viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017

Farmers are destroying pristine rain forests in Indonesia to make breakfast cereals, margarine & shampoo | Minds

Farmers are destroying pristine rain forests in Indonesia to make breakfast cereals, margarine & shampoo | Minds


Tree Palm oil is now the most widely used vegetable oil on the planet,
making up 65% of all the vegetable oils traded around the world.  It
finds its way into a huge number of products that can be found in the
average American grocery store, including shampoo, lipsticks, candles
and detergents.  The crazy thing is that it's also found in a ton of
different foods, including margarines, biscuits, breads, breakfast
cereals, instant noodles, chocolates and ice creams.

In a mad rush to corner the palm oil market, farmers have instituted
slash and burn tactics in Indonesia, leveling 2 million hectares of
unspoilt forests in a five month period in 2015, alone.