viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

Inequality Is the Biggest Threat to the World

Inequality Is the Biggest Threat to the World

 Inequality has become so widespread and entrenched that we've come to
believe it's somehow 'natural'. There is certainly something cyclical
about it, with hard fought for improvements in things like working
conditions, wages and social welfare being eroded once again. The gap
between the superrich and the rest has widened significantly in recent
years, and social geographer Danny Dorling argues that this is the most
pressing threat we currently face, since it impacts so profoundly on all
aspect of society. In order to challenge this we must first confront
the idea that there is an intrinsic natural order that places some
people above others, rather than societal privilege that is most often
to be found at the heart of an individuals 'success'.

Inequality Is the Biggest Threat to the World

By Danny Dorling


People often think that a certain level of inequality is
normal in our societies, says the social geographer Danny Dorling. But
the gap between the superrich and the rest of us has widened
dramatically in the past 12 months. The author of a number of books
including “Injustice: Why Social Inequality Still Persists” and the next, “A Better Politics, How Government Can Make Us Happier“, due to be published on March 20th, explained to Vita International why inequality should be a concern for anyone.