA, ‘Five Eyes’ use Australian embassies to gather intel on Asia — RT News
NSA, ‘Five Eyes’ use Australian embassies to gather intel on Asia — RT News:
US intelligence agencies are using Australian embassies throughout Asia to intercept data and gather information across the continent, according to the latest report based on documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.
Data collection facilities operate out of the embassies in Jakarta, Bangkok, Hanoi, Bejing, and Dili, according to Fairfax media. There are also units in the Australian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur, the most populated city in Malaysia, and Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea.
Indonesia workers prepare for national strike - Features - Al Jazeera English
Indonesia workers prepare for national strike - Features - Al Jazeera English
Indonesia workers prepare for national strike
Indonesia workers prepare for national strike
Labourers will rally across the country on Thursday pushing for a 50 percent hike in the minimum wage - Read more: http://aje.me/1dpWhSg
5 Reasons Jenny McCarthy is Even More Dangerous Than You Thought - PolicyMic
5 Reasons Jenny McCarthy is Even More Dangerous Than You Thought - PolicyMic:
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is reporting that 2013 is on track to have the highest number of measles cases in 17 years. This is frustrating considering that the disease itself was thought to be eradicated in the U.S. in the year 2000. Health officials are attributing this new outbreak to parents who are refusing to vaccinate their children due to a scientifically unfounded fear that the Measles Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine leads to autism.
The threat of autism is scary for a parent, especially now that an estimated one in 50 children have autism spectrum disorder. So it is understandable that parents are demanding to know what causes this neurological disorder.
Scott Ludlam Press Conference, October 31 2013 - YouTube
Scott Ludlam Press Conference, October 31 2013 - YouTube
Greens MP Scott Ludlam, the strongest voice in the senate for digital rights and online civil liberties asked for a recount after losing the vote by 14 votes. After a recount found a hundred or so votes that were counted incorrectly, it has now come to light that the Australian Electoral Commission have since misplaced 1375 votes. Co-incidence?
Record number of nations oppose US embargo of Cuba in UN vote | Minds
Record number of nations oppose US embargo of Cuba in UN vote | Minds
Is it time to end the U.S. embargo against Cuba? A record number of U.N. countries believe so. [details] : http://goo.gl/yDK47p
Is it time to end the U.S. embargo against Cuba? A record number of U.N. countries believe so. [details] : http://goo.gl/yDK47p
Rare Interview With Pablo Picasso | Minds
Rare Interview With Pablo Picasso | Minds
Fascinating video interview with Pablo Picasso
Fascinating video interview with Pablo Picasso
Dark Mail Alliance ‘fighting to bring privacy back’ by reinventing email encryption — RT USA
Dark Mail Alliance ‘fighting to bring privacy back’ by reinventing email encryption — RT USA:
Two US companies that have become symbols for the fight against ongoing National Security Agency surveillance have announced they are building a new kind of secure email service that will encrypt a user’s email, making it nearly impossible to monitor.
Lavabit and Silent Mail both shut down suddenly in August. The news came just two months after the revelation that the NSA is combing through vast quantities of the world’s emails. Both companies opted to close operations rather than grant the intelligence agency access to users’ accounts.
Syria: What Chance to Stop the Slaughter? | Human Rights Watch
Syria: What Chance to Stop the Slaughter? | Human Rights Watch
Russia may be indispensable for reining in Assad, but the rest of the world is essential for convincing Russia to do so.
Human Rights Watch
'If we cared about Sunni-Shia differences, we would never have got married' - Syrian refugees — RT Op-Edge
'If we cared about Sunni-Shia differences, we would never have got married' - Syrian refugees — RT Op-Edge
Nadezhda Kevorkova's Op-Edge: 'Foreign militants and their associates are not interested in how inter-religious and inter-communal relations are built in Syria. Neither are they aware of such a well-known fact in Syria that Bashar al-Assad’s wife is a Sunni. Because it undermines the basic idea of the Syrian conflict, according to which Sunnis are allegedly fighting against Alawites and Shias. The president’s family is not an isolated case – on the contrary, it is quite widespread. There are a number of families who turn the concept of the religious Shia-Sunni war in Syria on its head.'
Nestle CEO: Water Is Not A Human Right, Should Be Privatized | Minds
Nestle CEO: Water Is Not A Human Right, Should Be Privatized | Minds:
Is water a free and basic human right, or should all the water on the planet belong to major corporations and be treated as a product? Should the poor who cannot afford to pay these said corporations suffer from starvation due to their lack of financial wealth? According to the former CEO and now Chairman of the largest food product manufacturer in the world, corporations should own every drop of water on the planet — and you’re not getting any unless you pay up.
