viernes, 30 de junio de 2017
CATALONIA --- German CDU think tank urges solving of Catalan issue before ‘it’s too late’
German CDU think tank urges solving of Catalan issue before it’s too late.
Media’s propaganda war on Syria in full flow
Media’s propaganda war on Syria in full flow
Jonathan Cook, journalist
latest: Since Seymour Hersh's Syria investigation was published last
Sunday, US officials and the supposedly free western media have gone
into crisis mode. They have run stories
to discredit his findings, even as they have all failed to mention his
investigation, let alone try to rebut his claims.
Israeli Aggression Against Palestine 'Fades Away in Shade of the Syrian Crisis' - Sputnik International
Israeli Aggression Against Palestine 'Fades Away in Shade of the Syrian Crisis' - Sputnik International
This is why "we now could expect yet another #Israeli war against #Palestinians in Gaza" and what Syria has to do with it.
Nous sommes tous des mutants, par Bernard Dujon (Le Monde diplomatique, juillet 2017)
Nous sommes tous des mutants, par Bernard Dujon (Le Monde diplomatique, juillet 2017)
Faut-il modifier le vivant en changeant l’information que les organismes
se transmettent d’une génération à l’autre : leur patrimoine génétique ?

Misha Most. — « Run DNA » (ADN de la course), 2016
US State Department targets anti-Monsanto activists --- Cable: 07PARIS4723_a
Cable: 07PARIS4723_a
US State Department targets anti-Monsanto activists. -
Why Congress Won’t Agree to Stop Arming Terrorists | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Why Congress Won’t Agree to Stop Arming Terrorists | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Specifically, Senator Rand Paul and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard
introduced bills to whose simple name accurately describes what they
want: The “Stop Arming Terrorists Act”.
Nuclear Engineer Says Fukushima is “As Close to Hell as I Can Imagine,” Contamination Will Linger for Decades - Waking Times Media
Nuclear Engineer Says Fukushima is “As Close to Hell as I Can Imagine,” Contamination Will Linger for Decades - Waking Times Media
Vicki Batts, Natural News
Waking Times Media
The devastation imparted by the Fukushima meltdown in 2011 is still
in effect, and it’s likely that the radiation from the nuclear power
plant will be in our environment for a very long time. Recent reports
have indicated that the level of radiation at the disaster site is still
unbelievably high, such that cleaning up the area is expected to take at least another forty years. Honestly, the word “disaster” hardly seems descriptive enough for the toll Fukushima has taken on the planet.
Former nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen doesn’t beat around the bush
when discussing the enormous catastrophe that is the Fukushima nuclear
accident. In a late February interview with the BBC, Gundersen explained
how things could potentially get worse as workers try to get closer to
the nuclear reactors. (RELATED: Keep up with the latest news on
Fukushima at
Former nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen doesn’t beat around the bush when discussing the enormous catastrophe.
What Will U.S. Ambitions in Syria Lead to? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
What Will U.S. Ambitions in Syria Lead to? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
ANNA JAUNGER: Obviously, now there is only one way to stop the
increasing threat: Washington needs to abandon the idea of overthrowing
the legitimate government of Syria, and
begin coordinating its actions with those, who really fight terrorism.
This is the only way to prevent the devastating consequences that
threaten the security of the whole world.
Ten Basic Forms of Fake News Used by Major Media
Ten Basic Forms of Fake News Used by Major Media
The basic purpose of these ten forms: the presentation of a false picture of reality.
Brexit could leave EU with €20bn budget hole, force bloc to scrap security ambitions — RT UK
Brexit could leave EU with €20bn budget hole, force bloc to scrap security ambitions — RT UK
EU taxes might have to rise to fill the gap left by Britain’s withdrawal. #Brexit

Chemtrail Source Material Finally Unveiled - Waking Times
Chemtrail Source Material Finally Unveiled - Waking Times
Catherine J. Frompovich, Guest
Waking Times
For the last two decades the source material for
chemtrails has been a mystery. Finally, the apparent ‘perfect’ element
base material of chemtrails sprayed from airplanes—both government and
commercial—that causes blanket clouds and welsbach reflective materials
in the atmosphere, has been identified. It’s coal fly ash wastes from coal burning power plants!
In the almost 13 minute video posted below, the basic scientific
analysis of coal ash identifies fly ash, which is high in aluminum
oxide—about 30%. From the 9 minute mark on the timeline, important
information should be noted.
