jueves, 26 de junio de 2014

Fear of the Invisible, by Janine Roberts

Fear of the Invisible, by Janine Roberts

37 senior professors, scientists and top experts have reviewed the newly discovered documentary evidence in 'Fear of the Invisible' and conclude that there is serious scientific fraud in the scientific papers held for over 24 years to prove HIV the cause of AIDS. They formally request the Science journal to withdraw these papers - Is this the scientific fraud of the century?

FOR THE EVIDENCE OF FRAUD - SEE LINK in column to the left

The newly found evidence shows that the scientists who did the experimental work recorded in these papers, had originally concluded in them that the cause of AIDS could not be found, the very reverse of what they are now said to prove. It turns out that after Lab. boss Robert Gallo returned from overseas where he had boasted that they had found the cause of AIDS, he deleted these conclusions and key research findings from the lead paper, rewriting it so dramatically that three weeks later it was acclaimed for proving a virus causes AIDS. It is now one of the most cited scientific papers in the world, the basis of a multi-billion dollar industry, and yet, government experts ten years later concluded that the experiments recorded in this paper have never since been able to be repeated and thus verified.

