domingo, 30 de abril de 2017
The West is Responsible for Terrorism in Syria | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Syrian politician Fares Shehabi correctly identified the terrorists
All of the death and destruction in
Obama & Macron: Brand Changes Courtesy of Capitalist Empire
Obama & Macron: Brand Changes Courtesy of Capitalist Empire
If leaders lead and followers follow, then we’ll have to wait another
election cycle to be rid of Emmanuel Macron. Macron is 100% Clintonian,
but what’s happening in France right now is best understood as a replay
of the US election in 2008.
100 Days of Resistance | American Civil Liberties Union
100 Days of Resistance | American Civil Liberties Union
We kept our promise to hold President Trump accountable for the first
100 days, and we will continue to do so for as long as his
administration lasts.
German Soldier Posing As Refugee Arrested For Planned 'False Flag' Terror Attack
German Soldier Posing As Refugee Arrested For Planned 'False Flag' Terror Attack
A German soldier found posing as a Syrian refugee has been arrested
for allegedly planning a “false flag” shooting attack that would be
blamed on asylum seekers.
The unidentified soldier was detained when he went to retrieve a loaded
pistol he had hidden in a bathroom at Vienna International Airport.
Is the political speaking circuit a giant money laundering operation?
Is the political speaking circuit a giant money laundering operation?
They killed with impunity, they lied with impunity. Could they be money laundering with impunity?
10 countries that threaten world peace more than North Korea
10 countries that threaten world peace more than North Korea
North Korea is nothing compared to these 10 rogue states
Members of Congress Demand Trump Provide Legal Justification for Syria Attack
Members of Congress Demand Trump Provide Legal Justification for Syria Attack
Two Democrats want to hear some sort of attempt at legal justification
beyond off-the-cuff remarks from administration officials.
10 Films That Make It Easy to See How Our Economy Is Killing the Planet
10 Films That Make It Easy to See How Our Economy Is Killing the Planet
"Our economy is based on a crazy idea - the crazy idea being that
we're gonna have infinite growth on a finite planet." - Paul Guilding
We can do so much better than an economy that ends by crashing the biosphere on which humans depend:…/10-films-that-show-our-economic-syste…/ -
Video by Sustainable Human
VIDEO: U.S. Worldwide Hegemony and Dominance Threatened
VIDEO: U.S. Worldwide Hegemony and Dominance Threatened
The SCO accounts for 25% of the world’s humans, and threatens the US/Nato world hegemony and dominance.…/
Pourquoi "Palestine" n'apparaît pas sur les cartes de Google Maps
Pourquoi "Palestine" n'apparaît pas sur les cartes de Google Maps
Alors qu'une pétition réclamait à Google de
placer à nouveau l'État palestinien sur son service de cartographie
Google Maps, l'entreprise vient de s'exprimer sur la polémique.
En tapant le mot "Palestine" dans Google Maps,
l'internaute atterrit sur la zone géographique correspondant à ses
territoires, sans que le nom ne soit affiché. L'État d'Israël, lui, ne
manque pas à l'appel.
Trump’s First 100 Days: Corporate Rights Trump Human Rights | By Stéfanie Khoury, David Whyte | Common Dreams
Trump’s First 100 Days: Corporate Rights Trump Human Rights | By Stéfanie Khoury, David Whyte | Common Dreams
"Over the past 100 days, Trump has demonstrated time and again that business trumps human rights."

Amnesty International protested the Trump administration outside the US Embassy in London this week. (Photo: AFP/Getty)
Ron Paul Interviews Julian Assange: “Going After WikiLeaks Because They Humiliated The CIA”
Ron Paul Interviews Julian Assange: “Going After WikiLeaks Because They Humiliated The CIA”
Dr. Ron Paul puts things in perspective – the outlaw Julian Assange, and
his often-targeted Wikileaks organization, are not a threat against
national security, but an embarrassment to its many shady dealings.
MISOC Capabilities - YouTube
MISOC Capabilities - YouTube
US military PSYOPS recruiting advertisement (2013) -
In WikiLeaks:…
Capitalism and Communism - Two Methods To The Same Goal
Capitalism and Communism - Two Methods To The Same Goal
When people think of alternatives to capitalism, they often can only
think of state-controlled socialism or communism. But perhaps capitalism
and communism have more in common that we think. And more importantly, perhaps it is time to move beyond these two archaic systems.
