jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017
Study: Record Levels of Aluminum Found in Autistic Children Brain Tissue
Study: Record Levels of Aluminum Found in Autistic Children Brain Tissue
New Study Indicates that Widespread Exposure to Aluminum Is Setting the Stage for Catastrophic Neurological Damage
by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.Media Erase NATO Role in Bringing Slave Markets to Libya | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Media Erase NATO Role in Bringing Slave Markets to Libya | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The American and British media have awakened to the grim reality in
Libya, where African refugees are for sale in open-air slave markets.
Yet a crucial detail in this scandal has been downplayed or even ignored
in many corporate media reports: the role of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization in bringing slavery to the North African nation.
Failure to End Use of Toxic Herbicide Glyphosate ‘Nothing Short of Scandalous’ | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Failure to End Use of Toxic Herbicide Glyphosate ‘Nothing Short of Scandalous’ | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
A qualified majority of EU countries agreed the reauthorisation of
Europe’s most used weedkiller, glyphosate, this week. After months of
wrangling and a failure by EU nations to agree its fate, the Appeal
Committee, consisting of experts from EU countries together with the
European Commission, agreed to renew the license for this toxic
herbicide for another five years.
miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017
Landfill photos from six cities that highlight the global waste problem - Washington Post
Landfill photos from six cities that highlight the global waste problem - Washington Post
Waste is a huge problem around the world. Here’s how some big cities are dealing with it:https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/world/global-waste/
Scavengers dig through the trash at Jakarta’s Bantar Gebang.
Greenpeace slams Indonesia palm oil industry on deforestation - Channel NewsAsia
Greenpeace slams Indonesia palm oil industry on deforestation - Channel NewsAsia
These companies said they would protect Indonesian forests, but they're not. Take a stand >> http://act.gp/2mx7Qpc
This picture taken on May 19, 2017 shows a forest that was recently
cleared to plant oil palm trees in Jambi, south Sumatra. (Photo: AFP/Goh
Chai Hin)
What Happened When One Family Decided to Go Outdoors Three Hours a Day for a Year
What Happened When One Family Decided to Go Outdoors Three Hours a Day for a Year
"Taking the kids outside was like some kind of parenting magic. It
made everything easier. We had happier kids who were more fun to be
around. Outside, they played more
creatively and they rarely argued. As the year progressed, we found that
we were calmer, less stressed and more grounded...
"To our surprise, the kids stopped asking for the iPad. They stopped
asking to watch TV. After a while, they started noticing the birds.
Phoebe was only one, but she had soon learned the names of all the
different birds that visited our backyard... Outside our children would
run. They would chase each other or ride their bikes for hours. And soon
they started asking to go to bed earlier.
"On one warm spring
night, the little boy from next door called out to Ezra across the
fence. “Ezra, have you had your dinner yet? Do you want to come back out
and play?” Ezra stuck his head out the back-door and called back,
“Sorry Lucas, I can’t. I’m tired and I’m going to bed.” It was 5.15pm."
Native American Girls Describe the Real History Behind Thanksgiving
Native American Girls Describe the Real History Behind Thanksgiving
6 Native American girls tell the REAL history of Thanksgiving.
John Pilger: "There Is No War On Terror... There Is A War OF Terror."
John Pilger: "There Is No War On Terror... There Is A War OF Terror."
John Pilger: "There Is No War On Terror... There Is A War OF Terror."
This Is How Globalized Capitalism Operates Today
This Is How Globalized Capitalism Operates Today
The history of wage struggle in Cambodia is a case study for the history of global capitalism as a whole.
Here's how it works: Multi-national corporations exploit
workers in the most exploitable countries, producing goods at
rock-bottom prices that are sold for sky-high profits in affluent
countries. When the workers protest the injustice, the armed force of
the state *always* intervenes to protect the interests of the capitalist
ownership class and maintain the on-going exploitation. This is why
many workers around the world know capitalism viscerally as a system
that rob workers at gunpoint.
This capitalist system of exploitation could not continue to exist
without the armed intervention of the state. Without the police brutally
cracking down on workers, businesses would have long ago started paying
workers living, dignified wages and many would likely become
worker-owned and managed. So much for free markets.
