jueves, 31 de enero de 2019
1967, un tournant pour l'islamisme politique en Égypte, par Eric Rouleau (Le Monde diplomatique, novembre 2012)
1967, un tournant pour l'islamisme politique en Égypte, par Eric Rouleau (Le Monde diplomatique, novembre 2012)
l’émergence de l’islamisme politique au lendemain de la défaite arabe
de 1967, puis la manière dont se forgea une alliance entre les Frères
musulmans et le président égyptien.
Video: Venezuela Crisis: US Has Painted Itself into Corner - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Video: Venezuela Crisis: US Has Painted Itself into Corner - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
has the dubious fortune of being located on the continent of South
America, which the United States has treated under the so-called “Monroe
Doctrine” as its exclusive zone of political, economic, and military
Malcolm X Warned About These Bourgeois Hustlers – Consortiumnews
Malcolm X Warned About These Bourgeois Hustlers – Consortiumnews
this day, one of the most compelling arguments that Malcolm X made
about the evils of both political parties is found in a speech he gave
about the political and economic state
of “black” America. He brilliantly exposed the false-distinction between
Democrats and Republicans as a choice between the lesser of the same
Malcom X’s last speech after Feb. 1965 firebombing of his home https://vimeo.com/192326332
“Foxes and wolves usually are of the same breed. They belong to the
same family—I think it’s called canine. And the difference is that the
wolf when he shows you his teeth, you know that he’s your enemy; and the
fox, when he shows you his teeth, he appears to be smiling. But no
matter which of them you go with, you end up in the dog house.”
Airbnb 'profiting' from illegal Israeli settlements: Amnesty | Palestine News | Al Jazeera
Airbnb 'profiting' from illegal Israeli settlements: Amnesty | Palestine News | Al Jazeera
International's "Destination: Occupation" campaign is calling on
companies like Booking, Trip Advisor, and Expedia to stop listing
tourist accommodation, activities, and attractions in settlements in the
occupied West Bank.
A Lawless Government. Mueller's Tactics to Frame President Trump - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
A Lawless Government. Mueller's Tactics to Frame President Trump - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS: Prosecutors, now that they are no longer bound by
constraints of legal integrity, often fabricate a case against a person
in order to force the person to give
false testimony against the prosecutor’s real target. This is what
Mueller’s cases against Cohen, Manafort, and Roger Stone are.
Marie Colvin, Homs And Media Falsehoods About Syria | OrientalReview.org
Marie Colvin, Homs And Media Falsehoods About Syria | OrientalReview.org
April 2014 I was part of an international delegation which visited
Syria for five days. The delegates came from many different countries.
Among the notables were the Irish Nobel
Laureate Mairead Maguire, a Syrian-British heart surgeon and Julian
Assange’s father. We spent time in Damascus, then traveled by bus to
Latakia and then Homs. In each city we had meetings with political,
religious and social leaders but also had time to wander about and talk
with people on the streets. [ 1,780 more word ]
The World to Come
The World to Come
Chris Hedges
The ruling elites are painfully aware that the foundations of American
power are rotting. The outsourcing of manufacturing in the United States
and the plunging of over half the population into poverty will, they
know, not be reversed. The self-destructive government shutdown has been
only one of numerous assaults on the efficiency of the administrative
state. The failing roads, bridges and public transportation are making
commerce and communications more difficult. The soaring government deficit,
now almost a trillion dollars thanks to the Trump administration’s
massive corporate tax cuts, cannot be eliminated. The seizure of the
financial system by global speculators ensures, sooner rather than
later, another financial meltdown. The dysfunction of democratic
institutions, which vomit up con artists such as Donald Trump and hold
as alternatives inept, corporate-indentured politicians such as Joe
Biden and Nancy Pelosi, is cementing into place a new authoritarianism.
The hollowing out of the pillars of the state, including the diplomatic
corps and regulatory agencies, leaves the blunt force of the military as
the only response to foreign disputes and fuels endless and futile
foreign wars.
Davos elite wants to give Amazon, Google and Facebook even more power - TruePublica
Davos elite wants to give Amazon, Google and Facebook even more power - TruePublica
By Nick Dearden – GlobalJusticeNow:
A group of mostly rich countries used the World Economic Forum in Davos
to call for negotiations on digital trade. This is ‘next big thing’ in
trade talks: trying to create global rules to govern rapidly increasing
online trade and accompanying flows of data (the so-called ‘oil’ of the
new economy).
