martes, 29 de mayo de 2018
Éloge d'une certaine fiction, par Ignacio Ramonet (Le Monde diplomatique, décembre 1989)
«Sociétés où l’injustice est loi, paradis d’ignorance,
L’imprévu du désir, par Pierre Carles (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 2018)
L’imprévu du désir, par Pierre Carles (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 2018)
La plus importante guérilla communiste de la planète à la fin du XXe
siècle présente une version singulière du «réalisme magique», qu’on
découvre avec l’écrivain et journaliste
Jorge Enrique Botero dans «Attends-moi au ciel, capitaine !» (traduit de
l’espagnol (Colombie) par Elvine Boura-Dumont, Les Éditions Marchialy, Montreuil, 2018).
L'industrie d'armement française à l'ombre de l'Etat, par Jean-Dominique Merchet (Le Monde diplomatique, mars 1988)
L'industrie d'armement française à l'ombre de l'Etat, par Jean-Dominique Merchet (Le Monde diplomatique, mars 1988)
« La part du militaire dans le chiffre d’affaires de quelques grandes
entreprises est révélatrice : 70% pour Thomson-CSF, 50 % pour
Aérospatiale, 90% pour Dassault, 75%
pour la SNECMA, 70% pour Matra (société mère), 70% pour Electronique
Serge Dassault, 100% pour Panhard, 70% pour la Société nationale des
poudres et explosifs, 60% pour Turboméca… Voilà, en quelques noms,
décrit le versant production du “complexe militaro-industriel” dont
l’avenir est lié à une politique de surarmement et d’exportation. »
— Archive de 1988, en accès libre, par Jean-Dominique Merchet.
(photo anachronique d'un Rafale sur le porte-avions Charles-de-Gaulle cc Panoramas
Whistleblower Calls out Govt Agency for Ignoring Scientific Errors in 9/11 Reports (Video)
Whistleblower Calls out Govt Agency for Ignoring Scientific Errors in 9/11 Reports (Video)
A former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
criticized the government agency for ignoring the scientific errors in
the 9/11 attacks.
A former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) has stepped forward and criticized the government agency for
ignoring the scientific errors found in its report on the collapse of
World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) during the September 11, 2001,
attacks. “Truth is where our healing lies.”
Palestinians are facing genocide; Israel deserves its international pariah status – Middle East Monitor
Palestinians are facing genocide; Israel deserves its international pariah status – Middle East Monitor
The creation of Israel in May of 1948 was a settler-colonial
enterprise in which Palestinians were displaced through a deliberate
policy of terror and ethnic cleansing that made room for alien colonists, drawn largely from Europe and North America.
Colonial Zionism differed from other European colonial enterprises in
its much more ambitious intentions; it set out not only to exploit the
indigenous people and steal their resources, but also to expel them and
move Jews onto the stolen land.
North Korea and the Libya Model – LobeLog
North Korea and the Libya Model – LobeLog
Libya’s experience does indeed weigh heavily on the thinking of North
Korean officials, who have taken explicit notice of that experience, as
a disincentive to reaching any deals
with the United States about dismantling weapons programs. Muammar
Qaddafi’s eventual reward for negotiating away all his unconventional
weapons programs was to be slain in a ditch when the West had the first
chance to get rid of him. Going along with a European push to dispatch
Qaddafi may have been Barack Obama’s biggest foreign policy mistake.
There are other respects, however, in which the Libya model helps to
explain the collapse of the North Korea diplomatic initiative.
International sanctions on Libya that the United Nations Security
Council imposed were linked to a specific demand: the surrender for
trial of the two Libyan government employees who perpetrated the bombing
of Pan Am Flight 103 in 1988, killing 270 persons. Once Qaddafi
surrendered the two, he said to the United States through an
intermediary, “Let’s talk.” Turning over the Pan Am 103 suspects was the
start of what the Libyan leader saw as a major turnaround in his
policies, leading, he hoped, to an end to his pariah status and an
integration of his regime into the international community.
Iraq and Beyond: How Many Millions Have Been Killed in American Wars?
Iraq and Beyond: How Many Millions Have Been Killed in American Wars?
The numbers of casualties of U.S. wars since Sept. 11, 2001 have largely gone uncounted.
Former Israeli Minister Brags About Killing the Most Palestinians
Former Israeli Minister Brags About Killing the Most Palestinians
Known for his macabre statements, Ya’alon spoke to Haaretz newspaper
back in August 2002 where he referred to Palestinians as harboring
“cancer-like attributes.”
