lunes, 30 de junio de 2014
The Failure of Mainstream Media | Global Research
The Failure of Mainstream Media | Global Research:
The European Union is in economic crisis while the people of a drastically de-industrialized United States are being held hostage by Wall Street’s greed and quest for monopoly, which is leading America towards a militarized police state.
The Fragmentation of Iraq and the Middle East: “Muslim Civil War”? | Global Research
The Fragmentation of Iraq and the Middle East: “Muslim Civil War”? | Global Research
As the neoconservative and quasi-liberal media discuss what the best
course of action is and what our obligations are to Iraq, not a single
media outlet has asked the most important questions yet: Who is aiding
and arming ISIS? And how, in our global war on terror, did a terror
group like ISIS slip under the rug in a nation like Iraq, where the
largest U.S. Embassy is located? And how [are] terror groups like ISIS
an expression of imperialism?
Women's Rights as a Bargaining Chip in Afghan Politics
Women's Rights as a Bargaining Chip in Afghan Politics
This must stop! Men voting by proxy for women #Afghanistan
The two men vying to
be the next president of Afghanistan, Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani, have
pledged to protect women's rights, which have in the past year become a
political bargaining chip in outgoing President Hamid Karzai's quest for a legacy.
Both men signed a petition organized by more than 100 women's rights organizations
calling for equality and an end to violence.
Facebook users: this is not the first time you've been experimented on - Telegraph
Facebook users: this is not the first time you've been experimented on - Telegraph:
As outrage builds over a psychological experiment Facebook conducted on its users, it's worth noting this is far from the first time such studies have been conducted, says Rhiannon Williams
Indonesia Overtakes Brazil in Forest Losses Despite Moratorium | The Jakarta Globe
Indonesia Overtakes Brazil in Forest Losses Despite Moratorium | The Jakarta Globe
The rate of deforestation in Indonesia is now the highest in the world and the forest losses are accelerating >
Rainforests truly are the lungs of our planet. They help regulate our
climate while providing homes for millions of people and some of the
world’s most threatened animals.
NOW is the time to ACT for forests:
losses of virgin forests were equivalent to an area almost as big as
Ireland from 2000-12, partly to make way for palm oil plantations and
other farms, according to a study. (AFP Photo/Romeo Gacad)
DNA from GMOs can pass directly into humans, study confirms | Live Free, Live Natural
DNA from GMOs can pass directly into humans, study confirms | Live Free, Live Natural
(Via NaturalNews | Jonathan Benson)
The idea that DNA from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is broken
down in the digestive tract and rendered innocuous, a common industry
claim, is patently false. A recent study published in the scientific
journal PLOS ONE found that large, meal-derived DNA fragments
from GMOs are fully capable of transferring their genes directly into
the bloodstream, deconstructing the myth that transgenic foods act on
the body in the same way as natural foods.
A combined analysis of four other independent studies involving more
than 1,000 human samples and a team of researchers from universities in
Hungary, Denmark and the U.S. looked at the assimilation process for
GMOs as they are currently consumed throughout the world. This includes
derivatives of GM crops such as high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) from GM
corn, for instance, and soy protein from GM soybeans, as well as meat
derived from animals fed a GM-based diet.
After looking at the data on how the human body processes these and
other forms of GMOs, the team discovered that DNA from GMOs is not
completely broken down by the body during the digestion process. What
would normally be degraded into smaller constituents like amino acids
and nucleic acids was found to remain whole. Not only this, but these
larger DNA fragments were found to pass directly into the circulatory
system, sometimes at a level higher than actual human DNA.
“[B]ased on the analysis of over 1000 human samples from four independent studies, we report evidence that meal-derived DNA
fragments which are large enough to carry complete genes can avoid
degradation and through an unknown mechanism enter the human circulation
system,” explained the authors in their study abstract.
“In one of the blood samples the relative concentration of plant DNA is higher than the human DNA.”
Afghanistan's theatre of the oppressed -- New Internationalist
Afghanistan's theatre of the oppressed -- New Internationalist
Women act out events in their lives to illustrate different issues and
problems they face, such as forced marriage. The plays rarely have a
happy ending, but participation is powerful. Audience solutions to
themes explored can eventually make their way into legislation.
