This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations
in the United States, with an emphasis on the "elitist theory of
democracy" and the relationship between war, propaganda and class.
"A deep, richly illustrated study of the nature and history of
propaganda, featuring some of the world's most insightful critics".
- Mark Achbar; Film director; 'Manufacturing Consent', 'The Corporation'
"Must See"
- Tom Feeley, Information Clearing House
"Truly excellent"
- William Blum, journalist, Author 'Killing Hope'
"A Lucid and insightful study of the manipulation of public consciousness...Take heed."
- Michael Yates, Associate Editor, Monthly Review
"If it is your desire to understand how we are manipulated into
believing the things we do -- watch this film. Every American should
see it...for the sake of our future."
- Timothy Gatto, fmr Chairman, Liberal Party of America
- Tom Feeley, Information Clearing House
"Truly excellent"
- William Blum, journalist, Author 'Killing Hope'
"A Lucid and insightful study of the manipulation of public consciousness...Take heed."
- Michael Yates, Associate Editor, Monthly Review
"If it is your desire to understand how we are manipulated into
believing the things we do -- watch this film. Every American should
see it...for the sake of our future."
- Timothy Gatto, fmr Chairman, Liberal Party of America