Lined up in a ditch like animals whilst Indonesian soldiers take
'trophy photos' of their victims. These people were accused of treason
by the Indonesian government after flying the West Papuan morning star
flag. They are serving 8 year sentences.
This is the reality of
daily life in West Papua, where over 500,000 innocent people have
already been killed by the Indonesian regime.
What will it take for the international community to act?
"Jubi noted in November 2010, the Jayawijaya Police Chief I Gede
Sumerta Jaya has confirmed about the arrest. He said there were nine
people who suspected as the members of “West Papua Revolutionary Army.
The police arrested those people because they flapped the Morning Star
around of Yalengga Village. The police later seized the flag and
detained them."
"They have been sentenced 8 years prison on the
charge of treason. They are Meki Elosak, Wiki Meage, Obeth Kosay and
Oscar Hilago, there are Meki Tabuni, Ali Jikwa, Peres Tabuni, Wombi
Tabuni and Toebaga Kilungga."…/this-photo-is-not-hoax-police-tor…/
You can find out more about West Papuan political prisoners here.