martes, 2 de agosto de 2016

Human Rights Watch Reports That US Government Tortured Children - TruePublica

Human Rights Watch Reports That US Government Tortured Children - TruePublica


Human Rights Watch Reports That US Government Tortured Children


By Paul Craig Roberts – Human Rights Watch
(HRW) has just released its report,  “Extreme Measures: Abused  Children
Detained As National Security Threats.”  

From my reading of the report, Israel and the US are the two worst abusers.  Boko Haram is a distant third.

Which country is the worst abuser, Israel or the US?  Taking into
account that the US is responsible for the violence in Afghanistan,
Iraq, and Syria that has resulted in torture and detention, if we
include these victims in the American total, then the US is the Number
One torturer of children. As it is unlikely that Israel could get away
with abuse of Palestinian children without Washington’s support, we can
add Israel’s abuses to Washington’s total.

Guantanamo Bay is a great distance away from Washington’s wars
against Muslims in Afghanistan, North Africa and the Middle East.  Yet
even at Guantanamo, where the only violence is the violence that the US
military inflicts on detainees, the US government tortured children,
according to the Human Rights Watch report.

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