sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015

Business Focus on Georgia, the Caucasus, and a Thwarted Coup d’Etat | New Eastern Outlook

Business Focus on Georgia, the Caucasus, and a Thwarted Coup d’Etat | New Eastern Outlook

 Author: Phil Butler

Business Focus on Georgia, the Caucasus, and a Thwarted Coup d’Etat
The Republic of Georgia is all in the
headlines again this week, this time over former president Mikheil
Saakashvili’s alleged role in planning a violent coup
in that key Caucasus country. The headlines read “Bloodthirsty
Saakashvili” more or less. The man Ukraine’s Poroshenko made governor
over the vital Odessa region may soon be joined by many others on the
Georgia’s unwanted list. Saakashvili, the businesses trying to take
advantage of new western influence in Georgia, promise still more
conflict in this war weary region. Here’s a look at the timely
coincidences that link up a new American hegemony play.

I don’t believe much in coincidence, and
especially not when it comes to US policy of late. Mikheil Saakashvili
was not just given Ukraine citizenship and control over Odessa by
chance. The scene of the most horrendous massacre of the young Ukraine
civil war, Odessa remembers the scorched bodies of anti-Maidan demonstrators
there. The imagery of the pregnant cleaning lady bent backward over a
desk, some say garroted rather than burned alive, haunts the sympathetic
amongst us to this day. But the people of Odessa have other horrors to
tell since February 2014, some far worse. According to reporting from
people on the ground there, the new Nazis at Saakashvili’s beckon call
kidnap young girls and boys for sex slavery, organ harvesting, and other
sadistic inhumanity. We need not divert to the fascism America has
sponsored in Ukraine, but focusing on Odessa as a key energy import center is necessary in order to understand all these current wars.