Apparently, coal ash—both types—is difficult and extremely expensive
to dispose of, something like a billion dollar problem per plant,
according to the video. However, fly ash easily is transported away from
power plants by railcars—the very mode of transportation that brings
the coal to the power plant to be burned. Trucks and barges also are
used in transporting it to bases for spraying.
The Status of the Global Oligarchy | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The Status of the Global Oligarchy | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
FRANCESCA DE BARDIN: While oligarchies are generally associated with
antiquity and as being localized, many of today’s larger democracies can
justifiably be called oligarchies. The
following is a brief discourse on how modern oligarchs manage control
over societies, using power exercised through economic and political
means. Today the global oligarchy is controlled by a few hundred
15 Years Later, Physics Journal Concludes: All 3 WTC Towers Collapsed Due to Controlled Demolition
15 Years Later, Physics Journal Concludes: All 3 WTC Towers Collapsed Due to Controlled Demolition
Study authors note: The WTC towers fell with such speed and symmetry
that there was no other feasible explanation for the sudden collapse.
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Fake News Media Suppress Two Blockbuster Stories on Syria
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Fake News Media Suppress Two Blockbuster Stories on Syria
The US mainstream media not only prints fake news, it does its best --
in a coordinated fashion -- to prevent any news from gaining an audience
if it goes against the wishes and
narrative of the national security state. Case in point, two recent
extremely important articles on Syria -- on how the US armed terrorists
and on how the Trump Administration knew there was no gas attack in
Syria but bombed anyway. The MSM is doing its best to bury them.
Amid Qatar-Saudi Rift, Qatar May be Turning Its Back on the US Dollar
Amid Qatar-Saudi Rift, Qatar May be Turning Its Back on the US Dollar
last week, Saudi Arabia and other members of the Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC) that are involved in attempting to isolate Qatar sent the
tiny Gulf nation a list of 13 demands.
They are insisting that Qatar meet these demands within ten days or face unspecified further action.
Why should Palestine take a back seat? | The Electronic Intifada
Why should Palestine take a back seat? | The Electronic Intifada
The Palestinian-led BDS movement faces a challenge its South African
counterpart did not: the formidable grip of the Israel lobby on the US
Congress and the Democratic and Republican parties.

Mamoun Wazwaz
APA images
US journal Science publishes study linking neonicotinoids to bee deaths –
US journal Science publishes study linking neonicotinoids to bee deaths –
Two of the most extensive field studies conducted to date in Europe and
Canada have confirmed the hypothesis that neonicotinoid insecticides are
harmful to bees and other pollinating species.

Neonicotinoids were found to cause a reduced capacity of bee species to
establish new populations in the year following exposure, the study
concluded. [Gordon/Flickr]
jueves, 29 de junio de 2017
Palestine in motion
Palestine in motion
"I am olive trees whose roots run deep; like them, I cannot be uprooted. I am still Palestine."
Exiled Palestinians talk to Al Jazeera about refugee life, displacement and their longing to return to Palestine.
500 Kids Have Gone Missing In DC In 2017 — Sex Trafficking Fears Have Officials Asking FBI For Help
500 Kids Have Gone Missing In DC In 2017 — Sex Trafficking Fears Have Officials Asking FBI For Help
The number of trafficked humans in the US is startling.
Hersh: Trump Ignored Intel Before Bombing Syria | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Hersh: Trump Ignored Intel Before Bombing Syria | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
In an exclusive interview, veteran investigative reporter Seymour Hersh
discusses his new report that President Trump bombed a Syrian military
airfield in April despite warnings that U.S. intelligence had found no
evidence that the Assad regime used a chemical weapon.
Brazilian President Michel Temer Charged with Corruption, a Year After He Backed Ouster of Rousseff | Democracy Now!
Brazilian President Michel Temer Charged with Corruption, a Year After He Backed Ouster of Rousseff | Democracy Now!
David Miranda, a journalist and member of the Rio City Council, predicts
Michel Temer's presidency will not survive a planned nationwide strike
this Friday in Brazil.
UK activists demand end to Saudi Arabia, UAE arms sales | Saudi Arabia News | Al Jazeera
UK activists demand end to Saudi Arabia, UAE arms sales | Saudi Arabia News | Al Jazeera
In the last 3 years, the UK has approved arms export licenses to Saudi
Arabia worth $4.7bn, $1.6bn to the UAE, and $208m to Egypt.