The Tragic, Heroic Women of World War I - The Daily Beast
The Tragic, Heroic Women of World War I - The Daily Beast
Great War was a mixed blessing for British women, opening up the
workplace to them as never before, even as it slaughtered their husbands
and boyfriends.<p>I was wearing my best dress, best shoes, and
my hair was braided with ribbon. At four years old, I was only going
to have tea with a neighbor, so I might have seemed a little
overdressed—but my mother was well aware that the neighbor’s last
intimate experience of childhood was her own in Edwardian
England.<p>In 1959, I was the only child in our hamlet, so I was
in some demand among the ladies of a certain age who lived alone,
having never married. I would sit at table with my boiled egg and
toast, or a small cheese and cucumber sandwich and a scone with
butter and jam, and I would answer their questions. And because I was a
curious child, I had questions of my own. Each of those women had a
sepia photograph on the mantelpiece, of a young man in uniform. And
I remember the answer, when I asked about the man. “Oh, that was my
sweetheart. He died in the Great War.”<p>I already knew about
this “great war” because I’d been told that my grandfather’s ailments
were all due to the same event. Granddad had been wounded,
shell-shocked, and gassed at the Battle of the Somme in 1916, and it
was my questions about him that ignited a lifelong interest in the
effects of war and its aftermath—in particular, the changes wrought
by that conflict on the lives of women.<p>A young woman in
pre-World War I Britain would likely expect her life to follow that of
her mother and grandmother. Depending on her “station” in life,
she might work in a factory, in domestic service, a shop, or in an
office. If she were from the middle or upper classes, she would remain
at home until marriage, hopefully before the age of 21. Women’s
lives were as restricted as their clothing, though Britain’s
suffragettes were considered the most vociferous. Then war was
declared in 1914. By the time the Armistice was signed in 1918, a
British woman aged 16-32 stood only a one-in-ten chance of marriage.
The 1921 census revealed that there were two million “surplus” women
of marriageable age, a statistic that led to publication of a
pamphlet, “The Problem of the Surplus Women.” That might appear
amusing, but a generation had endured a devastating human
tragedy.<p>By the time the Armistice was signed in 1918, a British
woman aged 16-32 stood only a one-in-ten chance of marriage …
Jon Cruddas is right: Labour must beware the dead hand | Owen Jones | Comment is free | The Guardian
Jon Cruddas is right: Labour must beware the dead hand | Owen Jones | Comment is free | The Guardian
"Cheerleaders of Britain's stifling, failed political consensus will
portray those who want Labour to break from it as fringe elements.
Moderates, you see, are those who support a system that has left a
million people dependent on food banks in the sixth-richest country on
earth, produced the longest fall in living standards since Queen
Victoria and built a nation where most people in poverty are in work.
But it will be a coherent and inspiring alternative, not gimmicks, that
will deliver Labour electoral victory."
‘When Jon Cruddas
suggests that a “dead hand” blocks bold policies, two words form before
my eyes: Ed Balls.’ Photograph: Ken Jack/Demotix/Corbis Photograph:
Karen Robinson For The Observer/Karen Robinson
Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 30 June 2014 | Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 30 June 2014 | Human Rights Watch
In today's Brief: Extremists killing Shia in #Pakistan; attacks on Shia Turkmen in #Iraq; #CARcrisis; #China's crackdown; #Russia's anti-gay law; #EU migration deaths; US and land mines; cage-beds in #Czech psychiatric hospitals; and the #NSA's mass surveillance.
Facebook emotion study breached ethical guidelines, researchers say | Technology |
Facebook emotion study breached ethical guidelines, researchers say | Technology |
Researchers have roundly condemned Facebook's experiment in which it manipulated nearly 700,000 users' news feeds to see whether it would affect their emotions, saying it breaches ethical guidelines for "informed consent".
James Grimmelmann, professor of law at the University of Maryland, points in an extensive blog post that "Facebook didn't give users informed consent" to allow them to decide whether to take part in the study, under US human subjects research.
"The study harmed participants," because it changed their mood, Grimmelmann comments, adding "This is bad, even for Facebook."
But one of the researchers, Adam Kramer, posted a lengthy defence on Facebook, saying it was carried out "because we care about the emotional impact of Facebook and the people that use our product." He said that he and his colleagues "felt that it was important to investigate the common worry that seeing friends post positive content leads to people feeling negative or left out."
reinforced by what they saw - what the researchers called 'emotional
contagion'. Photograph: PA
How the American diet has failed - The Washington Post
How the American diet has failed - The Washington Post
Americans on average eat nearly 2,600 calories a day, almost 500 more than they did 30 years ago, according to the USDA.
Enriched, and ingrained. (Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg News)
The Tragedy of Political Advocacy
The Tragedy of Political Advocacy:
If you are one of the 135 million people [1] who have contacted Congress by letter, phone call, or online petition in the last few years, you've probably asked yourself: "Did that matter?"
If you are one of the 135 million people [1] who have contacted Congress by letter, phone call, or online petition in the last few years, you've probably asked yourself: "Did that matter?"
Despite how good your civic action may have made you feel, the overwhelming odds are that your deed was essentially pointless - and, surprisingly, Congress is not to blame.