The massive rise in new technologies and online communications is
transforming the world economy. And of course, it’s true that new
technology carries with it the power to transform many people’s lives,
to help our efforts to wipe out poverty, deliver healthcare and
education for all, and halt environmental destruction.
But, in the wrong hands, this technology can also do precisely the
opposite. What’s being dubbed the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ at
Davos is energising global corporations, as they look for new ways to
harness our data, cut their costs and increasingly monopolise global
trade. To create a set of rules which actually gives these big tech
companies – from Facebook, Amazon and Google to new platforms like Uber
and AirBnB – permanent power over these new technologies, anywhere in
the world, would be a disaster.
Email your MEPs | Democracy International e.V.
Email your MEPs | Democracy International e.V.
Democracy International
Want to know how you can help put
pressure on Members of European Parliament to vote in favor of the
critical lobby transparency vote tomorrow?
1️⃣ Write to your MEPs using our template: https://democracy-international.org/email-your-meps
2️⃣ From Germany? Write to your MEPs using LobbyControl's template: https://www.lobbycontrol.de/…/aktiv-fuer-lobbytransparenz-…/
3️⃣ Sign WeMove.EU's open letter! https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/lobby-transparency
Mehr Demokratie NRW Transparency International EU Alter-EU Corporate Europe Observatory
CATALONIA -- 30-Jan-19 TV News in 100 Seconds: ‘Institutional event to support relatives of jailed leaders’
30-Jan-19 TV News in 100 Seconds: ‘Institutional event to support relatives of jailed leaders’
🎥 Institutional event to support relatives of jailed leaders. Learn what you need to know, and more, in 100 seconds ➡ https://goo.gl/5CVqpm ~~~
CATALONIA --- The far right in Catalonia: 20 groups and 328 attacks in...
The far right in Catalonia: 20 groups and 328 attacks in...
The Office of Civil and Political Rights started by the Catalan
vice-presidency department in October has this Friday released its first
activity report. It says there are twenty far-right groups which are
active in Catalonia, and that they've committed 328 attacks in the last
two years.
British MPs condemn imminent Catalan referendum trial
British MPs condemn imminent Catalan referendum trial
As they prepared for yesterday's Brexit votes, a group of MPs in the
House of Commons filed an Early Day Motion on a rather different topic:
"Trial of Catalan politicians". In the motion, they express their
"concern about the imminent trial of 18 Catalan politicians and civic
leaders regarding their role in the 2017 independence referendum".
Lobby Transparency
Lobby Transparency
Meetings with lobbyists must be public. End of discussion.
Tell your representatives you expect them to vote for lobby transparency tomorrow! There's not much time left!👇⏳🕔
CATALONIA --- All Eyes on Spanish Judiciary in Trial of Catalan Politicians
All Eyes on Spanish Judiciary in Trial of Catalan Politicians
All Eyes on Spanish Judiciary in Trial of Catalan Politicians
(CN) – Spain’s judiciary, which critics say is too cozy with the
country’s dominant political parties, will come under intense scrutiny
in the coming months as its high court holds a politically explosive
trial of Catalan independence leaders accused of rebellion and sedition.
<<< https://www.courthousenews.com/all-eyes-on-spanish-judicia…/ >. >
CATALONIA -- 12 Catalan leaders face trial on charges of sedition and rebellion against Spain - Los Angeles Times
12 Catalan leaders face trial on charges of sedition and rebellion against Spain - Los Angeles Times
" It’s been well over a year since Spain crushed an independence movement in the semiautonomous region of Catalonia.
Now 12 people are set to go on trial for having organized the independence referendum that sparked the crackdown.
The Spanish government accuses the defendants of sedition and
rebellion, charges that together could result in sentences of up to 25
years in prison — and that are intended to send a stern warning to
anybody else with dreams of breaking away from Spain. "
<<<< https://www.latimes.com/…/la-fg-spain-catalonia-separatists… >>
Catalan regional Parliament staff members and pro-independence MPs,
displaying yellow ribbons and the portraits of imprisoned Catalan
pro-independence political and social leaders, in a demonstration last
month in Barcelona. (Andreu Dalmau / EPA/Shutterstock)
miércoles, 30 de enero de 2019
Crises of Governance Escalates in Western Capitalist States. Trump, Macron, May - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Crises of Governance Escalates in Western Capitalist States. Trump, Macron, May - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
AZIKIWE: France has once again been the scene of the “gilet jaunes”
(yellow vests) demonstrations against the worsening social conditions of
workers under the neo-liberal policies of La Republique en Marche
government of President Emmanuel Macron.