Italy: Roma segregation camps – a blight on the City of Rome | Amnesty International
Italy: Roma segregation camps – a blight on the City of Rome | Amnesty International
"The municipality of Rome is keeping thousands of Roma people on the margins of society. Its assisted housing system is designed and implemented in such a way as to condemn thousands of Roma purely on ethnic grounds to live in segregated, substandard accommodation in camps far from services and residential neighbourhoods. This is a blight on the city of Rome," said John Dalhuisen, Programme Director for Europe and Central Asia.
Amnesty International
A Drone Killed My Grandmother | EXCLUSIVE Interview with the Rehman Family - YouTube
A Drone Killed My Grandmother | EXCLUSIVE Interview with the Rehman Family - YouTube:
Abby Martin's exclusive interview with the Rehman family, who lost their grandmother due to an American drone strike. The Rehmans came to the US from the North Waziristan region of Pakistan to testify in front of Congress about the horrors of living under drones. Abby also speaks with Jennifer Gibson, a lawyer traveling with the family about what it will take to end drone policy.
Mass Poverty and Social Inequality in India: The Devastating Impacts of the Neoliberal Economic Development Model | Global Research
Mass Poverty and Social Inequality in India: The Devastating Impacts of the Neoliberal Economic Development Model | Global Research
The only way to roll back the power of corporations and their strategies outlined in the article is by being informed and actively resisting.
miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013
World's Scariest Drug (Documentary Exclusive) | Minds
World's Scariest Drug (Documentary Exclusive) | Minds
A VICE investigation of the 'world's scariest drug', Scopolamine, or "The Devil's Breath." It's a substance so intense that it renders a person incapable of exercising free will. It could be considered a type of mind-control roofie : http://goo.gl/IpKfc8
NSA infiltrates links to Yahoo, Google data centers worldwide, Snowden documents say - The Washington Post
NSA infiltrates links to Yahoo, Google data centers worldwide, Snowden documents say - The Washington Post
EXCLUSIVE: The NSA has secretly broken into Yahoo and Google data centers, positioning itself to collect data at will from hundreds of millions of user accounts, many belonging to Americans. http://wapo.st/1gcGI3X
EXCLUSIVE: The NSA has secretly broken into Yahoo and Google data centers, positioning itself to collect data at will from hundreds of millions of user accounts, many belonging to Americans. http://wapo.st/1gcGI3X
One document showed that the agency sent millions of Yahoo and Google records per day to its headquarters.
Here's how it works: http://wapo.st/17XT1Jx
Read the NSA documents: http://wapo.st/19SMGCd
White Wolf: 13 Indigenous Grandmothers documentary: For The Next 7 Generations
White Wolf: 13 Indigenous Grandmothers documentary: For The Next 7 Generations
In 2004, thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers from all four corners, moved by their concern for our planet, came together at a historic gathering, where they decided to form an alliance: The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.
This is their story. Four years in-the-making and shot on location in the Amazon rainforest, the mountains of Mexico, North America, and at a private meeting with the Dalai Lama in India, For the Next 7 Generations follows what happens when these wise women unite.
Facing a world in crisis, they share with us their visions of healing and a call for change now, before it’s too late. This film documents their unparalleled journey and timely perspectives on a timeless wisdom.
Grandmother's Mission Statement:
"We, the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, represent a global alliance of prayer, education and healing for our Mother Earth, all her inhabitants, all the children, and for the next seven generations to come. We are deeply concerned with the unprecedented destruction of our Mother Earth and the destruction of indigenous ways of life.
We believe the teachings of our ancestors will light the way through an uncertain future. We look to further our vision through the realization of projects that protect our diverse cultures: lands, medicines, language and ceremonial ways of prayer and through projects that educate and nurture our children."
Canadian embassies eavesdrop, leak says - The Globe and Mail
Canadian embassies eavesdrop, leak says - The Globe and Mail:
A new leak suggests that Canada is using some of its embassies abroad for electronic-eavesdropping operations that work in concert with similar U.S. programs.
A U.S. National Security Agency document about a signals intelligence (SigInt) program codenamed “Stateroom” was published this week by Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine. The document, a guide to the program, was among material obtained by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.
Reding warns data protection could derail US trade talks | EurActiv
Reding warns data protection could derail US trade talks | EurActiv
TOP NEWS / Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding yesterday (29 October) issued a stark warning that data protection should be kept off the agenda of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). But EurActiv understands that US pressure is mounting to keep the debate open on data issues.