No matter who wins at the ballot box in the next seven days, we all lose for the next few years if we don't start solving this Tragedy of Advocacy.
Lobbying Congress in the United States is a $3.5 billion dollar industry annually [2], with an additional $1.1 billion spent on issue advertising [3]. While large, those billions don't even include the budgets of the myriad nonprofits, vendors and other groups whose mission it is to drive citizen advocacy toward Congress. At the end of the day, it's impossible to know exactly how big, but added together, the industry is massive, and one of the biggest tools of the advocacy industry is mobilizing the grassroots - or asking people like you and me to "make our voices heard" by telling our representatives how to think or vote on an issue like health care or climate legislation.
Many of these advocacy groups have become incredibly savvy at enticing us to "share" or "act" with Congress online, employing professional staff that do nothing but try to get us involved. I know because I've been one of them for years.
Facebook defends secretly manipulating users, says experiments 'improved our service' - Gadgets and Tech - Life & Style - The Independent
Facebook defends secretly manipulating users, says experiments 'improved our service' - Gadgets and Tech - Life & Style - The Independent:
Facebook has responded to criticism it has received for manipulating users’ moods for a psychological experiment by saying the research was undertaken to “improve our service and to make the content people see on Facebook as relevant and engaging as possible.”
The social network has been strongly denounced by users after it published a paper detailing how it was able to affect individuals’ moods by altering the amount of positive or negative content that appeared in their News Feed.
Lawyers and technology experts have also expressed worries that the same methods could be used to manipulate populations for political gain while academics have criticized Facebook failing to acquire the “informed consent” necessary for subjects of human experiments.
In a statement given to The Independent, a spokesperson for the social network said: “This research was conducted for a single week in 2012 and none of the data used was associated with a specific person’s Facebook account. We carefully consider what research we do and have a strong internal review process. There is no unnecessary collection of people’s data in connection with these research initiatives and all data is stored securely.”
Social network researched the power 'emotional
contagion' by altering users' News Feeds to display either mostly
positive or negative emotional content
Economie - Des utilisateurs de Facebook cobayes malgré eux - France 24
Economie - Des utilisateurs de Facebook cobayes malgré eux - France 24:
Une équipe de chercheurs américains a mené en 2012 sur Facebook une étude sur près de 700 000 utilisateurs, testés à leur insu, pour observer la "contagion émotionnelle" des groupes. Certains dénoncent des méthodes "alarmantes".
Home - NO 2 ISDS!
Home - NO 2 ISDS!
Only one more week to tell the EU that we don't want #TTIP to mean that private companies can sue national governments!
Join us and sign your name here.
Media Roots Radio – Exclusive Interview with AT&T, NSA Whistleblower Mark Klein | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines
Media Roots Radio – Exclusive Interview with AT&T, NSA Whistleblower Mark Klein | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines
Exclusive Media Roots
Radio interview with former AT&T technician / NSA whistleblower
Mark Klein about his radical views on the NSA leaks, waking up to the
two-party sham and why we should be just as concerned with private
sector spying:
Watch Abby Martin interview Mark Klein on Breaking the Set starting at 15:30:
Watching the World Destroy Itself
Watching the World Destroy Itself:
The video opens with a few bars of adrenalin-pumping music. We see a topsy-turvy camera angle, sky, trees, darkness, then a staccato pop pop pop that blends rhythmically with the music, but of course it’s gunfire, lots of gunfire, followed by a few urgent words in Arabic, then English. “Down here! Down here!”
This chaotic excitement is Iraq, the evening’s International Hot Spot, brought to us by ABC. It’s the news, but it’s also reality TV and big league sports, rolled into an entertainment package of shocking cluelessness. OMG, ISIS is on the move. It’s winning. Stay tuned!
Iraq, Iraq. This is a disaster stamped “made in USA.” Worse than that. It’s a bleeding stump of a nation that we destroyed in our pursuit of empire, at the cost of multi-trillions of dollars, hundreds of thousands or perhaps a million Iraqi lives, and spiritual and physical damage to American troops so profound a new phrase had to be coined: moral injury. And now, our official, moneyed media serve up what’s left of Iraq to us as geopolitical entertainment: the moderates (our guys, sort of) vs. the insurgents. Go, U.S.-trained troops! Stand tough and die for American interests, OK?
Of course, as the Washington Post reported earlier this month: “Fighters with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), an al-Qaeda offshoot, overran the western bank of the city (of Mosul) overnight after U.S.-trained Iraqi soldiers and police officers abandoned their posts, in some instances discarding their uniforms as they sought to escape the advance of the militants.”