Ballistic Missile Fired by North Korea Lands Inside Japan’s Economic Zone
Ballistic Missile Fired by North Korea Lands Inside Japan’s Economic Zone
Want to end North Korea's missle tests? Get the U.S. to withdraw from South Korea and the Asian Pacific.
The Politics of Climate Change Need to Be Anti-Elitist
The Politics of Climate Change Need to Be Anti-Elitist
Transformative, environment-friendly projects are more likely to come from the public sector, not a handful of benevolent CEOs.
SPAIN AGAINST THE CATALONIA NATION -- ‘Unpleasant things’ happened on the day of the referendum, admits Spanish president
‘Unpleasant things’ happened on the day of the referendum, admits Spanish president
UPDATE: Enforcement of Article 155 of Spanish Constitution –resulting
in the takeover of Catalonia’s self-government– is “very democratic,”
says Rajoy https://goo.gl/gHKLoM ~~~
Selected Articles: U.S. “Humanitarian Negligence” Extends Beyond Terrorism | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Selected Articles: U.S. “Humanitarian Negligence” Extends Beyond Terrorism | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Selected Articles: U.S. “Humanitarian Negligence” Extends Beyond Terrorism

Is North Korea Really a ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Is North Korea Really a ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Has Pyongyang been found guilty of some spectacular terrorist attack
overseas or perhaps of plotting to overthrow another country by force?
No, that is not the case. North Korea is
back on the US list of state sponsors of terrorism because President
Trump thinks the move will convince the government to give up its
nuclear weapons and ballistic missile program.
The-food-bubble- H o w W a l l S t r e e t s t a r v e d m i l l i o n s a n d g o t a w a y w i t h i t B y F r e d e r i c k Ka u f m an pdf.pdf
The-food-bubble- H o w W a l l S t r e e t s t a r v e d m i l l i o n s a n d g o t a w a y w i t h i t B y F r e d e r i c k Ka u f m an pdf.pdf
Why are there still famines? | SocialistWorker.org
Why are there still famines? | SocialistWorker.org
At this very moment, more than 20 million people stand on the brink
of starvation in regions of the Middle East and Africa. And this is to
say nothing of the close to 800 million
people in the world who are undernourished due to a lack of access to
food. You might think that the problem is one of physical scarcity:
There's simply "too many" people on the planet and not enough food to
feed everyone around the globe. But the truth is that there is actually a
surplus of food. Humanity produces far more food every year than
everyone on the planet needs to survive. Because of modern technologies
and economies of scale in agriculture, food production and storage, more
calories per person are produced today than ever before in human
history. And yet millions stand on the brink of starvation or suffer
from undernourishment or food insecurity.
So what explains this alarming fact?: Capitalism.
From a humanitarian or ethical standpoint, the solution to famine is to
immediately transfer the surplus food that already exists to the people
who need it most. But profitability is what makes the wheels of the
world's current economic system turn--and it's more profitable to
withhold or even destroy surplus food than to give it to those in need.
A malnourished child in a hospital in Mogadishu, Somalia (AMISOM)
International tribunal finds Monsanto guilty of crimes against humanity – NaturalNews.com
International tribunal finds Monsanto guilty of crimes against humanity – NaturalNews.com
An international tribunal has found Monsanto guilty of human right violations, crimes against humanity and ecocide. http://bit.ly/2pS43kD
SPAIN AGAINST THE CATALONIA NATION -- Catalan politicians struggle with Spanish prison regime - BBC News
Catalan politicians struggle with Spanish prison regime - BBC News
Catalan politicians struggle with Spanish prison regime
By James Reynolds
<<<< https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-europe-42136236 >>>
Emotions run high on the streets of the town
SPAIN AGAINST THE CATALONIA NATION -- Spain ‘hid’ information over Barcelona attacks main suspect, Ripoll council claims
Spain ‘hid’ information over Barcelona attacks main suspect, Ripoll council claims
The Spanish intelligence service is still in the spotlight after
admitting to collaborating with the main suspect of the August 17
Barcelona attacks
➡️ https://goo.gl/tEW3xM. ~~~~
Macroeconomics and Social Inequality: A Thanksgiving Letter to Our Wealthiest 1% Americans | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Macroeconomics and Social Inequality: A Thanksgiving Letter to Our Wealthiest 1% Americans | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
DR. JACK RASMUS: Let’s not forget to thank in particular the bankers
among you. While it’s true they gave us the 2007-09 financial crash that
led to 14 million home foreclosures and $4 trillion in our lost
savings, your bankers did allow us to offset our stagnant wages these
past 8 years with more loans and debt.
