miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2016

Official Study Exposes BBC’s Deep Anti-Corbyn Bias - TruePublica

Official Study Exposes BBC’s Deep Anti-Corbyn Bias - TruePublica


Official Study Exposes BBC’s Deep Anti-Corbyn Bias


By Jonathan Cook – A fortnight ago the London School of Economics published a report
showing that uniformly the British press had misrepresented and
denigrated Jeremy Corbyn from the moment he won the Labour party
leadership last year. It was not that he had failed as leader; he was
never given a chance to succeed.

LSE researchers found that 75 per cent of articles “either distorted
or failed to represent his actual views on subjects”. Worse, in only 11
per cent of stories were his views fairly represented. In terms of tone,
less than 10 per cent of reports were judged as positive.

At the time, I suggested that it was difficult to imagine the broadcast media, and especially the BBC, had done any better.

Now the data are in, and – surprise, surprise – the BBC’s performance is even more dismal than that of the press.



Remember that the BBC, unlike the press, is supposed to abide
by strict rules of impartiality, and that its early evening news
programme is probably the single most influential source of news for
most Britons.