Saudi soldiers deployed for ground operations in southern Yemen [File: Faisal Al Nasser/Reuters]
CATALONIA -- EUROPP – Catalonia’s referendum: Four views on whether the vote should go ahead
EUROPP – Catalonia’s referendum: Four views on whether the vote should go ahead
" The Catalan government has announced plans to hold a referendum on
independence from Spain on 1 October. However, the Spanish government
has argued that such a referendum would be unconstitutional and it is
still unclear whether the vote will take place. We asked four academics
to give their views on whether the vote should be held, and what it
would potentially mean for Catalonia and Spain. "
<<<…/catalonias-referendum-four-views-…/ >>
Facebook’s Secret Censorship Rules Protect White Men from Hate Speech But Not Black Children - ProPublica
Facebook’s Secret Censorship Rules Protect White Men from Hate Speech But Not Black Children - ProPublica
A ProPublica investigation looks at how Facebook's censorship rules favor white people, elites, and governments.
"In the wake of a terrorist attack in London
earlier this month, a U.S. congressman wrote a Facebook post in which
he called for the slaughter of 'radicalized' Muslims. 'Hunt them,
identify them, and kill them,' declared U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins, a
Louisiana Republican. 'Kill them all. For the sake of all that is good
and righteous. Kill them all.'
"Higgins’ plea for violent revenge went untouched by Facebook workers who scour the social network deleting offensive speech.
"But a May posting on Facebook by Boston poet and Black Lives Matter activist Didi Delgado drew a different response.
“'All white people are racist. Start from this reference point, or
you’ve already failed,' Delgado wrote. The post was removed and her
Facebook account was disabled for seven days.
"A trove of
internal documents reviewed by ProPublica sheds new light on the secret
guidelines that Facebook’s censors use to distinguish between hate
speech and legitimate political expression. The documents reveal the
rationale behind seemingly inconsistent decisions. For instance,
Higgins’ incitement to violence passed muster because it targeted a
specific sub-group of Muslims — those that are 'radicalized' — while
Delgado’s post was deleted for attacking whites in general.
the past decade, the company has developed hundreds of rules, drawing
elaborate distinctions between what should and shouldn’t be allowed, in
an effort to make the site a safe place for its nearly 2 billion users.
The issue of how Facebook monitors this content has become increasingly
prominent in recent months, with the rise of 'fake news' — fabricated
stories that circulated on Facebook like 'Pope Francis Shocks the World,
Endorses Donald Trump For President, Releases Statement' — and growing
concern that terrorists are using social media for recruitment.
"While Facebook was credited during the 2010-2011 “Arab Spring” with
facilitating uprisings against authoritarian regimes, the documents
suggest that, at least in some instances, the company’s hate-speech
rules tend to favor elites and governments over grassroots activists and
racial minorities. In so doing, they serve the business interests of
the global company, which relies on national governments not to block
its service to their citizens."
Trump’s chaos is covering for stealth escalation overseas - The Washington Post
Trump’s chaos is covering for stealth escalation overseas - The Washington Post
the Washington Post, the Nation's Katrina van den Heuvel has a superb
op-ed on the stealth wars of the Trump era, rolling out in distant lands
while we're barely looking. (Below are
the first paragraphs and the last one.) And she brings up a name I
haven't heard in quite a while: Senator J. William Fulbright, who
actually took on a Democratic president in major hearings over the
Vietnam War and wrote a book whose very title says it all (a book no one
in Washington could write today): "The Arrogance of Power." When it
comes to our wars, there's not a Fulbright in sight in Washington
anymore... Tom
Washington is fixated on President Trump’s tweets, antics, lies and
Russiagate, the administration is ramping up a stealth escalation of our
military involvement across the Middle East. As Naomi Klein warns,
Trump’s “rolling shock of the chaos and spectacle” distracts from
radical actions both at home and abroad. Across the Middle East, the
administration drives the United States ever further into wars without
end, increasing the dangers of direct military confrontation with Russia
and Iran, with little awareness and no mandate from the American
people. This is a recipe for calamity.
"The deepening military
involvement has accelerated in recent weeks. The administration will
dispatch 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan, plus 400 to Syria. The
president fired 23 cruise missiles at a Syrian air base in retaliation
for alleged Syrian use of chemical weapons against civilians. In recent
weeks, U.S. forces have bombed Iranian-supported militia forces moving
forward in southern Syria and shot down a Syrian jet flying over Syrian
airspace. Russia has cut off coordination designed to avoid air
collisions and announced that U.S. planes flying west of the Euphrates
would be targeted. As the battle against the Islamic State reaches its
final stage, the Pentagon seems intent on sustaining a presence in
Syria, aimed at preventing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from
regaining control of the country.
