lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

Globalization: Global Agribusiness Hammering Away At The Foundations Of Indian Society | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Globalization: Global Agribusiness Hammering Away At The Foundations Of Indian Society | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

India’s farmers face increasing financial distress and foreign private
players try to move in to secure land and the seed, food processing and
food retail sectors, what is happening courtesy of compliant politicians
is tantamount to cannibalizing the country at the behest of foreign

Western agribusiness has already gained an influential
foothold in India and many of the country’s national public bodies.
Along with US food processing giants Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland,
agribusiness aims to recast the rural economy (and thus Indian society,
given that hundreds of millions depend on it for a living) according to
its own needs. This would mean eventually moving over 600 million
(never mind the previously mentioned figure of 400 million) who depend
on agriculture and local food processing activities into urban areas.