martes, 27 de febrero de 2018

“The Road to Tehran Goes Through Damascus”: If Syria Falls, America’s War on Iran Begins? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

“The Road to Tehran Goes Through Damascus”: If Syria Falls, America’s War on Iran Begins? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization


 TIMOTHY ALEXANDER GUZMAN: Trump is continuing the same foreign policy as
the Obama Administration on Syria to remove its President, Bashar
al-Assad from power. The Trump Administration claims that they are still
serious threats of ISIS and other terrorist groups within Syria.
Ironically, Trump also claimed in a number of occasions that it was the
U.S. that had defeated the terrorists, but in reality it was the
pro-Syrian government forces with help from Russia that deserves most of
the credit, besides wasn’t it the U.S. who created ISIS and other
terrorist groups that devastated Syria in the first place?