The former CIA agent, Robert Baer, said in an interview with the
Bosnian-speaking newspaper WebTribune, during a promotion tour for his
upcoming book “Secrets of the White House”, in Quebec, Canada, that he
and his group of agents in the nineties received millions of dollars to
spread hatred and contributing to disunity in Yugoslavia. Baer was a
leading agent for the CIA in 1991-94, and about his job then he says
among other things:
- I received instructions that Slovenia was ready to declare
independence. We were given money, a few million dollars, to fund
various NGOs, opposition parties and various politicians who inflamed
Baer was not just anybody in the CIA. He worked for the American
intelligence agency for 21 years in locations as diverse as Madras and
New Delhi, Beirut, Khartoum, Paris, Dushanbe, Morocco, Yugoslavia and
Iraqi Kurdistan.