Al-Sadr’s “Balancing” Act Might Stimulate Iran’s Eastern Pivot |
Al-Sadr’s “Balancing” Act Might Stimulate Iran’s Eastern Pivot |
Iraq’s Muqtada al-Sadr is poised to engage in a complex “balancing” act
between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The Shiite cleric and former militia
leader is regarded as an Iraqi
nationalist who wants to prioritize his country’s interests above those
of its neighbors and the US, to which end he’s trying to carve out a
strategic niche between the first-mentioned two as a “buffer zone” in
their region-wide proxy war. [ 571 more words ]…/al-sadrs-balancing-act-might-…/
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi (right) and Shiite cleric Muqtada
al-Sadr hold a press conference in Baghdad on May 20, 2018. Sadr’s
coalition won the largest number of seats in Iraq’s parliamentary
With One Shot: One Kill of the Israeli Defense Narrative | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
With One Shot: One Kill of the Israeli Defense Narrative | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Gaza is all in the news since protesters were fired upon by Israeli
Defense Forces (IDF) from inside perimeter fence dividing peoples and
ideas. As complex as the situation in
Palestine is though, there are only four concrete sides to the crisis.
Here are those four sides framed and simplified in the hopes that sanity
and humaneness can prevail henceforth.
Trump Set to Recognize Israel’s Claim to Occupied Golan Heights and Its Sizable Oil Reserves | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Trump Set to Recognize Israel’s Claim to Occupied Golan Heights and Its Sizable Oil Reserves | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Exporting Golan oil is problematic under international law but, were the
U.S. to unilaterally recognize the Golan as Israel’s, that oil could
potentially be exported to the U.S. Major U.S. oil investors and
lobbyists are therefore pushing hard for Trump to make that move.
CATALONIA -- Catalonia independence fight spills onto the beaches of Barcelona
Catalonia independence fight spills onto the beaches of Barcelona
#Catalonia independence fight spills onto the beaches of Barcelona' | via @telegraph
A man is escorted by
the Catalan national police (Mossos d'Esquadra) and local policemen
after he tried to interrupt a protest in support for jailed separatist
leaders called by local Republic Defence Committees (CDR) at Mataro's
beach, near Barcelona, on May 27, 2018.
CATALONIA -- The attacks on Catalan President Quim Torra: lies, traps and manipulations | VilaWeb
The attacks on Catalan President Quim Torra: lies, traps and manipulations | VilaWeb
The attacks on Catalan President Quim Torra: lies, traps and manipulations
I see our greatest weakness in the reaction by a sizeable section of
the secessionist camp: the ease with which we fall for and surrender to
the crassest campaigns by Spanish nationalism
America's Clown Show Negotiations Are Not Funny
America's Clown Show Negotiations Are Not Funny
America's Clown Show Negotiations Are Not Funny
North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un, surely absorbed the lesson from the Trump administration's recent dealings with
China. He saw how rashly President Trump waged trade war against China
and how rapidly he retreated at the first sign of serious resistance -…/americas-clown-show-neg…
Syria - US Moves to Protect Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Daraa
Syria - US Moves to Protect Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Daraa
It is obvious that the Syrian government and its Russian allies have all
rights to fight ISIS and al-Qaeda independent of any de-escalation
agreement. The UNSC resolutions even demand that. But the U.S. thinks
SPAIN -- ‘Country of thieves’ wrestles with corruption – POLITICO
‘Country of thieves’ wrestles with corruption – POLITICO
‘Country of thieves’ wrestles with corruption
Flawed judiciary system and legacy of fascism continue to plague Spain’s political parties.
Spain has been plagued by corruption scandals, dating back to the rule of Franco | Philippe Marcou/AFP via Getty Images
Alt Thai News Network ATNN : Thailand: 2010 Bloodbath Anniversary a Reminder of Looming Threat
Alt Thai News Network ATNN : Thailand: 2010 Bloodbath Anniversary a Reminder of Looming Threat
The Western media saw red shirts murdering people in 2010 - and have
lied ever since blaming the violence on the government and calling it a
"military crackdown."
Here is the truth of what really happened
in 2010 - an article that can be used to confront anyone repeating lies
about a "crackdown."
from 2015:…/thailand-2010-bloodbath-a…
It will also be useful to explain why red shirt mobs pretending to be "students" are not allowed to protest in Bangkok.

Taken the night of April 10, 2010, Shinawatra's militants can be seen
with both an M16 (with a 40mm M203 grenade launcher attached under the
barrel) and an AK47. Shinawatra's supporters, particularly foreign
lobbying efforts, have attempted to claim that all deaths resulting from
M16 fire could only have been the result of the army's weapons. This
picture provides incontrovertible evidence that Shinawatra's mercenaries
too, used M16s.
Introducing: Empire oil - London's Dirty Secret (VIDEO) - TruePublica
Introducing: Empire oil - London's Dirty Secret (VIDEO) - TruePublica
By DeSmogUK: The UK likes to brag about its credentials as a global climate leader. But a new DeSmog UK investigation reveals that beneath the green veneer lies some dirty business.
At the centre of it all is the City of London and its junior stock exchange, the Alternative Investment Market (AIM).
DeSmog UK’s new three-part investigative series Empire Oil: London’s Dirty Secret,
lifts the veil on a “boys’ club” that generates wealth for The City
from environmentally damaging activities in politically
unstable regions.
Through detailed analysis of company activity and market data, it exposes how AIM’s
“light touch” regulation and complex offshore company structures create
an opaque corporate environment in which conflicts of interest have
been shown to thrive.
GDPR - What About The Government And Their Agencies And Authorities? - TruePublica
GDPR - What About The Government And Their Agencies And Authorities? - TruePublica
By TruePublica:
By now you should be ‘up to the teeth’ in emails from organisations
desperately attempting to comply with new EU
regulations about personal data. What has probably surprised you is the
number of organisations that actually have your personal contact
information and if you’ve been reading this stuff carefully, just how
many are still not complying with the law.
However, it’s about time that laws came it to protect individual rights and right to privacy
Very briefly, the GDPR applies to ‘personal data’. However, the
GDPR’s definition is quite detailed and makes it clear that information
such as an online identifier – eg an IP address – can be personal data.
It applies to both automated personal data and to manual filing systems
where personal data are accessible according to specific criteria.
Personal data that has been pseudonymised – eg key-coded – falls
within its scope as does sensitive personal data as “special categories
of personal data.” Special categories specifically include genetic data
and biometric data where processed to uniquely identify an individual.
CATALONIA -- Aggressive unionists try to enter Barcelona city hall, which removes yellow ribbon
Aggressive unionists try to enter Barcelona city hall, which removes yellow ribbon
Aggressive unionists try to enter Barcelona city hall, which removes yellow ribbon
Aggressive Spanish nationalists attempted to force their way into the Barcelona city hall on Sunday, and city police on duty at the central Plaça Sant Jaume building decided to remove the large yellow ribbon
on the façade in the face of the vehemence of the unionist
demonstration. Some of the protesters went as far as knocking a police
officer to the ground.
The demolition of an entire Palestinian village could be days away | +972 Magazine
The demolition of an entire Palestinian village could be days away | +972 Magazine
Israel plans to demolish the entire Palestinian Bedouin village of Khan
Al Ahmar in the occupied West Bank in order to continue illegal
settlement expansion. Hundreds of Palestinian residents would be
CATALONIA -- 'Europa is humanistisch, beweert het graag van zichzelf, maar is dat toch bijzonder selectief' - België -
'Europa is humanistisch, beweert het graag van zichzelf, maar is dat toch bijzonder selectief' - België -
'Europa is humanistisch, beweert het graag van zichzelf, maar is dat toch bijzonder selectief' vía @knack ~~
'Europa is humanistisch, beweert het graag van zichzelf, maar is dat toch bijzonder selectief'
gaat overal in de wereld vertellen hoe het moet, klaagt in woorden
mensenrechtenschendingen en dictaturen aan , maar op eigen grondgebied
is politieke repressie blijkbaar een 'interne, binnenlandse
aangelegenheid'', schrijft Kevin De Laet van Vlinks.
'Europe is humanistic, likes to claim it from itself, but is it very selective'
'Europe goes everywhere in the world to tell you how to do it, complains in words human rights violations and dictatorships, but political repression appears to be an' internal, domestic affair '', Kevin De Laet of Vlinks writes.
Washington warns Syria not to retake their own territory
Washington warns Syria not to retake their own territory
Washington is concerned about the Syrian government's "expansion"
inside... Syria. The United States has threatened "firm and appropriate
measures" against Syrian government forces, if they take back a part of
their own territory.
ISIS, Syria. Photo supplied
CATALONIA -- Spain's Political Terrorism against Catalonia | The Real Agenda News | The Real Agenda News
Spain's Political Terrorism against Catalonia | The Real Agenda News | The Real Agenda News
Spain’s Political Terrorism against Catalonia
alone do not make a democracy. This statement rings truer in Catalonia,
where political leaders are in prison for carrying out the political
agenda voters elected them to complete. That agenda includes the
separation from Spain, a country governed by a cabal of political mob
bosses, whose supposed leader, Mariano Rajoy, continues to challenge the
legality of the democratical process.
alone do not make a democracy. This statement rings truer in Catalonia,
where political leaders are in prison for carrying out the political
agenda voters elected them to complete. That agenda includes the
separation from Spain, a country governed by a cabal of political mob
bosses, whose supposed leader, Mariano Rajoy, continues to challenge the
legality of the democratical process.
of Catalans elected a government, whose work included reforming laws
and ordinances which allowed the region to vote in favor or against
independence from Spain.
of Catalans elected a government, whose work included reforming laws
and ordinances which allowed the region to vote in favor or against
independence from Spain.
leaders were dutifully elected and legally able to present motions and
changes to existing laws and to carry out a referendum so people could
decide if they wanted to continue being part of Spain or not.
leaders were dutifully elected and legally able to present motions and
changes to existing laws and to carry out a referendum so people could
decide if they wanted to continue being part of Spain or not.
months of organizing a lawful and binding consultation, Catalan people
voted to remove themselves from Spain last October 1. Unfortunately for
Catalonia, in Spain, democracy only works when it helps existing
political power. Spain sent police thugs to indiscriminately beat up
voters and to remove ballot boxes from voting places.
months of organizing a lawful and binding consultation, Catalan people
voted to remove themselves from Spain last October 1. Unfortunately for
Catalonia, in Spain, democracy only works when it helps existing
political power. Spain sent police thugs to indiscriminately beat up
voters and to remove ballot boxes from voting places.
and his cabinet did not like it when the wealthiest region of the
country chose to be independent, so they imposed article 155 on
Catalonia. The result was the imprisonment of Catalonian political
leaders who are captive in Spanish prisons for alleged crimes the State
has not even come close to prove.
and his cabinet did not like it when the wealthiest region of the
country chose to be independent, so they imposed article 155 on
Catalonia. The result was the imprisonment of Catalonian political
leaders who are captive in Spanish prisons for alleged crimes the State
has not even come close to prove.
Catalan President, Carles Puigdemont and some of his advisers left
Catalonia hoping to find support from European Democratic institutions,
but the EU leadership refused to recognize Catalonia’s legitimate right
to seek and obtain independence. Only a few individual European nations
decided to informally support Puigdemont and the Catalan struggle. One
of those countries was Belgium.
Catalan President, Carles Puigdemont and some of his advisers left
Catalonia hoping to find support from European Democratic institutions,
but the EU leadership refused to recognize Catalonia’s legitimate right
to seek and obtain independence. Only a few individual European nations
decided to informally support Puigdemont and the Catalan struggle. One
of those countries was Belgium.
and the political cabal, who are members of the most corrupt political
party in Spain, the Popular Party (PP), demanded that new elections were
held and that a new government was formed. Catalans had no other option
but to vote again. Elections were conducted and a new parliament was
and the political cabal, who are members of the most corrupt political
party in Spain, the Popular Party (PP), demanded that new elections were
held and that a new government was formed. Catalans had no other option
but to vote again. Elections were conducted and a new parliament was
week, the Catalonian parliament elected the new President, Quim Torra,
who was elected by a narrow margin of one vote. Despite the legality of
the process and although the Catalonian leaders followed Rajoy’s
instructions, the Spanish government now refuses to lift article 155.
week, the Catalonian parliament elected the new President, Quim Torra,
who was elected by a narrow margin of one vote. Despite the legality of
the process and although the Catalonian leaders followed Rajoy’s
instructions, the Spanish government now refuses to lift article 155.
to Rajoy, the decision to keep control of the regional government comes
from the fact that Mr. Torra named current political prisoners as
members of his government.
to Rajoy, the decision to keep control of the regional government comes
from the fact that Mr. Torra named current political prisoners as
members of his government.
Torra’s call for Rajoy to initiate talks without any preconditions, the
intervention of the State in Catalonia will continue.
Torra’s call for Rajoy to initiate talks without any preconditions, the
intervention of the State in Catalonia will continue.
Government will maintain Article 155 of the Constitution because of the
actions of the President of the Generalitat. By keeping Article 155 in
place, Mariano Rajoy denies the Catalan government the financial capital
to operate, which means the recently proclaimed government will not
have a way to carry on with the Catalan people’s business.
Government will maintain Article 155 of the Constitution because of the
actions of the President of the Generalitat. By keeping Article 155 in
place, Mariano Rajoy denies the Catalan government the financial capital
to operate, which means the recently proclaimed government will not
have a way to carry on with the Catalan people’s business.
type of coercion and political terrorism is not new in Spain. According
to the Spanish government, the decision to keep Article 155 in place was
the response “to the provocation” of Torra that, according to La
Moncloa, seeks “confrontation with the State.” Mariano Rajoy spoke last
Saturday with the heads of the two largest political parties, Pedro
Sánchez and Albert Rivera to make them part of his decision.
type of coercion and political terrorism is not new in Spain. According
to the Spanish government, the decision to keep Article 155 in place was
the response “to the provocation” of Torra that, according to La
Moncloa, seeks “confrontation with the State.” Mariano Rajoy spoke last
Saturday with the heads of the two largest political parties, Pedro
Sánchez and Albert Rivera to make them part of his decision.
list of people who Quim Torra wants in his government includes Josep
Rull, Jordi Turull and Lluís Puig, who are accused of disobedience and
embezzlement, and Toni Comín who is accused of embezzlement and
rebellion. The same charges have been made against former Catalan
President, Carles Puigdemont, who is now in Germany awaiting a decision
from a judge on whether such charges are valid or not.
list of people who Quim Torra wants in his government includes Josep
Rull, Jordi Turull and Lluís Puig, who are accused of disobedience and
embezzlement, and Toni Comín who is accused of embezzlement and
rebellion. The same charges have been made against former Catalan
President, Carles Puigdemont, who is now in Germany awaiting a decision
from a judge on whether such charges are valid or not.
For the
Government, this proposal is “a provocation”, which it will not
tolerate. If Torra maintains “the confrontation with the State,” there
will be no lifting of Article 155 of the Constitution.
