viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

Why are so many Israeli women subjected to sexual harassment? | +972 Magazine

Why are so many Israeli women subjected to sexual harassment? | +972 Magazine

Sexual assault by top-ranking Israelis is becoming a regular occurrence.

Why is the violation of women’s bodies and dignity so endemic in Israeli society?

 A woman with "my body, my rules" written on her at the SlutWalk against sexism in Tel Aviv, May 9, 2014. SlutWalks have been held in cities across the world as a symbol of defiance against sexism and sexual violence. (Yotam Ronen/

woman with “my body, my rules” written on her at the SlutWalk against
sexism in Tel Aviv, May 9, 2014. SlutWalks have been held in cities
across the world as a symbol of defiance against sexism and sexual
violence. (Yotam Ronen/