"In Yemen, the United States is
escalating its direct and indirect support for the Saudi air assault
that is leveling that impoverished country. As fighting intensifies,
civilian casualties and refugees are rising, more and more are driven
from their homes, and hunger and deadly diseases such as cholera are
spreading as health systems break under the strain. Seventeen million
Yemenis suffer from lack of food, while a cholera epidemic infects
another child every 35 seconds.
"The escalation directly
contradicts Trump’s stances during the election campaign. Back then, he
indicated his skepticism of regime change, claiming — falsely — that he
had opposed the Iraq invasion and denouncing the intervention in Libya.
He indicated that he saw no reason to take sides in the Syrian civil
war, suggesting that perhaps the United States could join with Syria and
its ally Russia to take out the Islamic State. He promised he would
“bomb the s--- out of ISIS” but would not get bogged down in the Middle
East. This stance appealed strongly to voters weary of war and looking
for a leader who would focus on our challenges here at home. That
promise has now clearly been trashed....
"But the reality is that
we are headed into more war without public support, without a sensible
strategy or a clear purpose. Americans are tired of wars without end.
The response is to fight wars on the quiet: substituting technology for
troops to lower our casualties. What is needed now is not a blank check
but public hearings that will expose the increasingly dangerous reality
to the American people. We don’t need a rubber-stamp Congress. We need
someone with a backbone to stand up as Sen. J. William Fulbright
(D-Ark.) did in 1966, convening hearings that exposed the folly in
Vietnam and explored ways to bring the conflict to an end. Where is the
Republican Fulbright of today who will question our current course
before it is too late?"

U.S. forces and Afghan security police in Asad Khil, Afghanistan, on April 17. (Rahmat Gul/Associated Press)
5 Reasons America Should Not Fight Iran, Russia and Assad in Syria
5 Reasons America Should Not Fight Iran, Russia and Assad in Syria
Pursuing an ambitious mission against all three adversaries in Syria is dangerous, imprudent and unnecessary.
The Storm of Political Change Is Upon Us - There Is No Going Back - TruePublica
The Storm of Political Change Is Upon Us - There Is No Going Back - TruePublica
By Graham Vanbergen: The former Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps said this
week that the prime minister lost her majority because her policy ideas
“simply didn’t stack up”. “We didn’t need to be here. I think it’s
extremely frustrating. I think we had an unnecessary election and the
world’s worst manifesto from the world’s oldest political party,” he
said. “If we fail to learn the right lessons from the election then we
will find that we never win elections again.” Shapps also rejected the
suggestion the Tories lost their majority because voters had turned
against austerity. How wrong Shapps is on that one!
Grant Shapps is a typical right-wing politician of today’s Britain. A
few years ago Shapps was discovered to have had a second job as a
“multimillion-dollar web marketer” under the pseudonym Michael Green for
at least year after he first became an MP. In a Guardian article
his company “was dissolved after it marketed “scraping” software
TrafficPaymaster – the sale of which, the police said, may have been an
“offence of fraud”.
Karl Turner, Labour’s shadow solicitor general, said at the time:
“It beggars belief that the chairman of the Conservative party went on
live radio and stated three times that he was not doing business as
Michael Green while he was an MP, when new reports and audio show quite
clearly that he did.”
And this was the best the Tories could dig up as party chairman!
Shapps is the embodiment of just about everything wrong in government in
Britain today.
#Elsa --- WikiLeaks - Vault 7: Projects
WikiLeaks - Vault 7: Projects
RELEASE: CIA 'ELSA' implant to geolocate laptops+desktops by intercepting the surrounding WiFi signals

28 June, 2017
Today, June 28th 2017, WikiLeaks publishes documents from the ELSA project of the CIA. ELSA
is a geo-location malware for WiFi-enabled devices like laptops running
the Micorosoft Windows operating system. Once persistently installed on
a target machine using separate CIA exploits, the malware scans visible
WiFi access points and records the ESS identifier, MAC address and
signal strength at regular intervals. To perform the data collection the
target machine does not have to be online or connected to an access
point; it only needs to be running with an enabled WiFi device. If it is
connected to the internet, the malware automatically tries to use
public geo-location databases from Google or Microsoft to resolve the
position of the device and stores the longitude and latitude data along
with the timestamp. The collected access point/geo-location information
is stored in encrypted form on the device for later exfiltration. The
malware itself does not beacon this data to a CIA back-end; instead the
operator must actively retrieve the log file from the device - again
using separate CIA exploits and backdoors.
