domingo, 2 de febrero de 2014

Iraq: 935 Lies, A Tyrant with “Weapons of Mass Destruction” | Global Research

Iraq: 935 Lies, A Tyrant with “Weapons of Mass Destruction” | Global Research:

 “The greatest crime since World War II has been U.S. foreign policy.” (Former US Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, b 1927.)

As outlined by Felicity Arbuthnot in this incisive historical review, the US is now providing weapons to the Maliki government to fight Al Qaeda in Iraq and the Levant (AQIL). In a bitter irony, they are also supplying AQIL with weapons to fight the US puppet regime.

This article carefully documents the role of war crimes in feeding the military industrial complex. “War is Good for Business” and so are war crimes. Russia is tacitly complicit in selling weapons to the Iraqi “government” which constitutes a US proxy regime.

The not so hidden objective is twofold: to feed multibillion dollar contracts to the US weapons producers while also contributing to the ongoing destruction of Iraq as a nation state. (GR Editor. M.Ch.)