martes, 21 de abril de 2015

Alexander Donetsky - Ukraine: NATO and Political Assassinations - Strategic Culture Foundation on-line journal > Ukraine: NATO and Political Assassinations > - Strategic Culture Foundation

Alexander Donetsky - Ukraine: NATO and Political Assassinations - Strategic Culture Foundation on-line journal > Ukraine: NATO and Political Assassinations > - Strategic Culture Foundation

A wave of political assassinations has hit Ukraine recently. It attracted attention to activities of some scandalous political figures and media outlets. Even the Ukraine’s intelligence (called the Security Service of Ukraine) had to admit a hit list of opposition leaders does exist. Before that it used to say the mysterious murders of those who belonged to the team of former President Yanukovych were suicides. Sergey Sukhobok, a well-known Ukrainian journalist and entrepreneur, was killed on 13 April 2015 in Kiev. On April 14, Oleg Kalashnikov, another prominent member of Party of Regions, said he had received threats related to his activities in preparing celebration of the 70th anniversary of victory over Nazism (according to Ukraine’s laws public celebration of the Great Victory Day is punished more severely than a premeditated murder). The next day he was shot near his house. On April 16, Ukrainian journalist and writer Oles Buzina known for his opposition activities, was shot to death in Kiev as well.