The Raqqa Exodus: The US Coalition’s “Secret Deal” to Allow ISIS-Daesh Terrorists to Escape… | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The Raqqa Exodus: The US Coalition’s “Secret Deal” to Allow ISIS-Daesh Terrorists to Escape… | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
PROF. MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY: The unspoken truth is that Uncle Sam had come
to the rescue of the Islamic State. That decision was in all likelihood
taken and carried on the orders of the Pentagon rather than the US
State Department.
Bombshell BBC Report Confirms US Struck a Deal with ISIS in Syria
Bombshell BBC Report Confirms US Struck a Deal with ISIS in Syria
At a moment of widespread acknowledgment
that the short-lived Islamic State (ISIS) is no longer a reality, and
as ISIS is about to be defeated by the Syrian Army in its last urban
holdout of Abu Kamal City in eastern Syria, the US is signaling an open-ended military presence in Syria. On Monday Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters at
the Pentagon that the US is preparing for a long-term military
commitment in Syria to fight ISIS “as long as they want to fight.”
Mattis indicated that even should ISIS lose all of its territory
there would still be a dangerous insurgency that could morph into an
“ISIS 2.0” which he said the US would seek to prevent. “The enemy hasn’t
declared that they’re done with the area yet, so we’ll keep fighting as
long as they want to fight,” Mattis said. “We’re not just going to walk
away right now before the Geneva process has traction.”
CATALONIA --- PEN International concerned about deteriorating climate for freedom of expression in Catalonia PEN International
PEN International concerned about deteriorating climate for freedom of expression in Catalonia PEN International
"PEN International concerned about deteriorating climate for freedom of expression in Catalonia"
<<<< http://www.pen-international.org/…/pen-international-conc…/… >>> >>>>>
martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017
The Dark Inevitability of Zionism – Consortiumnews
The Dark Inevitability of Zionism – Consortiumnews
Among the growing assaults on freedom of speech is an Israeli-driven
campaign to criminalize a campaign to boycott Israel over its racist
persecution of Palestinians, writes Lawrence Davidson.
A section of the barrier — erected by Israeli officials to prevent the
passage of Palestinians — with graffiti using President John F.
Kennedy’s famous quote when facing the Berlin Wall, “Ich bin ein
Berliner.” (Photo credit: Marc Venezia)
James Mattis Allowed the ISIS Terrorists to Escape from Raqqa, Smuggled Out of Syria | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
James Mattis Allowed the ISIS Terrorists to Escape from Raqqa, Smuggled Out of Syria | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
ERIC ZUESSE: The U.S. Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis, made a
secret decision to place the safety and welfare of some foreigners
higher than the welfare and safety of the American people.
SPAIN AGAINST THE CATALONIA NATION -- Future of arts festival at risk as Spanish Treasury demands €1 million in arrears
Future of arts festival at risk as Spanish Treasury demands €1 million in arrears
The festival is in danger "of not taking place in coming years" says director
➡️ https://goo.gl/oz7ZEs . ~~~~~~
Shadow World Exposes Greed, Profit and the Business of War
Shadow World Exposes Greed, Profit and the Business of War
Is the new PBS documentary an example of a "limited hangout"?
lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017
World Chaos Diagnosis: Acute Zionist Infestation | New Eastern Outlook
World Chaos Diagnosis: Acute Zionist Infestation | New Eastern Outlook
What is Israel's real goal in Middle East chaos?
