The Atlantic Council is a hawkish right-wing think tank. It was founded in 1961 to support NATO’s killing machine. It’s one of many similar groups in America threatening world peace and stability. Its solution for ending Obama’s war on Syria is escalated war. It proposes what it calls a Syrian National Stabilization Force (SNSF) - code language for US-controlled conquering and occupying army.
martes, 21 de abril de 2015
Neocon Think Tank Proposes US Proxy Army to Control Syria | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Neocon Think Tank Proposes US Proxy Army to Control Syria | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization:
The Atlantic Council is a hawkish right-wing think tank. It was founded in 1961 to support NATO’s killing machine. It’s one of many similar groups in America threatening world peace and stability. Its solution for ending Obama’s war on Syria is escalated war. It proposes what it calls a Syrian National Stabilization Force (SNSF) - code language for US-controlled conquering and occupying army.
The Atlantic Council is a hawkish right-wing think tank. It was founded in 1961 to support NATO’s killing machine. It’s one of many similar groups in America threatening world peace and stability. Its solution for ending Obama’s war on Syria is escalated war. It proposes what it calls a Syrian National Stabilization Force (SNSF) - code language for US-controlled conquering and occupying army.