Criticisms of Current Forms of Free Trade — Global Issues
Criticisms of Current Forms of Free Trade — Global Issues:
[T]he emergence of capitalism represents a culture that is in many ways the most successful that has ever been deployed in terms of accommodating large numbers of individuals in relative and absolute comfort and luxury. It has not been as successful, however, in integrating all in equal measure, and its failure here remains on of its major problems. It has solved the problems of feeding large numbers of people (although certainly not all), and it has provided unprecedented advances in health and medicine (but, again, not for all). It has promoted the development of amazingly complex technological instruments and fostered a level of global communication without precedent. It has united people in common pursuits as has no other culture. Yet it remains to be seen when the balance sheet is tallied whether capitalism represents the epitome of “progress” that some claim.
— Richard H. Robbins, Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, (Allyn and Bacon, 1999), pp. 11–12
Canada’s largest national newspaper joins thousands seeking answers about the government’s expensive and out of control spying | OpenMedia.ca
Canada’s largest national newspaper joins thousands seeking answers about the government’s expensive and out of control spying | OpenMedia.ca
It’s been just a week since OpenMedia.ca and the BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) announced a constitutional challenge to stop illegal government spying against law-abiding Canadians - and already the response from Canadians has been remarkable.
In just seven days, thousands of you from across the country have pledged to stand with the brave lawyers at the BCCLA to “uphold the constitutional right of all Canadian residents to be free from unlawful spying and intrusion by government entities”.
Word of the court challenge is spreading fast, helped along by extensive coverage in national and local media outlets, including on CBC News, The Globe and Mail, and Daily Xtra. The news also made a big splash internationally, with our own Steve Anderson being interviewed on popular cable news channel Russia Today and with articles about the case appearing on major U.S. websites including GigaOM, the Daily Dot, and The New York Times. Thanks to all of you who stood with us and helped us achieve this level of coverage.
Already we’re starting to have an impact. Late last week, the Senate held a lively debate about the activities of government spy agency CSEC, with many senators pressuring the government for greater transparency and answers about CSEC’s activities - not least the way that their spying on Brazil has undermined Canada’s relationship with a hugely important Latin American ally.
Maasai - Survival International
Maasai - Survival International:
Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher have been photographing African tribes for three decades. In a unique gallery collaboration with Survival, Maasai ways of life are beautifully portrayed.
Surveillance : la DGSE a transmis des données à la NSA américaine
Surveillance : la DGSE a transmis des données à la NSA américaine
Surveillance: DGSE transmitted the data to the American NSA
LE MONDE | • Updated |
A week after the protests of indignation expressed by the French political authorities after World revelations about the extent of electronic interceptions made in France by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), new evidence that this emotion could be , in part, feigned.
Tuesday, October 29, before the Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives, the head of the NSA, General Keith Alexander, swore that the information of the World as well as those of El Mundo in Spain , and L'Espresso in Italy , the interception of communications of European citizens by the NSA were "completely false." He said that it was "data to the NSA" by those European partners.
A few hours earlier, the U.S. newspaper The Wall Street Journal, based on anonymous sources, said that 70.3 million telephone data collected in France, by the NSA, between 10 December 2012 and 8 January 2013 were provided by the services themselves French. These items were sent, according to the newspaper, pursuant to an agreement of cooperation in intelligence between the United States and France.
This information, which tend to clear customs NSA intrusion, not allow progress in the understanding of the American spy in the world as long as they are put in resonance with the light shed on October 28 by the Süddeutsche Zeitung. The German press has reported, with a note unveiled by ex-NSA consultant Edward Snowden, the existence of a cooperation agreement on monitoring between France and the United States known as the "Silk ".
According to our information, collected from a senior official of the intelligence community in France, the direction of the French foreign service, the DGSE, has, in fact, established in from late 2011 and early 2012, a Memorandum of data exchange with the United States.
France has a strategic position for transportation of electronic data. The submarine cables by which most data from transit Africa and Afghanistan landed at Marseilles and Penmarc in Britain . These strategic areas are within the reach of the French DGSE, which intercepts and stores much of what flows between France and abroad.
"This is a bartering is established between the management of the NSA and the DGSE, said the same source. Entire blocks are given in these areas and they give us in return parts of the world where we are absent, but the negotiation was not done at once, the scope of sharing widens over talks that still persist today. "
So it seems, a priori, partly true, that some of the data transmitted over the telephone French soil is transmitted in accordance with cooperation agreements, and without sorting, the DGSE to the NSA. It is therefore data concerning French citizens receiving these communications as foreign geographic areas using these channels as well.