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Five Minutes Five Issues: Marijuana Legalization, Bye-Bye Google, Yemen Omission, Alcohol Tax, Redistrict for War
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Five Minutes Five Issues: Marijuana Legalization, Bye-Bye Google, Yemen Omission, Alcohol Tax, Redistrict for War
Google's recent announcement that it will bury search results for RT
means the company prioritizes politicization of its product over
providing helpful, on-point results. Will the consumers begin to look elsewhere? This story and more in this week's RPI Blog, Five Minutes, Five Issues:
Five Minutes Five Issues: Marijuana Legalization, Bye-Bye Google, Yemen Omission, Alcohol Tax, Redistrict for War http://ronpaulinstitute.org/…/five-minutes-five-issues-mar…/
CATALONIA -- Bruxelles s'apprête à accueillir 50.000 indépendantistes catalans - La Libre
Bruxelles s'apprête à accueillir 50.000 indépendantistes catalans - La Libre
Bruxelles s'apprête à accueillir 50.000 indépendantistes catalans
La police confirme l’énorme manifestation organisée le 7 décembre en soutien au président catalan déchu Carles Puigdemont.
Que ce soit en voiture, en train, en avion ou en autocar, ce sont
des dizaines de milliers de manifestants qui vont débarquer dans la
capitale le jeudi 7 décembre en provenance de toute l’Europe. Le but :
soutenir le président catalan déchu, Carles Puigdemont, toujours exilé à
Bruxelles. Une information communiquée dans La DH du 14 novembre aujourd’hui confirmée par la police.
I'm on the Kill List. This is what it feels like to be hunted by drones | The Independent
I'm on the Kill List. This is what it feels like to be hunted by drones | The Independent
The most important thing you'll read all day
Lebanon Puts Army on High Alert, Israel Faces a More Capable Hezbollah
Lebanon Puts Army on High Alert, Israel Faces a More Capable Hezbollah
Hezbollah defeated Israel's illegal invasion and war of aggression in the July 2006 war.
They have become militarily stronger since then, garnering national respect in Lebanon from Christians and other sects.
Why Did Ratko Mladic Commit Genocide Against Bosnia’s Muslims? | The New Yorker
Why Did Ratko Mladic Commit Genocide Against Bosnia’s Muslims? | The New Yorker
During the Bosnian war, why did the Serbian commander Ratko Mladic
choose to slaughter so many citizens, and so openly? Onlookers hoped
that Mladic’s war-crimes trial would provide some answers.
the same day that the former Serbian Army commander Ratko Mladić was
convicted of war crimes, a woman mourned at a memorial near Srebrenica
dedicated to victims of genocide.Photograph by Dimitar Dilkoff / AFP / Getty
the same day that the former Serbian Army commander Ratko Mladić was
convicted of war crimes, a woman mourned at a memorial near Srebrenica
dedicated to victims of genocide.
the same day that the former Serbian Army commander Ratko Mladić was
convicted of war crimes, a woman mourned at a memorial near Srebrenica
dedicated to victims of genocide.
Poland’s Patriot Missile Purchase Is A Paid Bribe To America | OrientalReview.org
Poland’s Patriot Missile Purchase Is A Paid Bribe To America | OrientalReview.org
Poland announced that it will purchase $10.5 billion worth of
anti-air Patriot missiles from the US. Technically, the official news
event is that the State Department
approved the possible sale and that Congress has 30 days to block it,
but for all intents and purposes it’s widely considered that the deal
will go through as planned. This means that the Central European country
will strengthen its frontline position as NATO’s anti-Russian vanguard,
crucially functioning as an indispensable component of the missile
defense shield that the US is constructing around Russia’s borders. [
495 more words ]
CNN Breaks Story on Slave Trade in Libya; French Government Voices Concern for African Migrants | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
CNN Breaks Story on Slave Trade in Libya; French Government Voices Concern for African Migrants | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
When examining and assessing the latest information fed to us by one of
imperialism’s mouthpieces, CNN, there are important things for us, as
revolutionary Pan-Africanists, to keep
in mind. The first thing to note is the clear hypocrisy and insincerity
which is nowhere more stark than CNN’s recent expose of “Libyan crimes
against humanity” and French President, Emmanuel Macron’s call for a
special meeting of the UN Security Council to demand immediate action
against this heinous “Libyan” crime.
