The TPP “Lame Duck” Push Insults Democracy | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
"The president, Wall Street and the big corporations are pushing for
this vote to occur at this time because they know this is the last time
to push it through before the will of the public can take hold. This
vote will occur with a lame-duck Congress, a lame-duck president, and a
lame-duck 'free-trade' policy that is finally being shown the door by
the voters."
Elite forces want to force this through why the people are distracted... but we will not be fooled. #StopTPP
group of demonstrators protesting the Trans-Pacific Partnership gather
at the Federal Buileing in San Francisco, California June 9, 2015. The
proposed regional regulatory and investment treaty would include 12
nations throughout the Asia Pacific region that have participated in
negotiations. (Photo: Robert Galbraith/Reuters)
group of demonstrators protesting the Trans-Pacific Partnership gather
at the Federal Buileing in San Francisco, California June 9, 2015. The
proposed regional regulatory and investment treaty would include 12
nations throughout the Asia Pacific region that have participated in
negotiations. (Photo: Robert Galbraith/Reuters)