In a frightening move – made mostly under the radar of the US population – the United States government has sent about 300 paratroopers to Ukraine to train 900 “national guardsmen” composed in part of neo-nazis and forced conscripts. They’re calling their mission “Fearless Guardian,” and the irony is not lost that this operation has begun on Hitlers birthday, or the fact that just the other day, Ukraine’s government officially recognized their WWII SS Galicia division and other nazi collaborators as “freedom fighters.” All of this while holocaust survivors are forced to flee their homes again.
from the frontline of the civil war in Ukraine near Mariupol (Donbass)
published by Ukrainian Korrespondent. Azov nazi regiment and UAF forces –
flags of the USA, Right Sector, and Ukraine.
from the frontline of the civil war in Ukraine near Mariupol (Donbass)
published by Ukrainian Korrespondent. Azov nazi regiment and UAF forces –
flags of the USA, Right Sector, and Ukraine.