Rote Flora in Hamburg: Angst vor Eskalation | Politik - Frankfurter Rundschau
Senator of the Interior Neumann told the NDR, the responsibility for the violence deceptive "Only the criminals". But let there be doubt. The organizers of the elevator accuse the police to have escalated the situation, to "get behind smoke and water cannons invisible" to the political dispute about the flora and the SPD refugee policy. Peter Beuth, a lawyer for the Rote Flora, had the NDR said that the police had deliberately set to violence, "to prevent any lift from the beginning."
Rote Flora in Hamburg Angst vor Eskalation
From Hanning Voigt 
Police in front of the Rote Flora under fireworks fire. Photo: REUTERS / Morris Mac Matzen
While the controversy over the Hamburg red-Flora demonstration not abate, makes Hamburg a potentially targeted attack on policeman stir. Meanwhile, residents and lawyers raise new allegations against the police.
Also, nearly two weeks after the escalation of a demonstration for the preservation of the autonomous cultural center Rote Flora Hamburg is not to rest. While the causes of the clashes in which 120 officials and, according to left-wing groups around 500 protesters had been injured, to be discussed further, has caused a stir last weekend a potentially targeted attack on policemen. Meanwhile, residents and lawyers raise new allegations against the police.
On 21 December had about 8,000 people, including many supporters of the autonomous scene, gathered in Hamburg Schanze district to protest against the threatened eviction of the Rote Flora, and for the right to stay around 300 Lampedusa refugees. After about 20 meters, the police had stopped the tip of the march using batons, after which the situation had escalated. As a result, police and Autonomous had delivered massive street battles.
For SPD Interior Senator Michael Neumann and police the situation since then has been clear: to blame for the escalation were the demonstrators. It had been confronted with violence 4700 Prepare, said a police spokeswoman for the Frankfurter Rundschau. The officers had stopped the demo top because they had started too early. Subsequently, the police were immediately pelted with stones and bottles, which have led to the use of water cannons and ultimately to the dissolution of the demonstration. The Hamburg CDU deputy Karl-Heinz Warnholz has now demanded with respect to these descriptions, the future of arming the police with rubber bullets. Senator of the Interior Neumann told the NDR, the responsibility for the violence deceptive "Only the criminals".