Trump's Neocon Transformation, Dropping the MOAB & 'Free Speech' Trolling by Media Roots | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Trump's Neocon Transformation, Dropping the MOAB & 'Free Speech' Trolling by Media Roots | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Robbie Martin and I talk about Trump the deep state puppet, dropping the
MOAB in Afghanistan, bipartisan praise for war & why the "free
speech" debate is manufactured on Media Roots:
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Saddam Hussein at 80: Iraq Without its ‘Liberation’
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Saddam Hussein at 80: Iraq Without its ‘Liberation’
What would Iraq have looked like had the US not invaded and overthrown
Saddam Hussein in 2003? It would have been Saddam's 80th birthday. Would
Iraq have been a perfect democracy?
Probably not. But in all categories -- press freedom, religious freedom,
minority rights, standard of living, etc. -- Iraq is decidedly worse
off after its "liberation." Is there a lesson there?
Le candidat des médias, par Marie Bénilde (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 2017)
Le candidat des médias, par Marie Bénilde (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 2017)
Le succès d’un candidat inconnu du public il y a trois ans ne s’explique
pas seulement par la décomposition du système politique français.
Inventeur d’une nouvelle manière de
promouvoir les vieilles idées sociales-libérales qui ont valu au
président François Hollande des records d’impopularité, M. Emmanuel
Macron a trouvé dans les médias un solide point d’appui. Son histoire
ressemble à un rêve d’éditorialiste.
The facts are clear; the UN is biased towards Israel, not Palestine – Middle East Monitor
The facts are clear; the UN is biased towards Israel, not Palestine – Middle East Monitor
simple fact is that Israel has ignored more UN resolutions than any
other country and yet it enjoys an enviable position within the
international system. Unlike, for
example, countries such as Syria, Iran, Russia, North Korea, Iraq and
Zimbabwe which have faced UN sanctions at one stage or another, Israel’s
violations of human rights and international law go unpunished."
![Israeli security forces intervene against Palestinians during a protest organised to show solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike, in Ramallah, West Bank on April 23, 2017 [Issam Rimawi / Anadolu Agency]](
Israeli security forces intervene against Palestinians during a protest
organised to show solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on hunger
strike, in Ramallah, West Bank on April 23, 2017 [Issam Rimawi / Anadolu
Obama & Macron: Brand Changes Courtesy of Capitalist Empire
Obama & Macron: Brand Changes Courtesy of Capitalist Empire
If leaders lead and followers follow, then we’ll have to wait another
election cycle to be rid of Emmanuel Macron. Macron is 100% Clintonian,
but what’s happening in France right now is best understood as a replay
of the US election in 2008. <<…/obama-macron-brand-chang…
sábado, 29 de abril de 2017
Watchdogs: Trump's Disastrous 100 Days Fueling "Golden Era of Activism" | Common Dreams
Watchdogs: Trump's Disastrous 100 Days Fueling "Golden Era of Activism" | Common Dreams
"Trump has accomplished only one thing that is remarkable—he's awoken American democracy like never before"

sustained, this golden era of citizen activism may indeed be one of
President Trump's greatest legacies—albeit unwittingly." (Photo:
The first 100 days of Donald Trump’s presidency in military terms | Oriental Review
The first 100 days of Donald Trump’s presidency in military terms | Oriental Review
#Trump's first 100 days in office - military and strategic decisions, implications and forecast:…/the-first-100-days-of-donald-t…/
Britain's Surveillance State - #StopSharing Patient Information - TruePublica
Britain's Surveillance State - #StopSharing Patient Information - TruePublica
By Martha Spurrier -Director of Liberty: Liberty,
the civil liberties and human rights organisation has joined Doctors of
the World and the National AIDS Trust in calling for the Government to
#StopSharing patients’ data with the Home Office.
It was recently revealed that the
Home Office has forced the NHS to grant it easier access to patient
information. This means immigration officials can use patients’ personal
details to track down, arrest and deport undocumented migrants.
This is a serious breach of patient confidentiality – and one that NHS staff weren’t even consulted on.
