miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

Washington Is The Greatest Threat To World Order - Paul Craig Roberts > Strategic-Culture.org - Strategic Culture Foundation

Washington Is The Greatest Threat To World Order - Paul Craig Roberts > Strategic-Culture.org - Strategic Culture Foundation

Washington Is The Greatest Threat To World Order - Paul Craig Roberts


Naryshkin, the Chairman of the Russian Parliament says that the growing
tensions in international relations result from Washington’s lack of
morals and violations of international law:

increasing crisis in international relations is rooted in Western
nations’ lack of morals and their reluctance to observe basic norms of
international law”, 
the State Duma chairman Sergey Naryshkin has said. “The
tensions in the international situation have seriously increased over
the past few years and this happens primarily because a group of Western
nations, first of all, the United States of America, are neglecting the
major principles of international law or interpret them freely,”
Interfax quoted the Russian parliamentary leader as saying at a meeting
with law students on Monday.

“I would be more direct – it happens due to the lack of morals”,
Naryshkin added. He emphasized that the argument of “American
exceptionalism” often used by many US politicians was against not only
the legal principle of equality of all nations and peoples, but also
contradicted basic human morality.