Stop spying on climate negotiations, group warns US
Stop spying on climate negotiations, group warns US:
Foremost Nigerian network of NGOs working on climate change and sustainable development, Climate and Sustainable Development (CSDevNet), has called on the United States President Barack Obama to put an end to its surveillance activities and stop undermining the UN climate negotiations.
They said the call became necessary following the release of documents leaked by Edward Snowden which revealed how the US National Security Agency (NSA) monitored communication between key countries before and during the conference to give their negotiators advance information about other positions at the high-profile meeting where world leaders, including Barack Obama, Gordon Brown and Angela Merkel failed to agree to a strong commitment on climate change
In a statement signed by the Group’s National Coordinator, Atayi Babs, CSDevNet condemned the US action, describing it as “surreptitious and unwholesome, capable of undermining current steps aimed at securing a comprehensive, global plan to save the climate.”
The group believed that underhand tactics such as that employed by the US, have only succeeded in injecting ominous air into climate talks, leading to the evaporation of trust and maximum goodwill which are critical ingredients in negotiating a safer planet.