sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014

Alexander Donetsky - Crimes Committed by Ukraine’s Military and Chasteners: from Illegal Arms Trafficking to Human Organs Trade - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line journal > Crimes Committed by Ukraine’s Military and Chasteners: from Illegal Arms Trafficking to Human Organs Trade > Strategic-Culture.org - Strategic Culture Foundation

Alexander Donetsky - Crimes Committed by Ukraine’s Military and Chasteners: from Illegal Arms Trafficking to Human Organs Trade - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line journal > Crimes Committed by Ukraine’s Military and Chasteners: from Illegal Arms Trafficking to Human Organs Trade > Strategic-Culture.org - Strategic Culture Foundation

 The OSCE observers discovered the mass grave near the 22-th Kommunarka
mine in Lower Jug. Presumably, civilians were shot by the soldiers of
the battalion Aydar. The victims were treated inhumanely, many bodies
had hands tied behind their back, and they were shot in the back of the
head at close range. One body belonged to a pregnant woman, the other
female corpse was decapitated. The traces of torture are clearly
visible, murder scheme is the same: hands tied behind the back, shot in
the head


Those who live in Donbass have many times reported «mysterious
graves» findings. Two movable crematoriums have been bought in Germany
to get rid of the bodies. The burnt soldiers were reported to be missing
in action. Many corpses have been burnt without registration and
leaving any trace whatsoever.