lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2018
Significant Poverty in the UK Triggers Investigation by Human Rights Expert (1/2)
Poverty and destitution in the UK, even among those employed, and harsh
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO RELEASE: Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin Event - Global issues in Context
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO RELEASE: Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin Event - Global issues in Context
year we organized an event in Munich with Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein
& Abby Martin under the title “Freedom & Democracy: Global
Issues in Context 2.0“. Scroll below to view the video of this event.
This is the second installment of an event series that we started in
2017 in Munich that included Edward Snowden, Jeremy Scahill and other
leading experts.
WikiLeaks, mort au messager, par Philippe Rivière (Le Monde diplomatique, janvier 2011)
WikiLeaks, mort au messager, par Philippe Rivière (Le Monde diplomatique, janvier 2011)
« Plus l’information circule librement, plus les sociétés deviennent fortes. » — Hillary Clinton, janvier 2010.
Endless War Has Been Normalized and Everyone Is Crazy
Endless War Has Been Normalized and Everyone Is Crazy
It is absolutely bat shit crazy that endless war is normalized while the
possibility of peace and respecting national sovereignty to any extent
is aggressively abnormalized. In a sane world the exact opposite would
be true, but in our world this self-evident fact has been obscured.
Les « gilets jaunes » : une lutte des classes | L'Humanité
Les « gilets jaunes » : une lutte des classes | L'Humanité
Les « gilets jaunes » offrent une extraordinaire opportunité de travaux
pratiques pour les militants de la transformation sociale, de la
Brexit and the Ghosts of Christmas Past
Brexit and the Ghosts of Christmas Past
Unlike for the repentant mean Scrooge character in Dickens’ novel, there
seems to be no redemption in the offing for the incumbent British
political class.
RÜCKBLICK: Die komplette acTVism Videoserie mit Dr. Daniele Ganser
RÜCKBLICK: Die komplette acTVism Videoserie mit Dr. Daniele Ganser
REWIND: The complete acTVism Video Series with Dr. Daniele Ganser
Thank you for visiting our exclusive Rewind video compilation with Dr.
Daniele Ganser. In the coming days we will be compiling our most
interesting and exciting content from 2014 to 2018 with leading experts
from around the globe.
<<…/rueckblick-videoserie-daniele-ga…/ > >>
CATALONIA -- Spain: Socialist Party government mounts a provocation in Catalonia - World Socialist Web Site
Spain: Socialist Party government mounts a provocation in Catalonia - World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist Web Site
Like last year, Podemos is again seeking to defuse deep-seated
opposition among workers and youth to the developing of an authoritarian
state by corralling them behind the PSOE.
<< >>
SPAIN AGAINST THE CATALONIA NATION --- PP and Cs insist Spain must suspend Catalonia's self-rule again after Torra speech
PP and Cs insist Spain must suspend Catalonia's self-rule again after Torra speech
Arrimadas says President is a "public danger" while the leader of the
People's Party in Catalonia defines him as the head of a "sect"
<< >>
CATALONIA -- Crise en Catalogne : ses racines, son devenir
Crise en Catalogne : ses racines, son devenir
Collectiu Emma
Crise en Catalogne : ses racines, son devenir
Tenants et Aboutissants du Conflit en Catalogne
Ce vendredi 21 décembre, l’association Du côté de Collioure a proposé
une conférence de Père Manzanarès au centre culturel. Un auditoire
averti et curieux s’était pressé pour s’informer, comprendre et chercher
des réponses concernant "Les tenants et les aboutissants du conflit en
Catalogne". C’est avec pédagogie que le conférencier a remonté le temps
et montré que l’ancrage de cette crise a commencé au Moyen Âge (1027)
lorsqu’un premier souffle de démocratie a traversé la Catalogne qui
exigeait une consultation obligatoire des représentants avant toute
prise de décision, c’est-à-dire les militaires, bourgeois, des
ecclésiastiques et la royauté.
