domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Venezuela: "McRevolution" Attempts Regime Change -

Venezuela: "McRevolution" Attempts Regime Change -

The current uprising in Venezuela is quite confusing, as they are enduring a slew of anti-government protests. But amid a storm of manipulations, lie dangerous traps that could really hurt movements fighting for social justice around the world. Some of the current dialogue surrounding these protests could trap social movements into defending police brutality, which later on could be used as leverage by governments against left wing activists. The situation in Venezuela was quite possibly provoked by fanatical right-wing opposition members terrorizing neighborhoods, but wouldn’t capitalists just love to see anti-capitalist social movements praise the state’s police forces and even worse? Wouldn’t the CATO institute and CANVAS, the vanguard of capitalist “McRevolution” in Venezuela, just be in heaven to see that happen?