Read reactions Government considers "unlikely" the denials of the NSA
It seems unlikely that the French government, which oversees the funding of infrastructure interception and storage of the DGSE, do not be aware of these practices. Which puts the sincerity of French recriminations after the announcement by Le Monde, these U.S. interceptions.
The absence of clear legal status metadata France and the strange discretion of the National Control Commission security intercepts (CNCIS) appear, in addition, have facilitated the transmission to the NSA by the DGSE of millions of data within the privacy of millions of French.
Given the amount of interceptions made in one month, advanced by the intelligence services on issues related to the fight against terrorism justification may also be questionable.
According to an official at Matignon, France is not the only " swap "and the data from its territory. She belonged to a "friendly" which includes countries such that Israel , the Sweden or Italy, which also converge to strategic submarine cables for Americans. Since 2011, a new reshuffling of cooperation and intelligence is made solely on the basis of this underwater geography.
This information therefore come specify those already published by Le Monde about the collection in a month, by the NSA, 70.3 million telephone data for France. That some of the information is transmitted with the consent of the DGSE does not change its intrusiveness freedoms. The new lighting installation primarily the responsibility of French political authorities. Sought on this cooperation, the DGSE has declined to comment.
In addition, The World continues, based on documents released by Edward Snowden to decrypt tables interception of telephone and digital data in the world, it is operations "against" a country called. In this case, France.
A senior French intelligence, seal, Wednesday morning, admitted, on condition of anonymity, the existence of "the exchange of data." He however denied "categorically" that the DGSE can transfer "70.3 million given to the NSA."
> Read also (subscriber edition): In Paris, American statements are described as "extravagant"
TEMOIGNAGE – Nabila, 9 ans, raconte la guerre des drones au Congrès américain | Big Browser
TEMOIGNAGE – Nabila, 9 ans, raconte la guerre des drones au Congrès américain | Big Browser
October 30, 2013
October 30, 2013
TESTIMONY - Nabila, 9, said the drone war in Congress
"It was very dark, we saw nothing. I heard a cry, I think it was my grandmother, but I did not see her." Tuesday, October 29, this is a 9 year old girl, Nabila Rehman, who spoke to members of the U.S. Congress.
Pakistan came with his father and brother, she is poised to mark America by becoming one of the first victims of the "drone war" to testify in the United States of its effects on the population.
Before parliamentary, Nabila came with one of his drawings. Like all children, she represents his daily life: his house and mountainous landscape. Except that hover above as a constant threat both black silhouettes of U.S. drones.
That day in October 2012, is his grandmother, Momina Bibi, 67, who was killed in a missile sent by a drone while harvested vegetables in his garden. "It looked like it had exploded into pieces, "he told his brother, Zubair, 13, also present at the hearing held by Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson and Robert Greewald, author of a documentary about the drones out Wednesday in the United States.
Error U.S. strike? His son, the father of Nabila, do not believe it.
"Some media have reported that the attack was a car, but there is no road near my mother. Others said it was a house, but the missiles hit a field, not a home, "he told, reports the Telegraph .
"I urge President Obama swiftly (...) to meet the family and explain why their grandmother died," he told Mustafa Qadri working on Pakistan to Amnesty International.
"I prefer cloudy days because the drones do not fly"
In its latest report on the drone attacks in Pakistan, NGOs estimated the number of civilians "were not involved in the fighting and posed no danger to others" to 19 who were killed by drones since January 2012 in the North Waziristan region of northern countries known to be a Taliban stronghold.
Situation become difficult for people to live, as told children Rehman. "Now, I prefer cloudy days because the drones do not fly these days, told Zubair, in comments reported by The Independent . When the sky is blue and bright, they come back, and fear comes with them. Children no longer play a lot and have stopped going to school. Education is no longer possible as the drones prowl over our heads. "
Amnesty, which investigated precisely 9 45 attacks that hit northwestern Pakistan between January 2012 and August 2013, believes that some are similar to "extra-judicial executions and war crimes."