Government, this proposal is “a provocation”, which it will not
tolerate. If Torra maintains “the confrontation with the State,” there
will be no lifting of Article 155 of the Constitution.
list that Torra presented is not effective since it does not count with
the approval of the central government, and this time resulted in the
inclusion of two political prisoners and two advisers of former
President Puigdemont.
list that Torra presented is not effective since it does not count with
the approval of the central government, and this time resulted in the
inclusion of two political prisoners and two advisers of former
President Puigdemont.
The statement issued the Spanish government explains that “Article 155 of the Constitution remains in force.”
their meetings with the president, Sanchez and Rivera agreed that
Article 155 would be lifted only if there was the establishment of a
legal government in Catalonia, but that 155 will remain in place because
illegalities were committed.
their meetings with the president, Sanchez and Rivera agreed that
Article 155 would be lifted only if there was the establishment of a
legal government in Catalonia, but that 155 will remain in place because
illegalities were committed.
appointed Josep Rull as Territory advisor and Turull as head of the
Presidency. Both are in preventive detention for alleged crimes of
rebellion and embezzlement. On the other hand, Lluís Puig was also
appointed by the president as Culture Advisor.
appointed Josep Rull as Territory advisor and Turull as head of the
Presidency. Both are in preventive detention for alleged crimes of
rebellion and embezzlement. On the other hand, Lluís Puig was also
appointed by the president as Culture Advisor.
president of the Generalitat disapproved of an opportunity to
demonstrate his will to recover normality, since the decisions he made
maintain a strategy of confrontation with the State and the majority of
Catalan society,” said the central executive on Saturday in an official
president of the Generalitat disapproved of an opportunity to
demonstrate his will to recover normality, since the decisions he made
maintain a strategy of confrontation with the State and the majority of
Catalan society,” said the central executive on Saturday in an official
In the
next few hours, the State apparatus will provide the formal response to
Torra’s proposal, which announced the intention that the councilors will
take office in the middle of this week.
next few hours, the State apparatus will provide the formal response to
Torra’s proposal, which announced the intention that the councilors will
take office in the middle of this week.
Government of Spain, through its secretariat, which is the only
competent authority for the publication of the decisions made in
Catalonia, is now analyzing the viability of the new Government, the
personal circumstances of some of the appointees,” said the Executive in
a statement.
Government of Spain, through its secretariat, which is the only
competent authority for the publication of the decisions made in
Catalonia, is now analyzing the viability of the new Government, the
personal circumstances of some of the appointees,” said the Executive in
a statement.
Friday, Torra “wanted to stage a willingness to dialogue that lasted
less than 24 hours, as his proposal for new counselors is a new
provocation because several of them were found to have escaped from
justice or in a situation of provisional detention,” says a statement
from La Moncloa.
Friday, Torra “wanted to stage a willingness to dialogue that lasted
less than 24 hours, as his proposal for new counselors is a new
provocation because several of them were found to have escaped from
justice or in a situation of provisional detention,” says a statement
from La Moncloa.
proposal demonstrates that the will to express the dialogue in the
letter that refers to the President of the Government is not sincere,”
continues the reply. A combined action of the Constitutional Court, the
Supreme Court and the Government of the Nation will prevent these
proposal demonstrates that the will to express the dialogue in the
letter that refers to the President of the Government is not sincere,”
continues the reply. A combined action of the Constitutional Court, the
Supreme Court and the Government of the Nation will prevent these
Constitutional Court, instances of the Government, pronounced against
the remote investigation of Carles Puigdemont. On Friday, the
government’s spokesman, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, appealed “to common sense”
to ask the Catalan president not to propose people who “are in prison
or with search and capture orders” in Spain. But it is what he has done.
Constitutional Court, instances of the Government, pronounced against
the remote investigation of Carles Puigdemont. On Friday, the
government’s spokesman, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, appealed “to common sense”
to ask the Catalan president not to propose people who “are in prison
or with search and capture orders” in Spain. But it is what he has done.
About the author:
Luis R. Miranda
Luis R. Miranda
Miranda is an award-winning journalist and the Founder and Editor of The
Real Agenda News. His career spans over 20 years and almost every form
of news media. He writes about environmentalism, geopolitics,
globalisation, health, corporate control of government, immigration and
banking cartels. Luis has worked as a news reporter, On-air personality
for Live news programs, script writer, producer and co-producer on
broadcast news.
Miranda is an award-winning journalist and the Founder and Editor of The
Real Agenda News. His career spans over 20 years and almost every form
of news media. He writes about environmentalism, geopolitics,
globalisation, health, corporate control of government, immigration and
banking cartels. Luis has worked as a news reporter, On-air personality
for Live news programs, script writer, producer and co-producer on
broadcast news.
domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018
CATALONIA -- #kurzerklärt: Warum Spanien Katalonien nicht loslässt |
#kurzerklärt: Warum Spanien Katalonien nicht loslässt |
Warum Spanien Katalonien nicht loslässt
Unabhängigkeit - danach sehnen sich viele Katalanen. Doch die
Zentralregierung in Madrid sträubt sich dagegen, ihnen diesen Wunsch zu
erfüllen. Warum lässt aber Spanien Katalonien nicht einfach los? Mehrere
Faktoren sprechen dagegen.