<<…/crise-en-catalogne-ses-racine… >>>

CATALONIA -- Thousands gather outside Catalan prison to sing Christmas carols to jailed leaders
Thousands gather outside Catalan prison to sing Christmas carols to jailed leaders
Catalan National Assembly - ANC USA
'This year, thousands of Catalans ended their Christmas day outside a
prison. On the evening of the 25th, huge numbers of people congregated
outside the Lledoners penitentiary in central Catalonia to sing carols
to the prisoners - in particular, to the seven political and civil
pro-independence leaders incarcerated there. Road accesses to the jail
near Sant Joan de Vilatorrada were bumper to bumper with traffic as
vehicles arrived between lunchtime and 7pm to give Christmas Day
encouragement to Jordi Sànchez, Jordi Cuixart, Oriol Junqueras, Jordi
Turull, Josep Rull, Raül Romeva and Joaquim Forn.
There were also
similar carol-singing gatherings at dusk at Puig de les Basses prison
in Figueres, where former Catalan government minister Dolors Bassa is in
prison, and at Mas d'Enric, in the south of Catalonia, where the former
speaker of parliament Carme Forcadell is jailed.'
<<<…/christmas-carols-prison-jailed… >>
jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018
We’re back to the 1930s politics of anger and, yes, appeasement | Larry Elliott | Opinion | The Guardian
We’re back to the 1930s politics of anger and, yes, appeasement | Larry Elliott | Opinion | The Guardian
Jonathan Cook,journalist
Larry Elliott: 'Brexit is not the
most important issue facing the world; it is not even the most important
issue facing Britain.' On the parallels with the 1930s, and how our
economies need to be put on an environmental war footing before it's too

Illustration: Eva Bee
Meet the Texas Speech Pathologist Who Lost School Job for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel, Anti-BDS Oath | Democracy Now!
Meet the Texas Speech Pathologist Who Lost School Job for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel, Anti-BDS Oath | Democracy Now!
Enraging news out of Texas! This Palestinian-American speech
pathologist lost her job after refusing to sign a pledge that would
prevent her from boycotting Israel over its abuse of Palestinians.
"I have to set an example for my kids. We’ve got to stand up for
justice and for rights and equal opportunity for everybody and humane
conditions. And so, for me, it was an easy decision in that aspect."…/meet_the_texas_speech_pathol…
Théologie du management, par Maurice Midena (Le Monde diplomatique, décembre 2018)
Théologie du management, par Maurice Midena (Le Monde diplomatique, décembre 2018)
Infantilisation intellectuelle dans les écoles de commerce
Théologie du management
Pour convertir de
studieux élèves de classe préparatoire et d’université en manageurs, les
grandes écoles de commerce institutionnalisent un mépris pour la
curiosité. Les étudiants perdent progressivement leur goût du savoir
pour se plier aux injonctions de la vie de l’établissement. Délestés de
leur souci scolaire, ils peuvent alors s’accommoder du « sérieux » du monde de l’entreprise.

Irina Nakhova. — « Top Management », 2013
Nailya Alexander Gallery, New York
Irina Nakhova. — « Top Management », 2013
Nailya Alexander Gallery, New York
Une région militarisée et nucléarisée, par Cécile Marin (Le Monde diplomatique, décembre 2018)
Une région militarisée et nucléarisée, par Cécile Marin (Le Monde diplomatique, décembre 2018)
L’accumulation d’engins de destruction dans la région est
impressionnante. Si la Corée du Nord possède la technologie nucléaire,
son armée, qui compte beaucoup de
soldats, demeure sous-équipée, à la différence de celle du Sud. Le Japon
et la Corée du Sud accueillent les bases militaires américaines les
plus modernes et les plus nombreuses.
French Government Responds to Mass Protests - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
French Government Responds to Mass Protests - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
ABAYOMI AZIKIWE: Saturday December 15 marked the fifth consecutive week
where thousands of people have held marches and engaged in various forms
of civil disobedience throughout France.

France yellow vest demonstrations during Nov.-Dec. 2018
Who gains from the US pullout from Syria? , by Tanya Goudsouzian (Le Monde diplomatique - English edition, December 2018)
Who gains from the US pullout from Syria? , by Tanya Goudsouzian (Le Monde diplomatique - English edition, December 2018)
The potential for a full-blown military confrontation between long-time
allies Turkey and the US was narrowly averted last night when President
Donald Trump ordered the immediate withdrawal of American troops from
Syria, with the dubious declaration that ISIS had been defeated.
President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan signs a painting during the closing ceremony
of the World Humanitarian Summit.
Yanis Varoufakis on Julian Assange and the Political Economy & Future of Europe
Jetzt auf Deutsch: Yanis Varoufakis über Julian Assange, Wirtschaftspolitik & die Zukunft Europas
Yanis Varoufakis on Julian Assange and the Political Economy & Future of Europe
In this exclusive interview with bestselling author, former finance
minister of Greece and the co-founder of the Democracy in Europe
Movement 2025, Yanis Varoufakis, we talk about the case of Julian
Assange. Furthermore we examine, amongst other issues, the
socio-economic transformations taking place within the core of the
European Union and how much time is left until it disintegrates. Lastly
Yanis explains why he is contesting from Germany in the 2019 European
elections and what his vision is for the future.
<<…/deutsch-yanis-varoufakis-assang…/… >>
EXCLUSIVE: The real cost of Brexit revealed - TruePublica
EXCLUSIVE: The real cost of Brexit revealed - TruePublica
By TruePublica editor: Many of the national newspapers have
recently reported that Theresa May’s Brexit deal will come at a
substantial cost to the economy. The Guardian reported, as many others
did a few days ago that – “Theresa May’s Brexit deal
is expected to cost the UK economy as much as £100bn over the next
decade compared with remaining in the EU, according to one of the
country’s leading economic thinktanks.” But this is not actually true.
The Guardian said – “An analysis of the prime minister’s EU withdrawal agreement from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) suggested that by 2030, Britain would lose GDP growth equivalent to the annual economic output of Wales.”
The actual statement put out by the NIESR was – “Our assessment
is that trade with the EU, especially in services, will be more costly
after Brexit. This is likely to have an adverse effect on living
standards in the UK. Our central estimate is that if the government’s
proposed Brexit deal is implemented, then GDP in the longer term will be
around 4 per cent lower than it would have been had the UK stayed in
the EU. This is roughly equivalent to losing the annual output of Wales
or the output of the financial services industry in London. This is
equivalent to a loss of 3 per cent in GDP per head, worth around £1,000
per annum on average to people in the UK.”
Éloge des révolutions, par Serge Halimi (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 2009)
Éloge des révolutions, par Serge Halimi (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 2009)
« Être dans un camp » : ce type de polarisation sociale est fâcheux
quand il faudrait au contraire, surtout en temps de crise, se montrer
solidaire de son entreprise, de son patron, de sa marque — mais en
demeurant chacun à sa place. Car, aux yeux de ceux qui ne l’apprécient
guère, le tort principal de la révolution n’est pas la violence, un
phénomène tristement banal dans l’histoire, mais, chose infiniment plus
rare, le bouleversement de l’ordre social qui intervient à l’occasion
d’une guerre entre nantis et prolétaires.
RÜCKBLICK: Die komplette acTVism Videoserie mit NSA-Whistleblower Edward Snowden
RÜCKBLICK: Die komplette acTVism Videoserie mit NSA-Whistleblower Edward Snowden
REWIND: The complete acTVism Video Series with NSA-Whistleblower Edward Snowden
Thank you for visiting our exclusive Rewind video compilation with
Edward Snowden. In the coming days we will be compiling our most
interesting and exciting content from 2014 to 2018 with leading experts
from around the globe.
<<…/rueckblick-videoserie-edward-sno…/ >>
martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018
CATALONIA -- Spanish court to rule on whether it’s competent to judge case against Catalan leaders
Spanish court to rule on whether it’s competent to judge case against Catalan leaders
Lawyers of Catalan leaders on trial denounce the violation of fundamental rights. Learn more here ➡️
Controversy over new plant breeding methods –
Controversy over new plant breeding methods –
New methods of genetic engineering in plants promise precise
interventions, without the use of foreign DNA or side effects. However,
the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) still considers these
plants as genetically modified, which is why they are tightly regulated
in the EU. The judgement is being fiercely debated. EURACTIV Germany reports.
Les appels à la grève et aux manifestations se multiplient | L'Humanité
Les appels à la grève et aux manifestations se multiplient | L'Humanité:
Les appels à la grève et aux manifestations se multiplient
Déterminée à maintenir la dynamique revendicative sur le pouvoir
d’achat, la CGT appelle salariés, retraités et chômeurs à se mobiliser
Référendum d’initiative citoyenne : la gauche tente de se saisir de la mesure réclamée par les « gilets jaunes »
Référendum d’initiative citoyenne : la gauche tente de se saisir de la mesure réclamée par les « gilets jaunes »
La France insoumise et le PS veulent faire pression sur le gouvernement, qui a promis un débat sur la question.

Edouard Philippe, détaille les mesures annoncées par Emmanunel Macron
pour répondre à la crise des « gilets jaunes ». JULIEN MUGUET / HANS
LUCAS pour « Le Monde »
Yanis Varoufakis’s Internationalist Odyssey | The Nation
Yanis Varoufakis’s Internationalist Odyssey | The Nation
was all about the freedom of capital and the unfreedom of people.
Internationalism should be all about freedom of humans…and restraining
the financial genie. Money is a public good that is never privately
produced, [so] it has to be publicly controlled.' - MEP candidate and Diem25.official co-founder Yanis Varoufakis.
Join us! and
Yanis Varoufakis has announced plans to run for office in two countries simultaneously. (AP / Matteo Bazzi)
Copyright Directive: how competing big business lobbies drowned out critical voices | Corporate Europe Observatory
Copyright Directive: how competing big business lobbies drowned out critical voices | Corporate Europe Observatory
- supposedly - final round of negotiations on the EU Copyright
Directive is upon us! But there is still no agreement on controversial
key articles - the consequences could be significant for freedom of
expression and the way we interact online.
Lobbying around the EU
Copyright Directive has been intense: big-budget tech platforms led by
Google as well as tech industry trade associations on one side,
historically important collecting societies, the creative industries and
publishers on the other. The interests and opinions of citizens have
become sidelined in the resulting turmoil.
CATALONIA -- Catalan political crisis 'should speak to all democrats' | The National
Catalan political crisis 'should speak to all democrats' | The National
Joaquim Forn has been on hunger strike for two weeks.
<<…/17304046.catalan-political-…/ >>

Joaquim Forn has been on hunger strike for two weeks
CATALONIA --- Self-determination – Alfred de Zayas' Human Rights Corner
Self-determination – Alfred de Zayas' Human Rights Corner
February of 2018 I was invited to speak at the European Parliament --
once on behalf of the right of self-determination of the Catalans, once
on behalf of the Armenians of Nagorno Karabagh. Here the link to one of
my video interviews in Brussels -- -- On 9 October 2018 I participated
on a panel in The Hague, together with… [ 87 more words ]
<<…/16/self-determination/ >>
CATALONIA -- In Conversation: Carles Puigdemont - YouTube
(54) In Conversation: Carles Puigdemont - YouTube
In Conversation: Carles Puigdemont
<< >>
CATALONIA -- Catalan poll: 80% want a mutually agreed independence referendum with Spain
Catalan poll: 80% want a mutually agreed independence referendum with Spain
🗳️A large majority of Catalans want a referendum on independence in agreement with Spain, a survey has found
Catalan poll: 80% want a mutually agreed independence referendum with Spain
Vote backed by 61% of unionists and 97% of independence supporters
<<…/catalan-poll-80-want-a-mutuall… >>
CATALONIA --- AP Interview: Catalan separatists on hunger strike speak out
AP Interview: Catalan separatists on hunger strike speak out
'AP Interview: Catalan separatists on hunger strike speak out'
<<<< >><<viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018
Qu’est-ce que cela implique pour les citoyens ? | L'Humanité
Qu’est-ce que cela implique pour les citoyens ? | L'Humanité
Suite à l’attentat de Strasbourg, le Gouvernement a placé le plan
Vigipirate au niveau 3 « urgence attentat » sur tout le territoire
national pour une durée normalement limitée. Qu’est-ce que cela implique
et quel impact sur le droit de manifester ?
WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive
WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive
Hillary Clinton Email Archive
On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for over 30
thousand emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary
Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State. The
50,547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014.
7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton. The emails were
made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the US State
Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request. More
PDFs were made available on February 29, 2016, and a set of additional
995 emails was imported up to February 2, 2018
<< >>
WikiLeaks - CIA espionage orders for the 2012 French presidential election
WikiLeaks - CIA espionage orders for the 2012 French presidential election
CIA espionage orders for the 2012 French presidential election
<<< >>
British Security Service Infiltration, the Integrity Initiative and the Institute for Statecraft - Craig Murray
British Security Service Infiltration, the Integrity Initiative and the Institute for Statecraft - Craig Murray
This should be front-page news. Instead 'bloggers' are starting to
scratch the surface of a British-US dirty tricks campaign that links
efforts to damage Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders, foment a Red Scare and intensify censorship by exploiting 'fake news' fears.
Craig Murray, a former British ambassador, who promises more
revelations next week, warns – and with his tongue only slightly in his
cheek: 'Please note in the interim I am not even a smidgeon suicidal,
and going to be very, very careful crossing the road and am not
intending any walks in the hills'. Let's hope that's all eventualities
For those new to it, here is an overview of how this story has been developing:…/british-spies-planted-a-mol…
Le roi et un peuple rassemblé contre lui | L'Humanité
Le roi et un peuple rassemblé contre lui | L'Humanité
Discrédité, inaudible... L’allocution du président a fait monter d’un
cran les colères. Jusqu’à les faire converger ? La légitimité du pouvoir
est mise en cause. L’acte V des colères sociales se joue dans la rue et
dans les boîtes dès le 14 décembre.
La puissance de l’ombre, par Benoît Bréville (Le Monde diplomatique, avril 2018)
La puissance de l’ombre, par Benoît Bréville (Le Monde diplomatique, avril 2018)
La puissance de l'ombre. Rediffusion de l'éditorial du «Manière de voir» sur les complots, paru il y a quelques mois.
(…) Si les journalistes se montrent empressés
avec les puissants au point de taire leurs turpitudes, pourquoi ne
mentiraient-ils pas sur autre chose — l’existence d’un vaste complot,
par exemple ? Après tout, l’histoire contemporaine est parsemée de
machinations véritables, et la vérité fut souvent tapie dans l’ombre…
Les receleurs de conspirations se nourrissent de cette méfiance pour
propager leurs fariboles. Un nouveau cercle de la raison tracé par les
pourfendeurs des « fausses informations » ne ferait qu’accroître le
nombre de leurs clients.
StormStudios // Couverture de l’album « Absolution » du groupe Muse, 2003.
JEFTA: a danger for the future |
JEFTA: a danger for the future |
The CGT, the French Trade Union Confederation and ZENROREN the Japanese
Trade Union are calling on MEPs not to ratify JEFTA and to demand
transparent negotiations in which workers’ unions have their say.
Philosopher Srećko Horvat on Julian Assange
Philosopher Srećko Horvat on Julian Assange
Noam Chomsky supports Diem25.official!
Find out through this interview conducted by Zain Raza with philosopher Srećko Horvat why Chomsky support this movement!
jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018
Media Lens - Veneration Of Power Leading To Climate Catastrophe
Media Lens - Veneration Of Power Leading To Climate Catastrophe
is more important: minor changes in interest rates and the FTSE 100, or
the collapse of our ecosystem? Rely on corporate media, warn Media
Lens, and you'll believe economic growth is paramount even if it
requires we commit collective suicide.
'Whoever You Are, Wherever You Are, We Need You': 15-Year-Old Greta Thunberg Calls for Global Climate Strike
'Whoever You Are, Wherever You Are, We Need You': 15-Year-Old Greta Thunberg Calls for Global Climate Strike
Kids these days... are amazing!!!
Seeing few signs of a good outcome at COP24, 15-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg says, "Whoever you are, wherever
you are, we need you now to stand outside your parliament or local
government office to let them know that we demand climate action."