War's First Casualty: The Truth
War's First Casualty: The Truth
Investigative journalist Charles Lewis joins Bill Moyers to talk about why facts, logic and reason are often missing in the rush to war.
<iframe src="//" width="500" height="281" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
The Power Principle: Corporate Empire and the Rise of the National Security State (2012) | Watch Documentary Free Online
The Power Principle: Corporate Empire and the Rise of the National Security State (2012) | Watch Documentary Free Online:
"A gripping, deeply informative account of the
plunder, hypocrisy, and mass violence of plutocracy and empire;
insightful, historically grounded and highly relevant to the events of
today." - Michael Parenti, Historian, Author The Face of Imperialism
Part I - Empire
Introduction to the Empire; Iran – Oil and Geopolitics; Guatemala – the
“merger of state and corporate power”; The Congo – Neocolonialism;
Grenada – “The Mafia Doctrine”; Chile – “libertarianism with a small l";
Globalization: Consequences.
1945: Grand Area Strategy;
Fascism: a “rational system of the plutocracy”; Case Studies: the Greek
Communists; The Italian Communists; the Spanish Anarchists; Fascism’s
Western backers; Trading with the Enemy; Fascism as “preservation of
civilization”; the Cold War and “A Century of Fear”.
Part II – Propaganda
The Soviet Menace?; Case Studies: El Salvador, Nicaragua; Propaganda:
Self-Deception and blowback; The “International Communist Conspiracy”;
Declassified Documents; NSC 68; The Pentagon as Keynsian Mechanism; The
Military Industrial Complex; The War against the Third World; Shifting
rationales; What is imperialism?; Case Study: Haiti; “War is a racket”.
Fear-based conditioning - The War of the Worlds, The Triumph of the
Will; World view Warfare; The Russians are coming; Television: The
“perfect propaganda medium”; Soviet vs. American propaganda; Hollywood
and the Pentagon; Psywarriors and the media; Operation Mockingbird; The
Pentagon Pundits; Project Revere; The Bomber Gap; “scare the hell out of
Part III – Apocalypse
Mutually Assured
Destruction; MAD men - Curtis Lemay and the super hawks; MAD men -
Hermann Kahn and the Rand Corporation; Over flights as provocation;
Cuba: the “danger of a good example”; terrorism against Cuba; “Unconventional warfare”; the Cuban Missile Crisis and the “man who saved the world”.
Why did the Soviet Union collapse?; Gorbachev: a “more violent, less
stable world”; the Pentagon’s New Map; Did Ronald Reagan end the Cold
War?; The Brink of Apocalypse: Able Archer; The betrayal of Russia; The
expansion of NATO; Yugoslavia and Libya; the Yeltsin coup; Living
standards in the former Soviet Union; A third way?
domingo, 29 de junio de 2014
Après l'affaire « News of the World », ce rapport qui accable les médias britanniques (Le Monde diplomatique, janvier 2013)
Après l'affaire « News of the World », ce rapport qui accable les médias britanniques (Le Monde diplomatique, janvier 2013)
Le procès lié aux écoutes illégales pratiquées par le tabloïd
britannique «News of the World» s’est achevé avec la condamnation d’Andy
Coulson, directeur de la rédaction de l’hebdomadaire puis conseiller en
communication du premier ministre David Cameron. Dans cette affaire
d’espionnage et de corruption impliquant l’un des joyaux du groupe News
Corp., troisième empire médiatique mondial, la directrice de la filiale
britannique Rebekah Brooks a quant à elle été acquittée. En novembre
2012, le rapport «Leveson» démêlait la «pelote d’intérêts croisés» à
l’origine du scandale. (en accès libre).
Facebook manipulated users' moods in secret experiment to show bad moods spread - Gadgets and Tech - Life & Style - The Independent
Facebook manipulated users' moods in secret experiment to show bad moods spread - Gadgets and Tech - Life & Style - The Independent:
Facebook manipulated the emotions of hundreds of thousands of its
users, and found that they would pass on happy or sad emotions, it has
said. The experiment, for which researchers did not gain specific
consent, has provoked criticism from users with privacy and ethical
For one week in 2012, Facebook skewed nearly 700,000 users’ news
feeds to either be happier or sadder than normal. The experiment found
that after the experiment was over users’ tended to post positive or
negative comments according to the skew that was given to their
The research has provoked distress because of the manipulation involved.
of real world networks show that what the researchers call ‘emotional
contagion’ can be transferred through networks. But the study is
evidence that the effect can happen without direct interaction or
nonverbal clues.
Facebook can use algorithm to make users happy or sad and even scientist that edited the study said she was 'creeped out' by it
What If Edward Snowden Leaked All the Documents? | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines
What If Edward Snowden Leaked All the Documents? | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines
In light of the argument that ongoing NSA
leaks will cause 'harm', my brother Robbie asks if agents of an agency
sponsoring assassination & torture deserve a cloak of secrecy in the
first place.