Selected Articles: Trump’s Nuclear Obsession, Threat of Nuclear War against North Korea | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Selected Articles: Trump’s Nuclear Obsession, Threat of Nuclear War against North Korea | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Global Research will be featuring on a regular basis a number of
articles and reports on the dangers of nuclear war focussing on the
scientific, policy and military
dimensions. Forward this selection of articles. The objective is to
build a cohesive and Worldwide campaign against nuclear weapons.
Le terreau de l'extrême droite, par Christian de Brie (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 1988)
Le terreau de l'extrême droite, par Christian de Brie (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 1988)
« Le
choc créé par cette poussée extrémiste prolongera ses effets longtemps
après l’élection présidentielle, non seulement au sein de la droite
déstabilisée et de la société française, mais encore en Europe, qui
découvre avec stupeur la dimension de l’effet Le Pen. »
Un article de mai 1988.
Warhawk Wolfowitz Guiding Trump Admin On Foreign Policy, Via Email
Warhawk Wolfowitz Guiding Trump Admin On Foreign Policy, Via Email
Infamous warhawk Paul Wolfowitz has heaped praise on President Donald
Trump’s recent military action in Syria, as well as engaged top Trump
administrators via email regarding future engagement in the Middle East. Are we seeing the resurgence of the “Wolfowitz doctrine”?…/…/ -
Former Deputy Defense Secretary, and former World Bank President Paul
Wolfowitz, center, attends a farewell ceremony for outgoing Joint Chiefs
Chairman Gen. Peter Pace.
(AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Julian Assange Speaks Out: The War On The Truth
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Julian Assange Speaks Out: The War On The Truth
Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange joins the Liberty Report in this
exclusive interview. Why is the CIA pushing the line that Wikileaks is a
"hostile intelligence service" rather than a publisher? What is he
expecting might happen? Don't miss this very special episode of the
The First 100 Days of Resistance | By Richard Eskow | Common Dreams
The First 100 Days of Resistance | By Richard Eskow | Common Dreams
"We already know what you hate. Tell us what you love."

"Perhaps the most hopeful aspect of the new resistance movement," writes
Eskow, "is in the relationships it has transformed, the communities it
has formed and strengthened, the many people it has called into
service." (Photo: Ted Eytan/flickr/cc)
Illegal Occupation: Israeli and Palestinian Women Must Raise the Banner of Revolt | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Illegal Occupation: Israeli and Palestinian Women Must Raise the Banner of Revolt | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
PROF. ALON BEN-MEIR: In Israel, civil society should support current
efforts by groups such as Women in Black and Women Wage Peace to use
their challenging power and make their
voices heard. Women in Black have hosted vigils every Friday night in
Jerusalem starting in 1988 to protest the Israeli occupation, and have
in fact inspired a number of branches across the globe (including in
Serbia, as previously mentioned).
Is The OPCW Playing Politics In The Idlib Gas Attack Investigation?
Is The OPCW Playing Politics In The Idlib Gas Attack Investigation?
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons claims to
have “incontrovertible” proof that sarin was used in a gas attack that
occurred in Syria earlier this month. However, the organization’s lack of transparency and ties to Western nations have cast doubt on its findings.…/…/
Close up photograph of the crater that has been shown in numerous
mainstream media publications that the White House alleges is proof that
the source of the nerve agent attack was the Syrian government.
Symbolic Tribunal Finds Monsanto’s Actions Violate Global Food, Health and Environmental Rights
Symbolic Tribunal Finds Monsanto’s Actions Violate Global Food, Health and Environmental Rights
Monsanto also helped contribute to atomic bomb research and was one
of the several companies that produced Agent Orange, which caused half a
million Vietnamese children to be born
with deformities and poisoned over 3 million people. Agent Orange is
still used as a pesticide for genetically modified (GM) corn in the US.
After genetically modified crops were introduced in India by Monsanto
in 2002, poor Indian farmers became trapped in vicious debt cycles after
adopting GM seeds and herbicides. In 2009, the number of GM-debt
related suicides was so high that an Indian farmer was estimated to
commit suicide every 30 minutes.
