«La crisis ha sido planifica para instaurar un pensamiento único y un gobierno mundial» - abcdesevilla.es
«La crisis ha sido planifica para instaurar un pensamiento único y un gobierno mundial» - abcdesevilla.es
The journalist and writer Cristina Martin Jimenez ( Seville , 1974) reports on "Lost" (Martínez Roca) the "secret plans" the Bilderberg Club, an international lobby created in 1954 and composed of personalities from politics, finance and culture Seville which the author calls "true masters of the world", and those responsible for international economic crisis that began in 2008, following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. "The crisis-says-is a laboratory product, deliberately planned and designed. And Europe has become a testing ground internationally. "
The author warns in his book the control of media and messages that are thrown around the crisis and that, in his opinion, 't ratan to manipulate public opinion with a single thought that leads to a world government. " Is your goal? "More than economic, which is also the objective of this global government is power. Being able to control everyone, say what they have to watch on TV, what they have to buy a brutal globalization lead us not only to a single thought but something even more appalling: a unique feeling, "she says.
To this end, the author recalls, 'we need a monitoring system that tight Edward Snowden has uncovered and outrage has reached Angela Merkel, whose motive was also spied'. Cristina Martin also recalls the recent statements of a Japanese minister about the life expectancy of its citizens. "Says Martin. Said he lived too old and suggested that the economy would suffer less if they died before, I guess also because it is easier to manipulate the children and young people"
How do you build this global government? "Basically with unique messages and lies that seek to create fear in us, a fear paralyze us, confuse us and make us feel lost, which is how we feel and the book's title," says the journalist Seville. Among these "lies" global warming quote, reported by Al Gore.
Who holds the reins of power? asks the cover of the book. "Not all who handle them now belong to the Bilderberg Club, but there are many members in this select group. There are other recent forums like the G-30, which leads the European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet "he says.
The writer Seville, United States, Romania, Colombia and Mexico, among others países.pronosticó in his first book, published in 2005, the international economic crisis. The book became a best seller in Spain