America’s “Nonconventional War” against Syria: Western Media Narrative Enters into Comedy Act | Global Research
America’s “Nonconventional War” against Syria: Western Media Narrative Enters into Comedy Act | Global Research
“If all the world is a stage,” as William
Shakespeare once said, then the current mainstream media narrative on
Syria must be the comedy act; this time, however, it isn’t very funny.
Having spent the last three years failing to exert their
desire for regime change in Syria, the western imperialist, globalist
powers and the corporate financier interests that sustain them are
becoming increasingly desperate for a change in the geopolitical tide.
Beginning in 2014, they have constantly attempted to leverage any
potential outlet as a means of toppling Assad and proceeding in the
implementation of their hegemonic agenda across the Middle East and
One example was their attempt to spin the Geneva II
communiqué to falsely imply that it mandated Assad should step down.
This was done in context to the fact that the Syrian National Council
was vastly shedding any remaining legitimacy it may have had; one must
not forget an excellent Guardian piece by Charlie Skelton titled, “The
Syrian Opposition: Whose Doing the Talking?”, which documented the clear
connections between the leading Syrian National Council front-group
members and western corporate-financier interest. By January 2014, many
members were resigning over the illegitimacy of the council as noted by
Nile Bowie who stated:
In a recent letter explaining his
resignation, former SNC Secretary-General Mustafa al-Sabbagh concedes
that the organization failed to extend humanitarian relief efforts and
to make any political or military progress; he describes the SNC as “a
body that is entirely separate from the Syrian domestic arena.” Former
member Mohammad Bassam Imadi’s description is no less critical; he
stated in a recent interview that the SNC “…was only some expatriates
who were living outside Syria, they lost touch with reality in Syria.
They didn’t know what was going on… They thought that within a few
months they will become presidents or ministers so they were not
interested in doing anything other than contacting the foreign powers…”
Brazilian officials warn of 'imminent' death of uncontacted Indians - Survival International
Brazilian officials warn of 'imminent' death of uncontacted Indians - Survival International
Uncontacted Indians on the Peru-Brazil border
are facing imminent “tragedy” and “death”. Please send an urgent message
to ensure the lands and lives of some of the most vulnerable people on
this planet are protected!
of uncontacted Indians have been on the rise in the region where
uncontacted Indians were famously photographed and filmed from the air
four years ago.
© Gleison Miranda/FUNAI/Survival
▶ 王張密會 機場抗議 Taiwan-China Secret Meeting Ends in Protest - YouTube
▶ 王張密會 機場抗議 Taiwan-China Secret Meeting Ends in Protest - YouTube
Taiwan-China Secret Meetings End in Protest
王張密會 機場抗議
Vd Report: - private
Die-hard Pro-Taiwan_Independance activists followed China’s Taiwan
Affairs Office Minister Zhang Zhijun(中國國台辦主任張志軍) to the Taoyuan
International Airport(桃園機場). They are protesting against the secret
meeting between China-Taiwan Affairs. "Taiwan to China, One State to
Today’s Oligarch Curtain of Lies, Theft, Death and Destruction Are Exposed As Never Before | Global Research
Today’s Oligarch Curtain of Lies, Theft, Death and Destruction Are Exposed As Never Before | Global Research
In psychology our belief system shapes our
perceptions of the world around us, in fact becoming our very sense of
reality. Our primary caregivers, most often our parents, project their
view of us and their world onto us and we in turn internalize
their views as our own sense of developing self and world view. In this
last century the influence of mass media has also come to increasingly
shape our world and self-concept. As adolescents and young adults we
often change and modify our perceptions of the world based on our own
interpersonal experience particularly with peers and movement to finding
resonance with a more authentic, individuated self in relation to our
surrounding world. But with time and more adult experience often comes
an existential dilemma and/or crisis if and when we encounter growing
dissonance between what we thought we knew and changing reality input
increasingly at odds with our old world view.
World Cup 2014 - Survival International
World Cup 2014 - Survival International
are around 240 tribes living in Brazil today, but FIFA makes no mention
of them on their website about the country. Read more about the #DarkSideOfBrazil #WorldCup
Kiev deploys Neo-Nazi Paramilitary against Political Opponents in Eastern Ukraine | Global Research
Kiev deploys Neo-Nazi Paramilitary against Political Opponents in Eastern Ukraine | Global Research
The Ukrainian government is deploying
paramilitary groups in close cooperation with the army against
opposition in the eastern part of the country. This collaboration has
been largely ignored by Western media. While the armed actions of pro-Russian
separatists are dealt with at length in the media, there is no
discussion of the fascist terror against political opponents of the Kiev
regime and the civilian population.