Libya: A New False Dawn | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Libya: A New False Dawn | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The most obvious reason why it will not work is right there in the UN
plan: The three-strong presidency needs to be agreed by a grand council
of all Libya’s factions, expected to be
called by the UN in February, which will also decide a date for new
elections. But if all Libya’s factions could agree a way forward, there
would never have been a civil war in the first place.
The Duty to Disobey a Nuclear Launch Order | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The Duty to Disobey a Nuclear Launch Order | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
On November 19, Air Force Gen. John Hyten, commander of the US Strategic
Command, declared he would refuse to follow an illegal presidential
order to launch a nuclear attack. “If
you execute an unlawful order, you will go to jail,” the general
explained at the Halifax International Security Forum in Nova Scotia.
“You could go to jail for the rest of your life.”
American policy totally failed in Syria — let’s be thankful - Salon.com
American policy totally failed in Syria — let’s be thankful - Salon.com
Washington has lost in Syria. This is what the New York Times was
mumbling about after Assad and Putin met. U.S. alliances with some of
the world’s most reactionary despots may become a thing of the past. Its
regime-change habit has been effectively challenged.
A Post-GDP World – Foreign Policy
A Post-GDP World – Foreign Policy
In global governance, a country’s status is intimately connected with
the size of its economy. In his influential book, The Rise and Fall of
the Great Powers, Yale historian Paul
Kennedy concludes that economic strength is more significant than
military might when it comes to determining the international pecking
order. This has certainly been the case during the 20th century, when
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) became the key parameter deciding which
countries should lead the institutions of global governance. Definitions
of “superpower,” “middle power,” or “emerging power” have all been
defined by GDP. The distinction between the “developed” and the
“developing” world is also a result of GDP. Powerful “clubs” like the
G7/G20, the OECD, and even the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and
South Africa) are determined by actual or prospective estimates of GDP.
GDP is not just an economic policy tool: It is first and foremost the
leading parameter through which a nation can gain global clout and
access the top echelons of global governance.
In the past few years, however, there has been a growing debate about
the adequacy of GDP as an indicator of economic performance, let alone
as a benchmark for international relevance. Indeed, GDP is not a measure
of all gains and losses in an economy. While it counts the exploitation
of natural resources as profit, it does not consider the economic costs
of environmental degradation, and it completely disregards goods and
services exchanged outside the market (within households, in the
informal economies, through barter, etc.), which account for the bulk of
economic activity in many countries. Chopping and selling trees adds to
GDP but planting them doesn’t. As a consequence, the measure yields a
distorted perception of “wealth” and resulting global status: How rich
are emerging powers like China and India if, as the World Bank
estimates, most of their GDP will have to be spent to fix the
environmental destruction caused by its growth?
The concept of
the GDP was introduced in the 1930s, when the myths of industrialization
were uncontested and environmental and social concerns were less acute.
But it is an outmoded tool for a generation increasingly concerned with
social well-being and climate change. Against this backdrop, numerous
calls have been made — not only by experts, but also by leading policy
makers — to move beyond the GDP framework.
The French government
established a high-level commission in 2008 to define post-GDP
parameters of success, when both the OECD and the EU launched their
“Beyond GDP” campaigns. In 2012, the Rio+20 U.N. Summit proposed the
development of new measurements and targets, paving the way for the
adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, the new international
benchmarks that will guide all countries’ economic policies as of 2015.
Even among the emerging powers, the influence of GDP has taken a knock.
For instance, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced in 2013 that GDP
will no longer be considered a parameter of success in China, ending the
Communist Party tradition of rewarding officials that maximize GDP
growth in their territory. A year later, over 70 Chinese cities ditched
GDP as an economic policy tool. As admitted by the U.N.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, “[GDP] fails to take into account the
social and environmental costs of the so-called progress.… We need a new
economic paradigm that recognizes the parity between the three pillars
of sustainable development. Social, economic and environmental
well-being are indivisible.”
