Israeli “Staatspolizei” Carry out Summary Executions in Jerusalem | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Israeli “Staatspolizei” Carry out Summary Executions in Jerusalem
the continued silence from Britain, the EU and the US, becomes ever
louder notwithstanding that Israel is now murdering unarmed Palestinians
daily. Death toll last week stood at 72, including 12 children, two
infants and a pregnant woman
has surged amid resentment over Israeli settlements and the incursions
into Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, the third holiest site for Muslims.
groups have slammed Israel for its harsh measures as it continues to
crack down on Palestinians.’ This week, Amnesty International warned
Israeli forces to end its “pattern of unlawful killings. In some
cases, Israeli forces appear to have ripped up the rulebook and resorted
to extreme and unlawful measures,” the group said.
“They seem increasingly prone to using lethal force against anyone they
perceive as posing a threat, without ensuring that the threat is real.”