miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

Breaking the Silence › Testimony - Little harassments

Breaking the Silence › Testimony - Little harassments


"The front command unit, who also drive from point to point. They are
more in charge of making [the IDF’s] presence felt – stopping
[Palestinian] vehicles occasionally, checking their IDs – more involved
in harassing the populace. I can tell you about an incident where they
stopped four teachers who were on their way to school – it was clear to
me that these were teachers – and delayed them for three hours. Three
whole hours they were delayed, they didn’t get to work and eventually
they were released. The whole reason for delaying them was technical.״
[Reserves 455 Armored Corps, Hebron area 2013]

Full testimony >> http://www.breakingthesilence.org.il/testim…/database/859438 -


Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories