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, seeing little hope for a good
outcome at COP24, just called for a global climate strike to take place
Friday. (Screengrab/Twitter)
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, seeing little hope for a good
outcome at COP24, just called for a global climate strike to take place
Friday. (Screengrab/Twitter)
La communication contre l'information, par Daniel Chaize & Robert Tixier-Guichard (Le Monde diplomatique, avril 1994)
La communication contre l'information, par Daniel Chaize & Robert Tixier-Guichard (Le Monde diplomatique, avril 1994)
La confusion entre journalistes et « dircoms » annonçait il y a déjà
plusieurs décennies la naissance d'une « société de communication »,
l'hégémonie de la com’ sur l'information. (Archive en accès libre.)
Trump’s Fawning Over Saudi Ties Backfires |
Trump’s Fawning Over Saudi Ties Backfires |
The G20 is an economic club and it has traditionally stuck to that
groove. And Saudi Arabia has traditionally been represented at G20
events by government ministers, usually
the oil minister. But this time around, the Crown Prince Mohamed bin
Salman, who is just a heartbeat away from becoming the king of Saudi
Arabia, showed up. By doing so, Riyadh was pushing the envelope. [ 780
more words ]…/trumps-fawning-over-saudi-tie…/

Multipolar World Order in the Making: Qatar Dumps OPEC. Towards a Tectonic Shift in the Global Energy Market? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Multipolar World Order in the Making: Qatar Dumps OPEC. Towards a Tectonic Shift in the Global Energy Market? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The decision by Qatar to abandon OPEC threatens to redefine the global
energy market, especially in light of Saudi Arabia’s growing
difficulties and the growing influence of the Russian Federation in the
OPEC+ mechanism.
Loyal to Saudi Arabia, Jamal Khashoggi Was No Democracy Campaigner
Loyal to Saudi Arabia, Jamal Khashoggi Was No Democracy Campaigner
Time Person of the Year? 🙄 Jamal Khashoggi’s vision for the future was an “Arab uprising” led by the Saudi regime.
Julian Assange: Isis and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar | The Independent
Julian Assange: Isis and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar | The Independent
Julian Assange: Isis and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar • 4 November 2016 ⚬

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange believes the same officials could have funded both the Clinton Foundation and Isis
martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018
Trump Has Been Broken by the Military -Security Complex. The Risk of Nuclear War - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Trump Has Been Broken by the Military -Security Complex. The Risk of Nuclear War - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
DR. PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS: In order to protect himself from the
military/security complex, President Trump has abandoned his earlier
intention of normalizing relations with Russia. Just as the
neoconservative ideology needs US hegemony, the military/security
complex needs an enemy to justify the $1,000 billion annual budget.
I’m Sorry But This Is Just Sheer Propaganda | Current Affairs
I’m Sorry But This Is Just Sheer Propaganda | Current Affairs
Nathan J Robinson on why it's so important to speak ill of the dead if,
like former US president George H W Bush, they committed terrible crimes
when they were alive.
The Yellow Vests Movement: Another Indicator of Disillusionment of the Masses - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The Yellow Vests Movement: Another Indicator of Disillusionment of the Masses - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
SHANE QUINN: The Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes) movement which originated
online during late May 2018 in France, has now spread to other European
regions, and even as far as the beleaguered Middle East nation of Iraq.
The campaign, uniquely spurred by social media techniques and comprising
hundreds of thousands, represents another symptom of the increasing
persecution and isolation of mass populations.
France's Yellow Vests: Fuel Tax Hike Triggers Poverty, Finances War and Repayment of the Public Debt - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
France's Yellow Vests: Fuel Tax Hike Triggers Poverty, Finances War and Repayment of the Public Debt - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
PROF. MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY: The Western media in chorus upholds France’s
President Macron against the Yellow Vests Movement, which it describes
as “Climate Deniers”.
Citoyens sous surveillance, par Ignacio Ramonet (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 1994)
Citoyens sous surveillance, par Ignacio Ramonet (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 1994)
manipulés ? Conditionnés ? Surveillés ? Dans un État de droit et dans
des sociétés libres et démocratiques, de telles questions sont-elles
pertinentes ? Hélas ! oui. Avec une inquiétude croissante, les citoyens
constatent dans leur vie quotidienne une emprise de plus en plus forte
des nouvelles armes du contrôle social. Par Ignacio Ramonet.
(Dossier de 1994. Tous les articles sont en accès libre. Photo cc J.F. )
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