domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018

Learning from the Council of Nicea |

Learning from the Council of Nicea |


 The Council of Nicea ended a long time ago (in 325) and Arius is very,
very dead. Why do we still make such a big deal about the Council and
commemorate it at such an important
time—i.e. right after Pascha and before Pentecost? There are no more
Arians threatening our Orthodoxy. Admittedly the Jehovah’s Witnesses are
still knocking on doors and being generally annoying, and the refined
Unitarians are still working for Greenpeace, and the Christadelphians
still lurk about as a kind of “J.W. [ 1,220 more word ]…/learning-from-the-council-of-…/

 Council of Nicea 

Constantine called the famous Council of Nicea in 325 CE, to resolve the
conflicting views of Christ’s divinity. Examine the theological issues
at stake, pitting the Christological views of Arius against those of
Alexander of Alexandria. Contemplate the political implications of the
outcome, and the resulting orthodox creed, establishing Jesus fully as