In February, armed groups
from the Right Sector and the fascist Svoboda party played a decisive
role in the putsch against then-President Viktor Yanukovych. Svoboda was
rewarded for this with several ministerial posts and high-ranking
positions in the state. Although Svoboda’s presidential candidate, Oleh
Tyahnybok, received only 1.2 percent of the vote in the May election,
Svoboda continues to be prominently represented in the government.
These paramilitary groups operate with the official protection of the
state. At the beginning of March, the parliament decided to build a
60,000-man national guard, principally made up of volunteers recruited
from the so-called Maidan self-defense groups.
On April 13,
Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov released a decree
that allows the formation of special units for the purpose of countering
separatist currents. Since then, a number of battalions, officially
operating under the Ministry of the Interior, have been founded with the
financial support of certain oligarchs.
Perma Kultcha (2010) | Watch Documentary Free Online
Perma Kultcha (2010) | Watch Documentary Free Online
This 30-minute documentary focuses on
Permaculture and Organic Farming in South Africa and what it can do to
transform society at a grass roots level, to create sustainable lives
for individuals, communities and South Africa as a whole.
The documentary aims to educate the youth of SA on the importance of
food security and introduces a holistic approach to utilize our
countries abundant, yet often neglected and ignored, natural resources
and natural wealth. Our hope is to reawaken a culture of working the
land that has been lost, and present common sense alternatives to
complement the current development paradigm and mobilize the youth to
create a new world.
It is an informative yet entertaining
piece, leaving the viewer motivated and aware of their positive
potential and the resources available to all South Africans regardless
of their background or location to empower themselves to a better life.
It provides an introduction to the practices and attitudes of a
particular approach to gardening and sustainability that is known as
permaculture. The word permaculture is a combination of the words
permanent and agriculture. Unpacking a set of practices and attitudes
that make gardening or agriculture more permanent or sustainable and
help to create wealth. It includes skills that are easy to learn and can
make a big difference to everyones quality of life.
Permaculture is an internationally successful proven approach to
designing sustainable systems. Its adaptability and emphasis on meeting
human needs means that it can be utilized in every climatic and cultural
zone. Permaculture is about:
•Working with Nature rather than against it
•Seeing solutions not problems
•Co-operation, not competition
•Bringing food and medicinal production back to our communities
•Energy efficiency & moving towards zero waste
•Valuing diversity
•Reforestation of the earth & allowing for wild places to exist & thrive
•Community-building and people care
Permaculture is an optimistic, action-oriented approach to the
environmental, energy, food, water and climate crisis the world is
currently facing It focuses on the small solutions that we can implement
now, to save the earth & ourselves.
The filming and
editing style, presenters and people interviewed are funky and hip
making the show both entertaining and credible to the youth. The aim is
to make self-sufficiency accessible to all, and motivate South Africans
to take charge of our collective future.
How to Avoid HIDDEN Food Additives at the Grocery Store! -
How to Avoid HIDDEN Food Additives at the Grocery Store! -
How to Avoid HIDDEN Food Additives at the Grocery Store!
sábado, 28 de junio de 2014
Faster change needed to eliminate female gender mutilations
Faster change needed to eliminate female gender mutilations
More than 125 million girls and women are currently living with the consequences of female genital mutilation #FGM:
genital mutilations violate the right to the highest attainable
standard of health… and when it results in the death of the person that
is mutilated, it violates the right to life,” UN Human Rights Chief Navi
Pillay says.
Berlin Standoff: Refugees Threaten to Set Their Squat on Fire if Police Attempt Eviction
Berlin Standoff: Refugees Threaten to Set Their Squat on Fire if Police Attempt Eviction
7500 people in #Berlin at solidarity demo with the 23 refugees who resist eviction, arrest and deportation on the roof of #ohlauer school.
"You can't evict a movement," "No border, no nation, stop
deportations", "Refugees welcome" - this is what people at the demo
stand for. People chant at cops: "get out of our streets, refugees are
Cops have injured and arrested several defenders of the refugees in an amazing struggle and resistance which has been ongoing for 5 days. (pic of the arrest is from yesterday when they tried to break down the sit-in around the school.)
There is a massive police force, more than 1000 cops, determined to
attack the school, they brought in uniforms from at least 3 other states
to Berlin to crush Berliners' resistance.
Cops have shown their
racism today: they are on the roofs of the neighborhood buildings,
showing banana to the refugees and handcuffs. #ACAB
One of the pics from yesterday shows two cops doing a high 5 after they
attacked with pepper spray the defenders of the refugees. Another pic
from the roof of the refugees says "State and Nazis, hand in hand".
