martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015

The Downing of Russian Jet: Turkish Delusion and American Strategy | New Eastern Outlook

The Downing of Russian Jet: Turkish Delusion and American Strategy | New Eastern Outlook

The Downing of Russian Jet: Turkish Delusion and American Strategy

 Author: Salman Rafi Sheikh


Turkish propaganda, being backed as it is by the U.S., about shooting
down a Russian jet is based upon the so-called notion of “State
Sovereignty”, hardly anyone seems to question the multiple violations of
Syrian state’s sovereignty that Turkey has been directly (and still is)
involved in since at least 2011. Not only has it been targeting Kurds
in Syria but is also directly involved in unleashing forces of
destruction in the form of ISIS and other “Western friendly” terrorist
organizations since the beginning of the current phase of the conflict.
The very act of shooting a Russian jet, an un-declared act of war
against Russia as it is, is a continuation of that very violation of
Syrian state’s sovereignty as well as a part of Turkey’s “dangerous ISIS