"When he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, Obama made an emotional speech which referred to the centrality of the Christian doctrine of just war theorized by St. Ambrose and St. Augustine, recalled Tuesday Washington Post . Yet the doctrine of just war involves an attack not only be proportionate and necessary, undertaken as a last resort, it avoids unnecessary damage and it has reasonable to put an end to the conflict. On this point chances, it is unclear how the drone attacks may act for peace, or even lead to it. "
Filmmaker Uncovers Her Family's Shocking Slave-Trading History, Urges Americans to Explore Own Roots - YouTube
Filmmaker Uncovers Her Family's Shocking Slave-Trading History, Urges Americans to Explore Own Roots - YouTube:
As we continue our conversation on slavery we are joined by a woman who uncovered that her ancestors were the largest slave trading family in U.S. history. Katrina Browne documented her roots in the film, "Traces of the Trade: A Story From the Deep North" which revealed how her family, based in Rhode Island, was once the largest slave trading family in U.S. history. After the film aired on PBS in 2008, Browne went on to found the Tracing Center on Histories and Legacies of Slavery. We speak to Browne and Craig Steven Wilder, author of the new book, "Ebony & Ivy: Race, Slavery and the Troubled History of America's Universities."
Watch our extended interview with Craig Steven Wilder about "Ebony & Ivy" at YT LINK TO SEG 2.
Shackles and Ivy: The Secret History of How Slavery Helped Build America’s Elite Colleges | Democracy Now!
Shackles and Ivy: The Secret History of How Slavery Helped Build America’s Elite Colleges | Democracy Now!
Did you know that major American universities have extensive ties to slavery? We're joined by historian Craig Steven Wilder, who tells us some shocking stories about Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth, Rutgers, Williams, and the University of North Carolina ... among others.
The Story of Good Versus Evil
The Story of Good Versus Evil
To this day, a philosophical debate rages on as to the true nature of humanity. Is humanity at its core good or evil? Does the human species amount to no more than a parasite on the planet as Agent Smith says in The Matrix, “a cancer”, intent on devouring every last resource even at its own peril? Or do we have a natural tendency towards compassion and love, intent on creating beauty and with the desire to give our unique gifts to the world? While this topic invites what may seem like an endless and impossible debate, perhaps through our exploration, we may conclude that it is actually the wrong question to ask. More on that later. First, the debate!
Canadian spy agency sued for spying on Canadians - YouTube
Canadian spy agency sued for spying on Canadians - YouTube
Canadian spy agency CSEC sued by the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association and Openmedia.ca for illegally spying on Canadians. Please Share!
Canadian spy agency CSEC sued by the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association and Openmedia.ca for illegally spying on Canadians. Please Share!
Canadian spy agency sued for allegedly violating Charter Rights and Freedoms -BCCLA, OpenMedia say CSEC is illegally spying on Canadians http://bit.ly/H0jE9D -CBC
"One of Canada's top spy agencies, the Communications Security Establishment Canada, is facing a lawsuit for violating privacy rights of Canadian citizens. The lawsuit was filed by the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association and Openmedia.ca. The two organizations argue that the broad and unchecked surveillance of citizens directly violates the country's constitution. RT's Meghan Lopez talks with Steve Anderson, the executive director at Openmedia.ca, about how the lawsuit came about." -RT
Let's do our part and stand behind those taking the government to court for CSEC spying on Canadians. Can you sign, share and help spread the word? http://OpenMedia.ca/CSEC - D
Lawsuits claim Pfizer drug Lipitor gave women type 2 diabetes
Lawsuits claim Pfizer drug Lipitor gave women type 2 diabetes:
(NaturalNews) Drug giant Pfizer has recently been hit with a flurry of lawsuits from women claiming that the company's blockbuster cholesterol drug Lipitor caused them to develop type 2 diabetes.
Pfizer released Lipitor in 2007, promoting it as a safe way to lower levels of LDL cholesterol, commonly called "bad cholesterol" and linked to an elevated risk of heart disease.
In 2011, however, a study showed an increased risk of type 2 diabetes among Lipitor patients. Critics of the study suggested that the results were due to the fact that patients on cholesterol-lowering drugs are already at higher risk for diabetes than the general population, because they tend to have higher blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Nevertheless, in 2012, the FDA instructed Pfizer to add a warning label to Lipitor showing that the drug might increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Then, in May of this year, a study in the British Medical Journal showed that Lipitor increases the risk of type 2 diabetes even more than other drugs in the same class (the statins), showing that the link cannot be due to preexisting risk alone. Women are particularly susceptible to this side effect: female Lipitor patients have a 22 percent higher risk of developing a new case of type 2 diabetes than women taking other statins.