Live blog and updates here
Beware the Dangers of Congress’ Latest Cybersecurity Bill | American Civil Liberties Union
Beware the Dangers of Congress’ Latest Cybersecurity Bill | American Civil Liberties Union:
A new cybersecurity bill poses serious threats to our privacy, gives the government extraordinary powers to silence potential whistleblowers, and exempts these dangerous new powers from transparency laws.
The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2014 ("CISA") was scheduled to be marked up by the Senate Intelligence Committee yesterday but has been delayed until after next week's congressional recess. The response to the proposed legislation from the privacy, civil liberties, tech, and open government communities was quick and unequivocal – this bill must not go through.
The bill would create a massive loophole in our existing privacy laws by allowing the government to ask companies for "voluntary" cooperation in sharing information, including the content of our communications, for cybersecurity purposes. But the definition they are using for the so-called "cybersecurity information" is so broad it could sweep up huge amounts of innocent Americans' personal data.
The Fourth Amendment protects Americans' personal data and communications from undue government access and monitoring without suspicion of criminal activity. The point of a warrant is to guard that protection. CISA would circumvent the warrant requirement by allowing the government to approach companies directly to collect personal information, including telephonic or internet communications, based on the new broadly drawn definition of "cybersecurity information."
The U.S.-Mexico Border - A Constitution-Free Zone | Portside
The U.S.-Mexico Border - A Constitution-Free Zone | Portside:
Under the Fourth Amendment, the people of the United States are not supposed to be subject to random and arbitrary stops and searches. But within 100 miles of a U.S. border, these rules don't apply.
Border Patrol agents park on a hilltop and watch anyone near the border wall.
Sarajevo, le 28 juin 1914 : deux tirs qui embrasèrent le monde
Sarajevo, le 28 juin 1914 : deux tirs qui embrasèrent le monde
#1914 Revivez la matinée du 28 juin 1914 à travers notre infographie ou en suivant @stbslam sur son compte twitter.
First World War centenary: the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, as it happened - Telegraph
First World War centenary: the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, as it happened - Telegraph:
On Sunday June 28 1914 in Sarajevo, Gavrilo Princip fired the shot that killed the Archduke and started the train of events that led to global war. Here is a step by step account of how the dramatic day unfolded
Karawang Farmers Defend Land From Corporate Eviction
Karawang Farmers Defend Land From Corporate Eviction
Karawang, Indonesia Farmers Defend Land From Corporate Eviction
Homelessness in the United States is a Crime of Neo-liberal Imperialism | Global Research
Homelessness in the United States is a Crime of Neo-liberal Imperialism | Global Research:
The wealthiest nation in the world cannot house its own people. Capitalist greed has eroded the stock of affordable housing, while bankers’ servants in government have systematically demolished public housing. State “homeless” programs blame the victims, assuming “that people experiencing homelessness are in some way individually inept.”
“Murdering and brutalizing people sleeping in public space is this system’s primary response to its homelessness problem.”
The problem of homelessness in the US is a crime of the capitalist system. Since US capitalism entered its last stage of neo-liberal imperialism beginning in the late 1970′s, the US ruling class has waged an all-out offensive on the working class and poor. Gains won through collective working class struggle in the early to mid-20th century went straight to Washington’s chopping block beginning in the 1980′s. Over the same period, the social necessity of housing became a lucrative market for speculative financial capitalists looking to turn a quick profit through predatory mortgage lending. The combination of these racist and exploitative practices has created a permanent and growing homelessness problem for the working class and poor in the so-called richest nation-state empire on the planet.
Homelessness has its roots in the 77 percent decrease in HUD (Housing and Urban Development) funding instituted by the Reagan Administration in 1983. Federal dollars for new low-income housing units were stopped. The remaining funds were invested in ”homeless programs” legislated into official policy through the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (1987). This Act reinforced the racist and anti-poor ideology of neo-liberal imperialism. Instead of building new public housing units, Washington diverted funds into state and locally “targeted” emergency shelters, transitional programs, and “supportive services” as defined by the Act. Each “homeless” program rested on the assumption that people experiencing homelessness were in some way individually inept. It was implied (and enforced) through these piece-meal services that what people experiencing homelessness needed was a reduction in personal “defect” rather than a home to live in.
Panopticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Panopticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Foucault's Discipline and Punish
In Discipline and Punish, Michel Foucault builds on Bentham's
conceptualization of the panopticon as he elaborates upon the function
of disciplinary mechanisms in such a prison and illustrated the function
of discipline as an apparatus of power. The ever-visible inmate,
Foucault suggests, is always "the object of information, never a subject
in communication".[1] He adds that,
"He who is subjected to a field of visibility, and who knows it,
assumes responsibility for the constraints of power; he makes them play
spontaneously upon himself; he inscribes in himself the power relation
in which he simultaneously plays both roles; he becomes the principle of
his own subjection" (202-203).[2]
Foucault offers still another explanation for the type of "anonymous
power" held by the operator of the central tower, suggesting that, "We
have seen that anyone may come and exercise in the central tower the
functions of surveillance, and that this being the case, he can gain a
clear idea of the way the surveillance is practiced".[3]
By including the anonymous "public servant," as part of the built-in
"architecture" of surveillance, the disciplinary mechanism of
observation is decentered and its efficacy improved.
As hinted at by the architecture, this panoptic design can be used
for any "population" that needs to be kept under observation or control,
such as: prisoners, schoolchildren, medical patients, or workers:
"If the inmates are convicts, there is no danger of a plot, an
attempt at collective escape, the planning of new crimes for the future,
bad reciprocal influences; if they are patients, there is no danger of
contagion; if they are madmen there is no risk of their committing
violence upon one another; if they are schoolchildren, there is no
copying, no noise, no chatter, no waste of time; if they are workers,
there are no disorders, no theft, no coalitions, none of those
distractions that slow down the rate of work, make it less perfect or
cause accidents".[1]
By individualizing the subjects and placing them in a state of
constant visibility, the efficiency of the institution is maximized.
Furthermore, it guarantees the function of power, even when there is no
one actually asserting it. It is in this respect that the Panopticon
functions automatically. Foucault goes on to explain that this design is
also applicable for a laboratory. Its mechanisms of individualization
and observation give it the capacity to run many experiments
simultaneously. These qualities also give an authoritative figure the
"ability to penetrate men’s behavior" without difficulty.[1]
This is all made possible through the ingenuity of the geometric
architecture. In light of this fact Foucault compares jails, schools,
and factories in their structural similarities.
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Tweet This! The ISIS Terrorists and Social Media | Global Research
Tweet This! The ISIS Terrorists and Social Media | Global Research
Let us recall the role Twitter played in Iran’s 2009 presidential
elections. While the mainstream media in the US hailed the success of
“Twitter Revolution” in Iran, Wired Magazine dispelled the notion in an
aptly titled article “Iran: Before You Have That Twitter-Gasm…”
pointing to the origins of the tweets (US) and their irregularity.
Elsewhere, it was revealed that much of the mischief behind the
‘newsfeed’ from Iran traced back to Israel.
From Ancient Egypt to Modern America: Spying has Always been used to Crush Dissent | Global Research
From Ancient Egypt to Modern America: Spying has Always been used to Crush Dissent | Global Research
The Roman Empire possessed a fondness for the practice of political
espionage. Spies engaged in both foreign and domestic political
operations, gauging the political climate of the Empire and surrounding
lands by eavesdropping in the Forum or in public market spaces. Several
ancient accounts, especially those of the A.D. first century, mention
the presence of a secret police force, the frumentarii . By the third
century, Roman authors noted the pervasiveness and excessive censorship
of the secret police forces, likening them to an authoritative force or
an occupational army.
"Counter-Revolution of 1776": Was U.S. Independence War a Conservative Revolt in Favor of Slavery? | Democracy Now!
"Counter-Revolution of 1776": Was U.S. Independence War a Conservative Revolt in Favor of Slavery? | Democracy Now!:
As the United States prepares to celebrate Independence Day, we look at why July 4 is not a cause for celebration for all. For Native Americans, it may be a bitter reminder of colonialism, which brought fatal diseases, cultural hegemony and genocide. Neither did the new republic’s promise of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" extend to African Americans. The colonists who declared their freedom from England did not share their newly founded liberation with the millions of Africans they had captured and forced into slavery. We speak with historian Gerald Horne, who argues the so-called Revolutionary War was actually a conservative effort by American colonists to protect their system of slavery. He is the author of two new books: "The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America" and "Race to Revolution: The U.S. and Cuba During Slavery and Jim Crow." Horne is professor of history and African American studies at the University of Houston.
viernes, 27 de junio de 2014
Russia: Moscow court consolidates witch hunt of NGOs | Amnesty International
Russia: Moscow court consolidates witch hunt of NGOs | Amnesty International
“The Russian authorities’ determination to silence any form of dissent
or criticism is astonishing. This week’s decision will further cripple
civil society in Russia and have a disastrous impact on thousands of
Russians who will see their chances of having their human rights
protected greatly diminished,” said John Dalhuisen, Europe and Central
Asia Programme Director at Amnesty International.
Russia's “Foreign Agents Law” was enacted on 21 November 2012.
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