Judges, witnesses and experts gather for the first session of the
People’s Assembly, the hearings of the Monsanto Tribunal at the Hague in
the Netherlands. (Photo: Monsanto Tribunal
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : US Deploys Troops Along Syria-Turkey Border
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : US Deploys Troops Along Syria-Turkey Border
Is the US about to go to war with NATO-ally Turkey on the Syrian border?
The US has just begun patrolling Syria's northern border with Turkey
after Turkish airstrikes killed at least
20 US-backed Kurdish fighters earlier this week. If this deterrent does
not work and Erdogan decides to drop some more bombs in Syria? Or if he
strikes the Kurds who are also deployed near where US troops are
patrolling? Anyone still think it's a good idea to have US troops in
Agustin Edwards: A Declassified Obituary
Agustin Edwards: A Declassified Obituary
The "Rupert Murdoch" of #Chile, media mogul Augustin Eastman, conspired with CIA & #Kissinger to install #Pinochet…/NSAEBB587-Agustin-Edwards-left-…/ -
Trump is Now a Captive of the “Deep State” | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Trump is Now a Captive of the “Deep State” | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
DR. PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS: There are no skirts for Trump to hid behind. He
stupidly let himself be pushed into committing an unambiguous war crime.
Now all his opponents—the Deep State,
the military/security complex, the CIA, the Hillary Democrats, the
warmonger Republicans—have the New White House Fool under their control.
If Trump doesn’t do as they want, they will impeach him for his war
Chemical Weapons Attack: French “Investigation” in Syria Neither Impartial nor Independent | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Chemical Weapons Attack: French “Investigation” in Syria Neither Impartial nor Independent | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
any crime, regardless of scale, a swift, impartial and independent
investigation is required if any accountability at all is desired. The
French government, in the wake of an alleged “chemical weapons attack”
near Syria’s northern city of Idlib, has claimed that it is “committed
to ensuring that the perpetrators of this heinous attack are held
The LA Times in an article titled, “Syrian chemical attack bears Assad’s signature, France says,” would report:
A six-page report by
French intelligence services claims the nerve agent came from hidden
stockpiles of chemical weapons that Damascus was supposed to have
destroyed under an U.S.- and Russian-brokered deal in 2013.
Were it the case that France was seriously committed to holding the
perpetrators of the alleged attack accountable, the French government
would need to call for an impartial, independent investigation into the
attack, and as soon as possible. Instead, it decided to carry out its
own “investigation,” ensuring neither impartiality nor independence, and
by consequence, achieving no accountability.
Fake News About Russia’s Alleged “Meddling” in the French Elections | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Fake News About Russia’s Alleged “Meddling” in the French Elections | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
LENDMAN: Moscow categorically denies fabricated claims about it
interfering in any nation’s elections – not America’s, not France’s or
any others.
Accusations are bogus. Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed phony claims

LENDMAN: Moscow categorically denies fabricated claims about it
interfering in any nation’s elections – not America’s, not France’s or
any others.
Accusations are bogus. Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed phony claims
Richard Wolff über Marxismus, Kapitalismus, Konzerne, Alternativen
Richard Wolff über Marxismus, Kapitalismus, Konzerne, Alternativen
Richard Wolff
on whether people need to change their consumption habits (organic,
fair-trade, etc) or invest their energy into changing production:
"You cannot,
in the end, change the consumption without changing the production. We
consume what the producers work night and day to get us to consume.
Capitalism developed an industry called advertising. They spend billions
and billions of dollars to shape, control and direct our consumption.
So therefore, if you want to do something about consumption you have to
change the production system or else all your efforts will be undone."
viernes, 28 de abril de 2017
Is Syria’s Invasion from Jordan on the Agenda?
Is Syria’s Invasion from Jordan on the Agenda?
With focus on the battle of Raqqa and in the governorates of Homs and
Idlib, Jordan has been kept away from media headlines. The kingdom’s
role will grow immensely if it becomes the staging point for an
operation on Syrian soil. And it may happen pretty soon.
