Assange appelliert an Hacker, die Welt zu informieren | ZEIT ONLINE
Assange appelliert an Hacker, die Welt zu informieren | ZEIT ONLINE
Chaos Communication "System administrators, unite"
The task of Julian Assange and Jacob Appelbaum have dedicated themselves to publish secret. They call all Internet Technician should help.
30 December 2013 00:58 clock

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange holds the 30th Chaos Communication Congress a lecture. | © Angelika Warmuth / dpa
Julian Assange and Jacob Appelbaum have accessed the System Administrator for the world to unite in a new class struggle. Assange, founder of WikiLeaks and Appelbaum, one of the partners of Edward Snowden in the detection of the NSA surveillance scandal, spoke at the 30th Chaos Communication Congress (30c3) to several thousand participants.
Assange and Appelbaum are whistleblowers, both have dedicated themselves to the task of making secret knowledge public. The same they demanded by those present of the 30c3. The technicians of the Internet world have enormous power, Assange said in a video message, which was transferred from the Embassy of Ecuador in London, where he is staying for more than a year. You should use them to help to make secret knowledge public.
Assange spoke of an information apartheid, an imbalance in which the public no longer has access to get important information. This imbalance must be corrected.
Therefore, he called on them to infiltrate organizations like the CIA. "Go into these organizations and bringing the information out," he said. Literally: "Go into the ballpark and get the ball out."
New class struggle
Both recalled the struggles of the workers during the industrial revolution. Such a struggle is needed again. Proletarians of all countries, unite , was one of the main slogans of the labor movement in the 20th Century. Remembering overwritten Assange and Appelbaum her speech with the words: "sysadmins of the world, unite"
Workers in the high-tech industry should be seen as a political class, called for Assange and Appelbaum. You should unite and start a new class struggle against the powerful.
Who exactly are they "the powerful" meant by, they did not say. Primarily, they will have but the call based on the secret services of the U.S. and the U.S. government - in view of the monitoring programs of the American services .
Hippocratic Oath for technicians
It is not the first call of this kind - and certainly not at the 30c3, where it's all about just this monitoring and the fight against it . Since the espionage practices and the extent of monitoring by the NSA and other intelligence agencies were known, there are such appeals.
Last hit the American blogger and journalism professor Jeff Jarvis before , technicians should be a Hippocratic Oath: "Computer scientists and data analysts are the nuclear scientists of our time (...) you must create an ethics (...) as herself with. deal of their power when intelligence, governments or even their own employers require them to violate our privacy, to use our own data against us or limit our freedom of speech. "