which is neither Islamic, nor a state,is the culmination of years of
US, European, Persian Gulf, and Turkish cash, weapons, and semi-covert
Turkey in particular has served as a safe haven for ISIS
terrorists for the past 3-4 years. In fact, maps showing ISIS’
territory across the Western media have clearly defined corridors
leading directly from Turkish territory. The billions in cash, weapons,
equipment, and even vehicles used to build what is now a mercenary force
contesting power simultaneously in three nations – Lebanon, Syria, and
Iraq – were provided by nations like Saudi Arabia and Qatar and funneled
into terrorist hands by US CIA agents operating along Turkey’s border
with Syria.
Image: Turkey's population suffers the consequences of conflict stoked intentionally across its border with Syria by its own government in Ankara. Refugees created by chaos of NATO's own meddling are straining state resources that should be used to develop Turkey. (AP)