The Pentagon's Seek-and-Destroy Mission for Counterfeit Electronics - Scientific American
The Pentagon's Seek-and-Destroy Mission for Counterfeit Electronics - Scientific American
DARPA is developing microscopic chips to help crack down on knockoff parts destined for weapons and satellite systems. <<…/the-pentagon-rsquo-s…/…
Police illegally obtained journalist's phone records under new metadata retention regime
Police illegally obtained journalist's phone records under new metadata retention regime
Australian Federal Police (AFP) illegally accessed journalist's phone metadata in hunt for his source
AFP commissioner Andrew Colvin. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
Can Brazilians resist the coup? -- New Internationalist
Can Brazilians resist the coup? -- New Internationalist
Corruption scandals, impeachment, power grabs, protest and a general strike this week.
L’État profond, par Serge Halimi (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 2017)
L’État profond, par Serge Halimi (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 2017)
Quand un président erratique et peu soucieux d’apprendre tout ce
qu’il ignore commande la plus puissante armée du monde, mieux vaut que
les garde-fous soient nombreux. Or,
lorsque M. Donald Trump a ordonné à ses généraux de bombarder la Syrie
et d’engager des manœuvres navales en Asie, il a été ovationné par les
parlementaires américains, républicains et démocrates, ainsi que par la
quasi-totalité des médias, y compris en Europe.…
Un tel concert de louanges inquiète d’autant plus dans le climat
international actuel, lourd de tensions, que M. Trump adore être adulé.
Facebook-Zensur beschäftigt Bundesregierung | Kerem Schamberger
Facebook-Zensur beschäftigt Bundesregierung | Kerem Schamberger
Kerem Schamberger: "Several Bundestag deputies of the DIE LINKE party, including Andrej Hunko and Sevim Dagdelen, have sent a small question to the Federal Government on the eradication practice and legal enforcement at Facebook.
It was triggered above all by the extremely good reporting of the SZ magazine of 15 December 2016. At that time it was about the "network of evil" at Facebook, the fire fighting practices and the working conditions at the Bertelsmann subsidiary Arvato, to which the censorship was outsourced. A few of my thoughts and hints have also flowed into it. "
The U.S. Military Moves Deeper into Africa | By Nick Turse | Common Dreams
The U.S. Military Moves Deeper into Africa | By Nick Turse | Common Dreams
With the Trump administration escalating its wars in Africa and the
Middle East, and the potential for more crises -- from catastrophic
famines to spreading wars -- on the
horizon, there’s every reason to believe the U.S. military’s footprint
on the continent will continue to evolve, expand, and enlarge in the
years ahead, outpost by outpost and base by base.

the U.S. maintains a vast empire of military installations around the
world, with huge—and hard to miss—complexes throughout Europe and Asia,
bases in Africa have been far better hidden. (Photo: Pixabay/CC0)
the U.S. maintains a vast empire of military installations around the
world, with huge—and hard to miss—complexes throughout Europe and Asia,
bases in Africa have been far better hidden. (Photo: Pixabay/CC0)
The Looting Machine Called Capitalism
The Looting Machine Called Capitalism
Paul Craig Roberts: Americans are the least exceptional people in human history. Americans have no rights at all.
Trump’s Next Most Dangerous Possibility – Consortiumnews
Trump’s Next Most Dangerous Possibility – Consortiumnews
Assuming President Trump doesn’t blunder into World War III, the next
greatest harm he may do is reverse the modest U.S. steps toward
fighting global warming, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar explains.…/trumps-next-most-dangerous-po…/

The image of the Earth rising over the surface of the moon, a photograph taken by the first U.S. astronauts to orbit the moon.
Trump has Major Trip to Saudi Arabia Planned, will Discuss Massive Weapons Deal for Saudis | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Trump has Major Trip to Saudi Arabia Planned, will Discuss Massive Weapons Deal for Saudis | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
During the visit Trump will discuss a proposed arms package for the
Saudis, which would include a massive missile defense system as well as
civilian nuclear technology. Behind the
scenes McMaster will be seeking Saudi support for a ground war in Syria,
which Mike Cernovich first reported in an article whose reporting was
confirmed by Eli Lake of Bloomberg.