ELSA User Manual
CIA can hack & track Windows devices via their wifi connections — RT Viral
CIA can hack & track Windows devices via their wifi connections — RT Viral
WikiLeaks has released the latest Vault 7 batch of CIA hacking
exploits. ‘ELSA’ is malware used to track WiFi-enabled devices running
Microsoft Windows, allowing the CIA to gather location data on a
target’s device and monitor their patterns and habits.
ELSA tracks the geolocation of wifi-enabled devices, providing the CIA with a target’s “pattern of life,” by recording details about wifi access points near the target machine.
malware allows the CIA to track a target’s location even when they’re
not connected to the internet. All that’s needed is for the device to be
wifi-enabled and in an area where wifi access points are in range.
Using wifi for geolocation means GPS isn’t required.
#WikiLeaks release 'Elsa', latest in #Vault7 series, detailing geolocation of computers via WiFi access points
— Colm McGlinchey (@ColmMcGlinchey) June 28, 2017
ELSA was initially created in 2012, according to a 2013 user manual obtained by WikiLeaks. The manual is marked as ‘secret, noforn’ - meaning it’s not to be shared with other countries.

© Toby Melville / Reuters
CATALONIA --- Catalonia’s referendum exposes a divided Spain
Catalonia’s referendum exposes a divided Spain
" But the change is perhaps most evident on the
street. In recent years, Catalonia has seen some of the largest
demonstrations in Europe, with hundreds of thousands of marchers calling
for secession every year on September 11, Catalonia’s national day. "
miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017
Trump Has Been Continuing Obama’s Syria-Policy | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Trump Has Been Continuing Obama’s Syria-Policy | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
ERIC ZUESSE: I have previously indicated that on June 19th “Russia
Announces No-Fly Zone in Syria — War Against U.S. There”, and that the
early indications are that Trump has
changed his Syria-policy to accommodate Russia’s demands there; but,
prior to June 19th, Trump was actually following Obama’s publicly stated
Saudi Arabia Conducts Over 50 Air Raids on Yemen in Just 24 Hours | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Saudi Arabia Conducts Over 50 Air Raids on Yemen in Just 24 Hours | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
35 airstrikes were carried out in the province of Marib, slightly east
of Sana’a. 14 airstrikes hit various districts of Hajjah province
including Midi and Herad. They also carried out three raids in both Taiz
and Sa’ada provinces.
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Trump's Super Fake Syria News: More US Attacks Expected
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Trump's Super Fake Syria News: More US Attacks Expected
Trump is obsessed by CNN's "fake news," but he's a master at fake
news himself -- like his White House's kooky claim last night that
Syria's Assad was about to gas his
people "again." Is Trump really about to launch a massive attack on the
Syrian government (and Russia and Iran), as his White House and UN
Ambassador Nikki Haley threatened? Watch today's Liberty Report:
Trump's Super Fake Syria News: More US Attacks Expected…/trumps-super-fake-syria-news…/
When Is It 'Terrorism'? How The Media Cover Attacks By Muslim Perpetrators : NPR
When Is It 'Terrorism'? How The Media Cover Attacks By Muslim Perpetrators : NPR
The "terrorism" label is often only applied to cases where the perpetrator is Muslim.
Sometimes it can feel like there is a terrorist attack
on the news every other week. But how much attention an attack receives
has a lot to do with one factor: the religion of the perpetrator.
David McNew /AFP/Getty Images
Petya Ransomware Spreading Rapidly Worldwide, Just Like WannaCry
Petya Ransomware Spreading Rapidly Worldwide, Just Like WannaCry
WARNING: Having a "patched" Microsoft Windows doesn't prevent you from being infected by #Petya. It simply prevents #Ransomware to the spread via SMB Exploit.
Is ‘Russiagate’ Collapsing as a Political Strategy? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Is ‘Russiagate’ Collapsing as a Political Strategy? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
NORMAN SOLOMON: In the top strata of the national Democratic Party, and
especially for the Clinton wing of the party, blaming Russia has been of
visceral importance. A recent book
about Hillary Clinton’s latest presidential campaign — “Shattered,” by
journalists Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes — includes a revealing
The War Against Workers and the Poor | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The War Against Workers and the Poor | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
KIM PETERSEN: It is highly illustrative of the divide between the
working masses and the 1%-ers of Wall Street who effectively own the
American political system. The
politicians know the voters want change, but they also know who butters
their bread. Empty campaign promises are followed by endless betrayals.