Activist Post: Vaccine Dangers: BOMBSHELL Admissions from CDC’s 1999 Epidemiologist
Activist Post: Vaccine Dangers: BOMBSHELL Admissions from CDC’s 1999 Epidemiologist
Thomas Verstraeten, MD, in 1999 Regarding Ethylmercury from #Thimerosal in #Vaccines - Finally! After all these years of denial and damage, the truth about ethylmercury in the form of Thimerosal (49.6%) in vaccines has been revealed to a member of the U.S. Congress as a result of oversight requests.
Noam Chomsky
a look at the parts of the American economy that are competitive
internationally: it’s agriculture, which gets massive state subsidies;
the cutting edge of high-tech industry, which is paid for by the
Pentagon; and the pharmaceutical industry, which is heavily subsidized
through public science funding — those are the parts of the economy that
function competitively. And the same thing is true of every other
country in the world: the successful economies are the ones that have a
big government sector. I mean, capitalism is fine for the Third World —
we love them to be inefficient. But we’re not going to accept it. And
what’s more, this has been true since the beginnings of the industrial
revolution: there is not a single economy in history that developed
without extensive state intervention, like high protective tariffs and
subsidies and so on. In fact, all the things we prevent the Third World
form doing have been the prerequisites for development everywhere else —
I think that’s without exception.”
— Noam Chomsky, Understanding Power
N.S.A. Promises to Stop Getting Caught Spying on Allies : The New Yorker
N.S.A. Promises to Stop Getting Caught Spying on Allies : The New Yorker
The Borowitz Report: N.S.A. Promises to Stop Getting Caught Spying on Allies
Victims of drone strike testify before Congress — RT USA
Victims of drone strike testify before Congress — RT USA:
The victims of a drone strike alleged to be launched last year by the United States spoke to members of Congress on Tuesday and urged the US government to stop killing civilians with weaponized unmanned aerial vehicles.
Rafiq ur Rehman, a primary school teacher from North Waziristan, Pakistan, spoke through an interpreter on Capitol Hill on Tuesday along with his two children, ages nine and 13.
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Florida) invited Rehman to speak in Washington about the strike last October that killed Momina Bibi, his 67-year-old mother who was recognized around the region as a midwife, not a militant. Regardless, a weaponized drone purported to be under the control of the US Central Intelligence Agency executed Bibi in front of her grandchildren on Oct. 24, 2012. The US has not formally acknowledged the attack, nor taken responsibility.
Natural News Blogs How Cranial Sacral Therapy Helps Your Body Heal Itself » Natural News Blogs
Natural News Blogs How Cranial Sacral Therapy Helps Your Body Heal Itself » Natural News Blogs
When you have an illness or an injury, you seek help from therapists and doctors. But they don’t actually heal you.
They do assist in your recovery, but your body does the work of healing, just like a cut finger heals itself. No one can heal your finger but you.
When you have aches and pains and injuries or sickness, the best way to get better is to get your body in a state of health so healing can occur. This can be done in many ways by yourself with a nutritious diet, exercise, restful sleep, managing your reaction to stress, etc. But sometimes you need the help of someone trained to help.
Your body and mind need to be in a state of balance, which will allow the blood, lymph and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) to flow to the tissues that depend on it to function properly. And your nervous system needs to be able to do its job, too.
We are dynamic beings. Movement in our bodies never stops. Blood races through our vessels. CSF is manufactured by the brain and it flows down and around your spinal cord while neurons send messages to each other. When all this activity stops, we are gone, but not before then.
In order to keep fluid moving well so healing cells can reach their target destination, our muscles and joints need to be mobile and functional.
DARPA Scientists Create Superfast Wi-Fi That Attaches Information to Light Beams | Minds
DARPA Scientists Create Superfast Wi-Fi That Attaches Information to Light Beams | Minds
DARPA Scientists Create Superfast Wi-Fi That Attaches Information to Light Beams.
U.S. Says France, Spain Aided NSA Spying - WSJ.com
U.S. Says France, Spain Aided NSA Spying - WSJ.com:
Millions of phone records at the center of a firestorm in Europe over spying by the National Security Agency were secretly supplied to the U.S. by European intelligence services—not collected by the NSA, upending a furor that cast a pall over trans-Atlantic relations.
The revelations suggest a greater level of European involvement in global surveillance, in conjunction at times with the NSA. The disclosures also put European leaders who loudly protested reports of the NSA's spying in a difficult spot, showing how their spy agencies aided the Americans.
The phone records collected by the Europeans—in war zones and other areas outside their borders—were shared with the NSA as part of efforts to help protect American and allied troops and civilians, U.S. officials said.
