Emails Show Hillary Clinton Aides Celebrating F-15 Sales to Saudi Arabia: “Good News”
The shockingly brutal Saudi air campaign in Yemen has been led by American-made F-15 jet fighters.
The indiscriminate bombing
of civilians and rescuers from the air has prompted human rights
organizations to claim that some Saudi-led strikes on Yemen may amount
to war crimes. At least 2,800 civilians have been killed in the conflict so far, according to the United Nations — mostly by airstrikes. The strikes have killed journalists and ambulance drivers.
The planes, made by Boeing, have been implicated in the bombing of three facilities supported by Doctors Without Borders (Médicins Sans Frontières). The U.N. Secretary General has decried
“intense airstrikes in residential areas and on civilian buildings in
Sanaa, including the chamber of commerce, a wedding hall, and a
center for the blind,” and has warned that reports of cluster bombs
being used in populated areas “may amount to a war crime due to their
indiscriminate nature.”
Bombs dropped by fighter jets are pulverizing Yemen’s architectural history, possibly in violation of international humanitarian law.
A few years earlier, as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton made weapons transfer to the Saudi government a “top priority,” according to her closest military aide.
And now, newly released emails show that her aides kept her
well-informed of the approval process for a $29.4 billion sale in
2011 of up to 84
advanced F-15SA fighters, manufactured by Boeing, along with upgrades
to the pre-existing Saudi fleet of 70 F-15 aircraft and munitions, spare
parts, training, maintenance, and logistics.