Elections: Absenteeism, Boycotts and the Class Struggle | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Elections: Absenteeism, Boycotts and the Class Struggle | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
PROF. JAMES PETRAS: Oligarchs compete and alternate with one another
over controlling and defining who votes and doesn’t vote. They decide
who secures plutocratic financing and mass media propaganda within a
tiny corporate sector.
Conservatives Need to Stop Supporting Immoral Government Policies
Conservatives Need to Stop Supporting Immoral Government Policies
The intellectual incoherence of conservatism.
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : One Nation . . . Indivisible?
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : One Nation . . . Indivisible?
Americans have cheered secession in many parts of the world in recent
decades. Yet, in the USA, secession remains tainted by its association
with the defense of slavery in the
1860s. Americans need to get over that knee-jerk association and
recognize that secession might—not necessarily, but might—be an
essential first step in people’s escape from an intolerable government
and in the reestablishment of their liberties.
CNN Producer Accidentally Admits Russia Hacking Story "Mostly Bullshit"
CNN Producer Accidentally Admits Russia Hacking Story "Mostly Bullshit"
CNN Producer Accidentally Admits Russia Hacking Story “Mostly Bullshit”
German parliament agrees to massive expansion of digital surveillance - TruePublica
German parliament agrees to massive expansion of digital surveillance - TruePublica
By Sven Heymann – Last
week, by a large majority, the Bundestag (federal parliament) agreed to
a massive expansion of digital surveillance. The state will be given
the power to deploy “trojans,” computer code that can bypass a user’s
security and implement remote online searches of a person’s devices. The
decision effectively eliminates the possibility of secure digital
communications in Germany.
At the end of the state interior ministers conference last week,
federal Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) had announced that
the government would create the legal basis for these powers during this
legislative period, and thus before the parliamentary summer break.
The Economic Fallacy of Austerity - Project for Democratic Union (PDU)
The Economic Fallacy of Austerity - Project for Democratic Union (PDU)
Austerity measures were in fact counterproductive to reaching the goal
of reducing government debt. European policies in the aftermath of the
"great recession" of 08/09 have been
actively harmful for the Greek economy. They have induced economic
effects directly opposing those intended by those policies. Instead of
reducing debt to GDP ratio to a healthy level, they have actually done
the opposite. The IMF is exactly right to demand debt relief before
contributing to more loans. To oppose this position is an economic
absurdity. To oppose it on grounds of pre-election political maneuvering
also is dishonest to voters. The European project will never succeed
without fiscal transfers from richer to poorer regions of the Union.
German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble and the IMF’s managing director Christine Lagarde.
How Clueless is the West about What has Happened to Libya | New Eastern Outlook
How Clueless is the West about What has Happened to Libya | New Eastern Outlook
Libya is now central to Manchester bombing that killed 22 people and
wounded scores of others. Since the bombers’ identification as a Libyan,
the country has been making headlines
as the exporter of terrorism, providing man-power to jihadi groups like
ISIS. Little, however, has been written or spoken about the condition
that Libya is in today and how it became such a mess. In one of my
previous articles published by NEO, I had pointed out the British
parliament’s foreign affairs committee’s report that acknowledged what a
drastic failure Libya was; how NATO intervention was based upon flawed
intelligence, and how it led to the mushrooming of jihadi groups in the
country, groups which are now directly attacking the West. Still, the
Western media continues to present a picture of Libya that says nothing
about the hegemonic pursuits of the West itself, which included control
over Libya’s oil and use the country as the base for facilitating
Western overreach in Africa.
Reimagining Palestine by Marwan Muasher - Project Syndicate
Reimagining Palestine by Marwan Muasher - Project Syndicate
By putting the core issue of Palestinian rights front and center, the
Palestinian leadership would be acknowledging a shift that is already
occurring within Palestinian society.
Young people and civil-society groups are increasingly focused on how to
secure individual rights, and regard their civil liberties as a
precursor to, rather than the result of, statehood. [Marwan Muasher]
Marwan Muasher
Marwan Muasher, a former foreign
minister and deputy prime minister of Jordan, is Vice President for
Studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. His latest
book is The Second Arab Awakening and the Battle for Pluralism.
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