The Final Stage of the Machiavellian Elites’ Takeover of America - Universal Empire - Truthdig
The Final Stage of the Machiavellian Elites’ Takeover of America - Universal Empire - Truthdig
Editor’s note: This article is the fourth part of a four-part
series on Truthdig called “Universal Empire”—an examination of the
current stage of the neocon takeover of American policy that began after
World War ll. Read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
The recent assertion by the Trump White House
that Damascus and Moscow released “false narratives” to mislead the
world about the April 4 sarin gas attack in Khan Shaykhun, Syria, is a
dangerous next step in the “fake news” propaganda war launched in the
final days of the Obama administration. It is a step whose deep roots in
Communist Trotsky’s Fourth International must be understood before
deciding whether American democracy can be reclaimed.
Muddying the waters of accountability in a way not seen since Sen.
Joe McCarthy at the height of the Red Scare in the 1950s, the “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act”
signed into law without fanfare by Obama in December 2016 officially
authorized a government censorship bureaucracy comparable only to George
Orwell’s fictional Ministry of Truth in his novel “1984.” Referred to
as “the Global Engagement Center,”
the official purpose of this new bureaucracy is to “recognize,
understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda
and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States national
security interests.” The real purpose of this Orwellian nightmare
is to cook the books on anything that challenges Washington’s
neoconservative pro-war narrative and to intimidate, harass or jail
anyone who tries. As has already been demonstrated by President Trump’s
firing of Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian government airbase, it is a
recipe for a world war, and like it or not, that war has already begun.
Britain 'Menaced' By Government As It Tumbles Down Press Freedom Index Again - TruePublica
Britain 'Menaced' By Government As It Tumbles Down Press Freedom Index Again - TruePublica
By Graham Vanbergen
– Reporters Without Borders has openly stated that Britain is
approaching a ‘tipping point’ after the passage of the Investigatory
Powers Act as the UK slips to 40th place in press freedom rankings.
Think about that fact alone just for one minute and then think of the
implications to you personally. Out of 180 nations listed, Britain now
lies in 40th place in terms of freedom – of the press.
Slipping six places in just two years, Britain now ranks well behind
countries such as Chile, South Africa, Ghana, Uruguay, Czech Republic
and Surinam to name just a few. In the last five years since the
Conservatives took power Britain has slipped 12 places.
At the current trajectory of government policy and legislation
Britain will, by the end of the next parliament in 2022, have eased
itself to No52 behind Papua New Guinea, Tonga, and Botswana. Britain – a
once proud nation will be governed by those who will crush dissenting
WikiLeaks - CIA espionage orders for the 2012 French presidential election
WikiLeaks - CIA espionage orders for the 2012 French presidential election
Obama just 'endorsed' Macron. Previously ordered CIA hack French presidential candidates & steal their strategies: - private ~~~
BritanniaTitanic - "UK surveillance state more suited to dictatorship than a democracy" - TruePublica
BritanniaTitanic - "UK surveillance state more suited to dictatorship than a democracy" - TruePublica
By Graham Vanbergen
– Until the revelations of Edward Snowden emerged just a few years back
in 2013, British citizens had no idea as to the level of state
surveillance they were subjected to. The government, without due
process, debate or permission installed a massive taxpayer funded spying
system via its domestic agency GCHQ, to tap into internet cables and
build an enormous and detailed database of the communications of every
man, woman and child in the country with little to no legal oversight.
An ID system is no longer relevant, they have far more information than
an ID card could ever store.
GCHQ’s 360 degree full spectrum bulk
collection data system was constructed in brazen and arrogant defiance
of Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights. Britain’s
parliament never debated or approved this massive construction programme
as it would for any national infrastructure project. Every phone call,
no matter the device is recorded, every image, website visited, personal
details such as medical and financial records, contacts, everything
private to you is no longer private. Under just one of dozens of
surveillance programmes, one was called “Optic Nerve” that captured
millions of images via webcams, illegally taken and stored. An
undisclosed number, but estimated to be around one fifth of the
population were images that were “compromising in nature” including that
of naked young children in their homes and intimate images between
consenting adults. The government were found to have acted illegally for
17 years. These were crimes and no-one was prosecuted. The standard
response by government is the need for ‘national security’.
And let’s not forget, terrorism is fundamentally
a politically generated problem. Britain has been complicit in the
destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and the ongoing crisis in Syria –
all of which are in now in total chaos and all of which are the real
breeding grounds for terrorism. No amount of internet surveillance on
our own people will deal with that but the British people are now paying
the price for that in more ways then one.
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