But given that GDP has determined
the leadership of global governance, how would international politics be
affected by the adoption of new measures of well-being, prosperity, and
sustainable development? Let’s simulate the results using four leading
alternative indicators: the Social Progress Index, the Legatum
Prosperity Index, the Environmental Performance Index, and Ecological
Using these measures, conventional powers — both in
the West and in the East — would rank far below countries that have been
more successful at building equitable and sustainable economies. The
only current G7 members to survive the shift would be Germany
(relatively high in its capacity to address basic needs and promote
well-being) and Canada (mostly thanks to its education and social
capital as factors of prosperity). By contrast, the world’s largest
economies (in terms of GDP) would slide sharply down the rankings.
Indeed, the United States ranks 10th in prosperity (mostly due to its
poor track record in safety and security), 36th in well-being, and at
the very bottom in sustainable development (due to its massive
ecological footprint). China is 51st in terms of overall prosperity,
mainly due to limited individual freedom and security, 92nd in
well-being, due to a shaky recognition of personal rights, and at the
very bottom in environmental performance (118th).
The new global
leaders would be countries that have been able to marry economic
progress with human and ecological well-being. Among them we find
dynamic economies with a high quality of life such as Costa Rica, New
Zealand, and South Korea (leaders in their respective regions) as well
as established social democracies such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and
Switzerland. We also find champions of good governance such as Botswana
in Africa and Uruguay in South America.
Things would change for
Southern Europe too. By including the value of the informal economy and
the variety of household and community services provided free of charge
(which are neglected by GDP), the income of many European economies
increases significantly. The infamous acronym PIGS, describing the
allegedly inefficient economies of Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain,
would also need some rethinking, as their economies are much more
prosperous — in non-GDP terms — than the current metrics reveal.
Logically, a post-GDP scenario should lead to a revision of the European
Union’s Stability and Growth Pact, which forces member states to anchor
their capacity to invest in welfare mechanisms to their GDP
Structural factors, too, are likely to accelerate
the end of the GDP world. According to the IMF, the global economy is
entering a “secular stagnation” — a prolonged phase of very low (if any)
economic growth. International trade, a key driver of global GDP
expansion, is also likely to contract, especially since fossil fuels
(which can be easily transported) are becoming scarcer and more
expensive, while renewable sources of energy (whose energy cannot travel
long distances) become dominant. Global regulations to curb climate
change will also make the resurgence of a GDP-fueled global economy very
unlikely, especially as they will impose restrictions on emissions and
environmental damage. But this will not mean a return to national
economic self-sufficiency. The post-GDP economy will be less global —
but more regional. Trade within regions and subcontinents will offer
opportunities for more inclusive and sustainable development, especially
where territorial continuity and shared energy sources provide new
opportunities for cross-border cooperation. (The photo above shows a
worker in a Japanese-operated car factory in Resende, Brazil.)
post-GDP world is just a possibility. But with the convergence of
economic, social, and environmental crises there appear to be no
reasonable alternatives. Ultimately, global governance is what states
want it to be. As we have seen, several countries have been able to
maximize human and environmental well-being, but the GDP model of
governance has relegated them to irrelevance. As the world gears up to
ratify the Sustainable Development Goals and embark on negotiations for a
new climate change agreement, these nations have an unprecedented
window of opportunity to present themselves as beacons of sustainable
development. A WE7 or WE20, that is, an alliance of leading “well-being
economies,” would be better suited to address global challenges such as
inequality and climate change than the current G7/G20, which is led by
highly unequal and polluting countries. Time is ripe for major change.
« Le Dernier Cimetière » (Le Monde diplomatique, décembre 2017)
« Le Dernier Cimetière » (Le Monde diplomatique, décembre 2017)
Xu Lizhi, poète et ouvrier chinois dans une des usines Foxconn
fabriquant des téléphones portables, s’est suicidé en 2014. Il avait 24
ans… «Le Dernier Cimetière» est extrait de «La machine est ton seigneur
et ton maître (Agone, 2015).