<<<…/katalonien-kurzerklaert-101.html >>>
Why Spain does not let Catalonia go Undecided -
Many Catalans yearn for it. But the central government in Madrid refuses to grant them this wish. Why Spain does not just let Catalonia go? Several factors speak against it.
The Pawns of War. Remembering 1968 | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The Pawns of War. Remembering 1968 | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Day is around the corner once again, and it seems ‘The Dogs of War’ are
at it as always. Fifty plus years ago there were 58, 220 Tommy
Lombardos who would never see the smiles of their Moms ever again.
Denuclearization: Imperial Farce Narrative | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Denuclearization: Imperial Farce Narrative | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
MASSOUD NAYERI: It is imperative to know that the U.S.
“denuclearization” demand in negotiation with North Korea is only an
excuse to bring that country under its
control. Militarily, North Korea’s small arsenal of nuclear weapons
poses no danger to the U.S. However it justifies the U.S. military
presence in South Korea. A denuclearized Korean Peninsula means that the
American forces have to pack up and leave that region, since their help
will no longer be needed.
The Gaza Crisis, Explained in Eight Graphics | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The Gaza Crisis, Explained in Eight Graphics | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The dominant event for Palestinians in Gaza during the past century has
been the Nakba of 1948, when hundreds of thousands were driven from, or
else fled, their homes in what is now
modern-day Israel as the state came into existence. The right of return
to ancestral homes (or “Haq al-Awda”) is the over-riding long-term
priority for many Palestinians: it forms part of United Nations
resolution 194.
Learning from the Council of Nicea |
Learning from the Council of Nicea |
The Council of Nicea ended a long time ago (in 325) and Arius is very,
very dead. Why do we still make such a big deal about the Council and
commemorate it at such an important
time—i.e. right after Pascha and before Pentecost? There are no more
Arians threatening our Orthodoxy. Admittedly the Jehovah’s Witnesses are
still knocking on doors and being generally annoying, and the refined
Unitarians are still working for Greenpeace, and the Christadelphians
still lurk about as a kind of “J.W. [ 1,220 more word ]…/learning-from-the-council-of-…/
Constantine called the famous Council of Nicea in 325 CE, to resolve the
conflicting views of Christ’s divinity. Examine the theological issues
at stake, pitting the Christological views of Arius against those of
Alexander of Alexandria. Contemplate the political implications of the
outcome, and the resulting orthodox creed, establishing Jesus fully as
How the Math Men Overthrew the Mad Men | The New Yorker
How the Math Men Overthrew the Mad Men | The New Yorker
Once, Mad Men ruled advertising. They’ve now been eclipsed by Math
Men—the engineers and data scientists whose province is machines,
algorithms, pureed data, and artificial intelligence. Yet Math Men are
i24NEWS - Israel's Supreme Court upholds open-fire rules on Gaza border
i24NEWS - Israel's Supreme Court upholds open-fire rules on Gaza border
Israel's Supreme Court has given a green light for its military to
continue using lethal force against Palestinians during protests and
marches near the militarized barrier with the occupied and besieged Gaza
Israeli soldier looks through the scope of his assault rifle during
clashes with Palestinians demonstrator following a demonstration in the
West Bank city of Nablus, Friday, Feb 9, 2018
AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed
Exode urbain, exil rural, par Gatien Elie, Allan Popelard & Paul Vannier (Le Monde diplomatique, août 2010)
Exode urbain, exil rural, par Gatien Elie, Allan Popelard & Paul Vannier (Le Monde diplomatique, août 2010)
Le repeuplement des espaces ruraux n’est pas le monopole des classes
moyennes et supérieures, de ces jeunes cadres à la recherche d’un mode
de vie plus agréable qui accèdent à la
propriété pavillonnaire avec leur famille. Il existe aussi un exode
urbain des classes populaires qui a contribué à modifier la sociologie
des campagnes.
Irlande : un référendum exemplaire
Irlande : un référendum exemplaire
Editorial. Le « oui » des Irlandais à l’avortement et leur forte
participation au vote de vendredi, y compris chez les jeunes et les
hommes, unit le pays et le rapproche du reste de l’Europe.
The British Jewish community won’t silence our solidarity with Gaza | +972 Magazine
The British Jewish community won’t silence our solidarity with Gaza | +972 Magazine
kaddish was an expression of our profound heartbreak at senseless loss
of life and a community that seems to have given up on the project of
peace and justice in Israel-Palestine.”
66,4% pour libéraliser l'avortement, «c’est une nouvelle Irlande» - Libération
66,4% pour libéraliser l'avortement, «c’est une nouvelle Irlande» - Libération
La clameur est immense. «Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes». Elle n’en
finit plus, couvre la voix officielle qui annonce les résultats. On
s’embrasse, on s’enlace, on rit et on pleure. La pluie qui s’est mise en
tomber en fin d’après-midi ne gâchera pas la fête. L’Irlande vient
d’entrer dans l’histoire en votant à une écrasante majorité, 66,4%, pour
libéraliser l’avortement. Depuis le début de l’après-midi de samedi,
l’esplanade qui s’étale devant Dublin Castle est pleine à craquer. On se
communique au compte-gouttes les résultats, comtés après comtés. A
15 heures, les résultats de treize des quarante circonscriptions avaient
été dépouillés et c’était déjà un «oui» emphatique. La suite du décompte a confirmé la tendance annoncée la veille au soir, dans les sondages sortie des urnes. Vers 18h20, enfin, les résultats officiels sont tombés. Et c’est bien un raz-de-marée. Les Irlandais ont résolument choisi la suppression du huitième amendement de la constitution
qui, de fait, interdisait l’avortement en Irlande. Un seul comté, le
Donegal, a voté contre à une courte majorité, à 51,9% contre 48,1%.
Des partisanes du Oui fêtent la victoire samedi à Dublin.
Photo Clodagh Kilcoyne. Reuters
CATALONIA -- L’Espagne s’enfonce dans un coup d’État en Catalogne
L’Espagne s’enfonce dans un coup d’État en Catalogne
" Nouvelle semaine intense dans la politique sud-catalane : annonce du
nouveau gouvernement catalan de Joaquim Torra, blocage de la
normalisation par Madrid et refus de la Belgique d’accepter la demande
d’extradition des exilés de Bruxelles. Dimanche 20 mai, les juristes
catalans et espagnols ont lancé un cri d’alarme contre les mesures
prises par Mariano Rajoy destinées à empêcher le fonctionnement du
gouvernement catalan : ne pas publier au journal officiel la nomination
annoncée par le président de la Generalitat Quim Torra est non seulement
illégal mais constitue un « coup d’État », selon l’analyse de Joaquín
Urias, exjuriste du Tribunal constitutionnel espagnol. Avec le soutien
des socialistes et de Ciudadanos, le chef du gouvernement espagnol tente
ainsi d’empêcher le retour d’un gouvernement catalan et de maintenir la
suspension de l’autonomie et le contrôle des finances de la
Generalitat. "
Pedro Sanchez du PSOE a qualifié Quim Torra de « Le Pen de la politique espagnole. »
"New intense week in South Catalan politics: announcement of the new Catalan government of Joaquim Torra, blockage of standardization by Madrid and refusal of Belgium to accept the extradition request of the Brussels exiles." Sunday, May 20, the lawyers Catalan and Spanish have warned against the measures taken by Mariano Rajoy to prevent the operation of the Catalan government: not to publish in the official journal the appointment announced by the President of the Generalitat Quim Torra is not only illegal but constitutes a "Coup d'etat", according to the analysis of Joaquín Urias, exjurist of the Spanish Constitutional Court.With the support of the Socialists and Ciudadanos, the head of the Spanish government tries to prevent the return of a Catalan government and maintain the suspension of autonomy and control of the finances of the Generalitat. "
SPAIN -- Court finds Spain's ruling party benefited from bribery scheme | World news | The Guardian
Court finds Spain's ruling party benefited from bribery scheme | World news | The Guardian
Court finds Spain's ruling party benefited from bribery scheme
Former treasurer of People’s party jailed for fraud and party handed non-criminal fine
<<…/court-finds-spain-ruling-part… >>
Luis Bárcenas in 2013. He has been jailed for 33 years and fined €44m.
Photograph: Paul Hanna/Reuters
America’s Brand of Capitalism Is Incompatible With Democracy
America’s Brand of Capitalism Is Incompatible With Democracy
markets are left under-regulated — and workers, unorganized — the
corporate sector becomes a cancerous growth, expanding until it
dominates politics and civil society."

Democracy in America.
Photo: Mark Makela/Getty Images
SPAIN -- Spain’s ruling party rocked by major corruption case – POLITICO
Spain’s ruling party rocked by major corruption case – POLITICO
Spain’s ruling party rocked by major corruption case
Former Popular Party officials fined and jailed in one of country’s largest graft investigations.
" The court also found that the PP itself benefited from a massive
graft scheme involving kickbacks in exchange for public contracts to
businesses, and ordered the PP to repay around €245,000, making it the
first national political party in Spain to be reprimanded in a graft
case. "
<<…/spain-pp-ruling-party-rocked-by-…/ >>>
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Syria - US Moves To Protect Al-Qaeda And ISIS in Daraa
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Syria - US Moves To Protect Al-Qaeda And ISIS in Daraa
As the Syrian army moved to clear ISIS and al-Qaeda out of southern
Syria, the US government issued a bizarre warning yesterday that it
would "take firm and appropriate measures" against the Syrian government
should it launch an operation against one of the last concentration of
ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria. So the US government is now directly aiding
ISIS and al-Qaeda?