European leaders remain chagrined over revelations that the U.S. was spying on dozens of world leaders, including close allies in Europe. The new disclosures were separate from those programs.
But they nevertheless underline the complexities of intelligence relationships, and how the U.S. and its allies cooperate in some ways and compete in others.
Hack the PM’s phone? She’ll be right, mate. | Scott Ludlam
Hack the PM’s phone? She’ll be right, mate. | Scott Ludlam
Greens MP Scott Ludlam needs our help to fight for our digital rights and civil liberties.
Greens MP Scott Ludlam needs our help to fight for our digital rights and civil liberties.
["European and South American leaders who find themselves the target of NSA surveillance in the name of ‘national security' no doubt find it offensive to be determined a security risk by a close ally. The reality is much more prosaic, as the NSA and kindred intelligence agencies around the world have been engaged in industrial and commercial espionage for decades. Detailed revelations about the pervasive scope of the spying has at last provoked furious debate around the world - not least that much of it has nothing whatsoever to do with ‘national security.'"
"Contrast this with the cheerful oblivion passing as policy here in Australia, where Labor and Liberal have united in bipartisan silence in an attempt to normalise the surveillance overkill revealed by whistleblowers and journalists.
"We are yet to hear a single word of concern from Australia's Prime Minister or Attorney General, and I don't expect that we will. With Australian intelligence agencies deeply embedded in the NSA's creeping global panopticon, it will be up to the Australian Greens and allies working with civil society in Australia and around the world to roll back the surveillance state."]
Three degrees of separation: breaking down the NSA's 'hops' surveillance method | World news | theguardian.com
Three degrees of separation: breaking down the NSA's 'hops' surveillance method | World news | theguardian.com
Are you facebook friends with someone? What if they're facebook friends with someone who the state believes is dangerous? Then chances are you're being watched as well. Click this link to see how staggering the numbers are.
UN steps in to rein in NSA surveillance | Minds
UN steps in to rein in NSA surveillance | Minds
With the latest revelations regarding N.S.A. spying, a coalition of countries lead by Spain and Germany are now getting together in the U.N. to rein in U.S. surveillance. [details] : http://ow.ly/qiqO2
With the latest revelations regarding N.S.A. spying, a coalition of countries lead by Spain and Germany are now getting together in the U.N. to rein in U.S. surveillance. [details] : http://ow.ly/qiqO2
Passage à tabac d’un travailleur immigré : "Les Saoudiens se croient tout permis"
The National Society of Human Rights announced that it was launching an investigation into the violence and said that if the facts are confirmed, the responsible will be punished. The video of a new case of violence by a Saudi on a migrant worker has been published on the Internet. The images were taken by several Arab television this weekend, so that the authorities responsible for human rights in the kingdom were seized of the case. But our observers are skeptical ... The scene is divided into two parts. At first, a man of Asian origin but it is not possible to identify with certainty the nationality receives repeatedly violent slaps administered by another man who is not visible. After receiving the umpteenth time, the size, it rises. That is when he is beaten with fists and kicks with her attacker who not hesitate to whip the face with the headband used to hold its ghoutrah, Saudi traditional headdress [the Editorial Observer decided to publish only screenshots particularly violent images]. The place, date and the exact circumstances of the altercation is not known.
Saudi Arabia: Free Journalist who Supported Women Driving | Human Rights Watch
Saudi Arabia: Free Journalist who Supported Women Driving | Human Rights Watch:
(Beirut) – Saudi authorities should immediately release a male journalist who expressed support for an end to the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia. Officials should also stop harassing and trying to intimidate activists and women who defied the ban by driving on October 26, 2013.
Local activists reported that more than 50 women defying the ban drove on October 26, according to messages they received from the women and videos women uploaded to YouTube showing themselves driving.
“Saudi authorities are retaliating against people who want a very basic right for women, the right to get behind the wheel and drive themselves where they want to go,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director. “The authorities should end the driving ban and stop harassing people for supporting women’s rights.”
Human Rights Watch
Ctrl+Alt+EU | vredesactie
Ctrl+Alt+EU | vredesactie
Ctrl+Alt+EU : No military Europe
Vredesactie launches a new campaign against the militarisation of Europe. If you want to know why and how you should come to one of our planned info sessions in Ghent (16 October or 13 November) or Hechtel-Eksel (2 November).
You can find a link to more information, planned actions and how to participate in the menu on the right. More information about the info sessions can be found in the agenda.
