Palestinian MP Khalida Jarrar is detained by Israel -- guess what - she
was tasked with following up with communication to the ICC. "Khalida
Jarrar MP Prisoner of Conscience “We don’t know whether Israel’s
detention of the Palestinian lawmaker Khalida Jarrar has anything to do
with her passionate advocacy for prisoners’ rights. It could be her
membership on a government-appointed committee mandated to follow up
Palestine’s recent accession to the International Criminal Court.
Israel is not saying. But one thing is quite clear: her case is rife
with due process violations”, Bill Van Esveld wrote in a Human Rights
Watch Dispatch on Jarrar’s arrest. As the campaign to escalate the
international pressure to release Jarrar continues to grow, Samidoun
Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network provide regular updates on
Jarrar’s case and the widespread action taking place around the world.
See full story here Via Assad Abdi:…/jarrar-s-arrest-under-growing-internat…