Harrington: "Civil disobedience might be resisting the prisoners' transfer to Madrid"
He speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese and, also, Catalan. In fact,
Catalan is the language in which his new book has appeared first. Thomas
Harrington, professor of Hispanic Studies at Trinity College in
Hartford, Connecticut, has just published Una democràcia cívica en temps
autoritaris - "A civic democracy in authoritarian times" (Gregal,
2018), a collection of the articles on the Catalan independence process
which the US academic has published over the last few years. Indeed,
from his North American vantage point, he warns of the "insignificance"
of a New York Times editorial mentioning Catalonia, in a country with a
huge capacity to forget the world beyond its frontiers. On the Catalan
referendum trial, which he sees as a "farce", he asserts that it is a
"great opportunity" for civil disobedience. But right now he doesn't see
the independence movement as having clear ideas on this.