The European quarter in Brussels
The impressive buildings of the European institutions stand right next to the offices of large defence lobbyists. Weapons manufacturers and their lobbyists are regulars at the European political institutions. They help shape policy, sell their solutions to problems they themselves define to the European Union and obtain subsidies for their research and product development. “What's good for companies, is good for everyone”, is the motto of the European politicians. They look at the arms industry as an economical sector like any other industry that must be nurtured to stay competitive in a global market. But policy tailored to the arms industry does not create a safer world – and hence not a safer Europe either.
High time to step in
Vredesactie rises to the challenge with the campaign Ctrl+Alt+EU. Preceding the European elections of May 2014 we will take action in the European quarter in Brussels. We will burst the Brussels bubble: we'll disrupt the daily functioning and reveal the interweaving between companies and politics.
Roma in Europe: Guilty until proven innocent? -- DisplayNews
GENEVA (29 October 2013) – “The recent activities of some national authorities to remove 'non-Roma looking' children from Roma families due to their alleged abduction has led to sensationalist media coverage, has been disturbing and may result in a dangerous, unwarranted backlash against Roma individuals and communities. Some authorities and media outlets appear to be working on the basis that the Roma are ‘guilty until proven innocent’.
GENEVA (29 October 2013) – “The recent activities of some national authorities to remove 'non-Roma looking' children from Roma families due to their alleged abduction has led to sensationalist media coverage, has been disturbing and may result in a dangerous, unwarranted backlash against Roma individuals and communities. Some authorities and media outlets appear to be working on the basis that the Roma are ‘guilty until proven innocent’.
The case of the young blonde girl called Maria, who was found living in a Roma settlement in Greece, prompted a wave of anti-Roma reports, which made the front pages of media globally. Uninformed accusations were made about how she was stolen and abused, even before a thorough investigation could be conducted. Reports now suggest that, following DNA tests, Maria has been found to be the daughter of Bulgarian Roma parents who have stated that they voluntarily left the girl with the Greek Roma family because they could not afford to look after her themselves. The Greek Roma couple reportedly remain in custody on charges of abduction.
If investigations find that Maria was abducted by those Roma she lived with, then certainly those individuals should face justice and should be prosecuted according to the law. But too many people appear to believe the stereotypes that all Roma are criminals by birth. If Roma individuals are found to be guilty of a crime, this will be the crime of those individuals, not of the entire Roma population. Sadly, this recent coverage threatens to provoke a further angry reaction against Roma communities accused of snatching children, who are already the subject of hatred. In various countries, desperate families with missing children are now calling on police to investigate Roma settlements to find their loved ones.
Meanwhile, Roma families are seeing their own children being taken away from them based on simplistic notions of the right eye-colour and hair-colour for a Roma individual. There has been evidence of inappropriate, ethnically biased behaviour on the part of some authorities, which must cease. The incident in Ireland recently, where two blonde Roma children were taken away from their parents, and only returned after DNA tests proved that they were indeed their children, is illustrative and must have been distressing for the families.
For generations, Roma children have been taken away from their families because of poverty and the assumption that poor Roma parents cannot take care of their children. Many Roma children go missing and are at risk of trafficking or prostitution. Segregated education of Roma, the forced sterilization of Roma women, and the murder of Roma individuals in hate based attacks are just a few of the many tragedies faced by Roma that rarely get media coverage. The Roma population in Europe is estimated at about 12 million people, and there is a long history of discrimination against them.
martes, 29 de octubre de 2013
NSA stores data to target any citizen at any time - Greenwald — RT News
NSA stores data to target any citizen at any time - Greenwald — RT News
The current revelations on the NSA’s spying are just the tip of the iceberg and affect “almost every country in the world,” said Glenn Greenwald. He stressed the NSA stores data for “as long as it can,” so they can target a citizen whenever they want.
Glenn Greenwald, the man behind the reports on the NSA global spy program, spoke to El Mundo journalist German Aranda and stressed that the US espionage activities went much further than just Europe.
"There are a lot of countries, and journalists in a lot of different countries, who have been asking for stories and to work on documents for a long time," Greenwald said. He added that he was working as fast as possible to “make sure that all of these documents get reported in every single country there are documents for, which is most countries in the world.”
Shedding light on the NSA’s motives in compiling metadata on citizens, he said the spy organization’s main aim was to store the information to be able to dip into it whenever necessary.
"The very clear objective of the NSA is not just to collect all this, but to keep it for as long as they can," said Greenwald.
"So they can at any time target a particular citizen of Spain or anywhere else and learn what they've been doing, in terms of who they have been communicating with.”
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