Au Sinaï, une « sale guerre » qui ne dit pas son nom, par Ismaïl Alexandrani (Le Monde diplomatique, septembre 2014)
Au Sinaï, une « sale guerre » qui ne dit pas son nom, par Ismaïl Alexandrani (Le Monde diplomatique, septembre 2014)
de vendredi dans le Sinaï, au cours duquel des djihadistes ont attaqué
une mosquée, tuant au moins 305 personnes, est le plus meurtrier de
l’histoire récente de l’Égypte. Pourquoi
viser une tribu soufie, qui espérait être indépendante à la fois de
l’Organisation de l’État islamique et des autorités égyptiennes ?
Emprisonné depuis le 29 novembre 2015 pour avoir critiqué la politique
sécuritaire du maréchal Abdel Fatah Al-Sissi, le journaliste Ismaïl
Alexandrani analysait en 2014 l’évolution des mouvements djihadistes
dans la région.
Dahr Jamail | 9/11: The Beginning of the End of the US Empire Project
Dahr Jamail | 9/11: The Beginning of the End of the US Empire Project
Today, it has been 16 years since the events of September 11, 2001,
in the United States. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attacks, and more
than 6,000 were injured in the spectacular violence across New York,
Pennsylvania and Washington, DC.
The Bush/Cheney administration used these horrible events to justify
projecting the US empire deeper into the Middle East by invading Iraq,
as well as launching into war-torn Afghanistan. They also used the
opportunity to pass the so-called PATRIOT act, which amounted to a
vicious attack on civil liberties and human rights at home.
Any pretense that the US intended to seek justice or increase world
stability via its so-called War on Terror has been dramatically
overshadowed by increased global resentment toward the US, which has in
fact generated more terror attacks around the world.
pours from the World Trade Center after it was hit by two hijacked
passenger planes September 11, 2001, in New York City. (Photo: Robert
Giroux / Getty Images)
(1) 64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup - YouTube
(1) 64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup - YouTube
64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup
The quiet release of long-awaited and long-hidden CIA documents offers
key details on how the U.S. and Britain overthrew Iran's democratic
government in 1953, says the National Security Archives' Malcolm Byrne
CATALONIA --- Fear of voting, now also on the EU | VilaWeb
Fear of voting, now also on the EU | VilaWeb
Editorial by Vicent Partal
Fear of voting, now also on the EU
«It is the EU which has a real problem nowadays and, unfortunately, is
it headed for its demise unless it changes radically and starts
listening and respecting the will of the people again»
<<<< https://www.vilaweb.cat/…/fear-of-voting-now-also-on-the-e…/ >>>>
SPAIN --- Pourquoi Macron et l'Europe soutiennent-ils la Mafia espagnole ?
Pourquoi Macron et l'Europe soutiennent-ils la Mafia espagnole ?
Pourquoi Macron et l’Europe soutiennent-ils la Mafia espagnole ?
Antoine Gasquez
<<<< https://www.lasemaineduroussillon.com/…/macron-leurope-sou…/ >>>>
Est-ce la manière de fonctionner de Rajoy et de son ex-trésorier
Barcénas et la corruption que l'Europe veut promouvoir comme modèle de
fonctionnement européen ?
C’est une question qu’il faut poser, et faudra poser, et pour
laquelle la réponse est éminemment importante. Elle induira en effet le
futur ou le non futur de l’Europe. Peut-on en effet imaginer une Europe
solide et durable construite sur la base de la corruption de pays et de
partis politiques. Ce qui est le cas de l’Espagne et du Partido Popular
de Mariano Rajoy, désigné par les médias espagnol comme le parti le plus
corrompu d’Europe.
Tout d’abord : Pourquoi parles t-on de mafia espagnole à propos du Partido Popular. La définition donnée généralement pour désigner le terme Mafia est souvent : « une organisation criminelle ».
Le termes d’ « organisation criminelle » est utilisée par nombre de juges et de magistrats espagnols pour désigner le Partido Popular (PP). Ignacio Gonzalez, ancien président PP de la communauté de Madrid,
mis en examen et poursuivi pour être le responsable d’une
« Organisation criminelle » dans le cadre de l’affaire de corruption
« Lezo ».
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