SPAIN --Spanish Ruling Party Fined in Major Corruption Case - The New York Times
Spanish Ruling Party Fined in Major Corruption Case - The New York Times
Spanish Ruling Party Fined in Major Corruption Case
By The Associated Press
<<<…/eu…/ap-eu-spain-corruption.html >>>
sábado, 26 de mayo de 2018
Washington’s ‘Libya Threats’ Crash North Korea Summit
Washington’s ‘Libya Threats’ Crash North Korea Summit
An opportunity for peace is being squandered by US leaders who seem to suffer from deep ignorance and criminal entitlement.
i24NEWS - Israel's Supreme Court upholds open-fire rules on Gaza border
i24NEWS - Israel's Supreme Court upholds open-fire rules on Gaza border
Israel's Supreme Court has given a green light for its military to
continue using lethal force against Palestinians during protests and
marches near the militarized barrier with the occupied and besieged Gaza
Israeli soldier looks through the scope of his assault rifle during
clashes with Palestinians demonstrator following a demonstration in the
West Bank city of Nablus, Friday, Feb 9, 2018
AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : For US Congress, Running a Torture Prison Is a Good Career Move
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : For US Congress, Running a Torture Prison Is a Good Career Move
The fact that Gina Haspel oversaw torture while a CIA officer is only
part of the problem, writes Phil Giraldi. A bigger problem is that no
one at the top in Washington is ever
accountable. He adds, "Haspel’s willing participation in running a black
site prison where torture was carried out was illegal then just as it
is illegal now, no matter what some slimy government lawyer whose job
depended on pleasing his boss the president might have said. Gina Haspel
could have turned the assignment down if she was bothered by what was
going, but ambition drove her to accept the position and all it entails,
making her current disavowing of torture a bit hard to accept."
Argentina Is Suddenly on the Verge of ANOTHER Economic Collapse
Argentina Is Suddenly on the Verge of ANOTHER Economic Collapse
Now, sadly, it looks like just as hopeful Argentinians believed the
country was getting back on its feet, another collapse could be
PressTV-US House bans Trump from declaring war on Iran
PressTV-US House bans Trump from declaring war on Iran
The US House of Representatives has unanimously passed an amendment that
bans President Donald Trump from declaring a war on Iran without the
Congress’s approval.
European Earthquake as Populist Government Forms in Italy – Consortiumnews
European Earthquake as Populist Government Forms in Italy – Consortiumnews
having fought off popular rejection of its neoliberal economic policies
that serve its own interests, the European establishment has lost its
first major election, as Andrew Spannaus reports.
<<<…/european-earthquake-as-populi…/ >>>
Berlusconi: Changed the rules to try to stay on top.
Dossier services publics : l'intérêt général à la casse (Le Monde diplomatique, avril 2018)
Dossier services publics : l'intérêt général à la casse (Le Monde diplomatique, avril 2018)
L’intérêt général à la casse — Tous les articles de ce dossier paru en avril sont désormais en accès libre.
La troisième génération ouvrière, par Stéphane Beaud & Michel Pialoux (Le Monde diplomatique, juin 2002)
La troisième génération ouvrière, par Stéphane Beaud & Michel Pialoux (Le Monde diplomatique, juin 2002)
À travers ce débat, on a vu se manifester et s’opposer trois générations
ouvrières. La première est celle des ouvriers syndiqués, politisés,
aujourd’hui pour la plupart retraités.
(…) La seconde est celle des ouvrières de Levi’s, licenciées après plus
de vingt ans d’ancienneté, déchues mais gardant leur fierté d’avoir
travaillé dur, d’avoir lutté (…). Enfin, la troisième génération est
incarnée par ces futurs «opérateurs», presque tous originaires des
«cités» paupérisées des années 1990 et issus de l’immigration.
How to escape feedback, by David Napier (Le Monde diplomatique - English edition, May 2018)
How to escape feedback, by David Napier (Le Monde diplomatique - English edition, May 2018)
Mark Zuckerberg is facing a lawsuit alleging the young CEO exploited his
access to Facebook users’ data to weaponise it, setting up a
‘fraudulent’ scheme that could be tied to the Cambridge Analytica
scandal. David Napier explains how user data became such a powerful
Graphica Artis · Getty
Is Julian Assange About To Be Arrested? - TruePublica
Is Julian Assange About To Be Arrested? - TruePublica
By TruePublica: According
to numerous mainstream media reports, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
is about to be forced to leave the Ecuadorian embassy in London. If that
happened, he would face imminent arrest by British authorities and
extradition to the US, where he would probably face life imprisonment on
the one hand or execution on espionage charges on the other. The latter
being the preferred option for the Trump administration.
It has now been exactly two months since Assange has been denied
visitors and any outside communications since the Ecuadorian government
cut off his access on March 28. He has no internet, phone, television
and is no longer allowed visitors at all.
The truth is, no-one actually knows if Assange is still actually on the Ecuadorian premises.
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