martes, 21 de abril de 2015

Wayne Madsen - Fourth and Fifth Generation Warfare Arrives on European and Middle Eastern Battlefields - Strategic Culture Foundation on-line journal > Fourth and Fifth Generation Warfare Arrives on European and Middle Eastern Battlefields > - Strategic Culture Foundation

Wayne Madsen - Fourth and Fifth Generation Warfare Arrives on European and Middle Eastern Battlefields - Strategic Culture Foundation on-line journal > Fourth and Fifth Generation Warfare Arrives on European and Middle Eastern Battlefields > - Strategic Culture Foundation

The U.S., British, Canadian and other Western military training of Ukrainian forces that include neo-Nazi gangsters from Ukraine and other parts of Europe and the NATO/CIA training support in Turkey and Jordan being provided to Islamist jihadis tied to the Islamic State, Al Nusra Front, and Al Qaeda represents the application of 4th generation warfare (4GW) and 5th generation warfare (5GW) tactics from the Pentagon’s and Central Intelligence Agency’s think tanks to the battlefield.