Merkel & Macron Apply Sticking Plaster on Fracturing Europe
Merkel & Macron Apply Sticking Plaster on Fracturing Europe
The Franco-German Treaty signed last week is a useless sticking plaster for covering up a fracturing Europe.
Terrorism at the Service of ‘Regime Change’. How the West Gets Hit by Its Own Former ‘Useful Freedom Fighters’
Terrorism at the Service of ‘Regime Change’. How the West Gets Hit by Its Own Former ‘Useful Freedom Fighters’
Mary Shelley, read Frankenstein, and read it to the end.” Alas, the end
may be too awful, too near – and not only for the Western sponsors of
Islamist terrorism.
Americans’ Surging Contempt for Billionaires
Americans’ Surging Contempt for Billionaires
Tucker Carlson might have delivered the platform for a new third
American political party, which could end and replace the Republican
Party, Eric Zuesse writes.
Il est allé trop loin, il doit partir, par Frédéric Lordon (Les blogs du Diplo, 28 janvier 2019)
Il est allé trop loin, il doit partir, par Frédéric Lordon (Les blogs du Diplo, 28 janvier 2019)
« Il est allé trop loin, il doit partir ».
Nouveau billet de Frédéric Lordon.

William Blake. — « Nebuchadnezzar » (Nabuchodonosor), gravure de 1795.
How Russia-gate Rationalized Censorship – Consortiumnews
How Russia-gate Rationalized Censorship – Consortiumnews
How Russia-gate Rationalized Censorship
From the Archives: Russia-gate
mania spread beyond a strategy for neutralizing Donald Trump or
removing him from office into an excuse for stifling U.S. dissent that
challenges the New Cold War, reported Joe Lauria on Dec. 4, 2017.
mania spread beyond a strategy for neutralizing Donald Trump or
removing him from office into an excuse for stifling U.S. dissent that
challenges the New Cold War, reported Joe Lauria on Dec. 4, 2017.

Hillary Clinton speaking with supporters at a campaign rally in Phoenix, Arizona, March 21, 2016. (Gage Skidmore)
CATALONIA --Oriol Junqueras: « Nous n'avons commis aucun délit »
Oriol Junqueras: « Nous n'avons commis aucun délit »
- Vice-président du gouvernement régional catalan à l'époque des faits,
il sera jugé le 5 février pour « soulèvement violent » contre les
institutions à la suite du référendum d'autodétermination et de la
déclaration de sécession qui s'était ensuivie. Placé en détention
provisoire, il s'entretient pour la première fois au parloir avec un
média français.
À lledoners (Catalogne)
CATALONIA -- ERC ‘joins different spaces,’ says jailed party leader
ERC ‘joins different spaces,’ says jailed party leader
Junqueras is one of the pro-independence leaders who is currently
imprisoned for his role in the Catalan push for and declaration of
independence ➡️ https://goo.gl/BvJzzv
CATALONIA -- Spain ‘can’t guarantee judicial rights’ of its citizens, says Puigdemont in Dublin
Spain ‘can’t guarantee judicial rights’ of its citizens, says Puigdemont in Dublin
“Today, democracy in Spain is at risk because basic rights have been
‘de facto’ suspended,” said former Catalan president Puigdemont @KRLS at
#Dublin's Trinity College ➡️ https://goo.gl/FUSvLh
CATALONIA -- February 1: new date for transferal of jailed leaders to Madrid
February 1: new date for transferal of jailed leaders to Madrid
Independence trial expected to start "around" February 5 https://goo.gl/gpuUTX
CATALONIA -- Catalan political prisoners to be moved to Madrid on Friday
Catalan political prisoners to be moved to Madrid on Friday
Catalan political prisoners to be moved to Madrid on Friday
CATALONIA -- 'Global Spain', Borrell's toy in the middle of the trial
'Global Spain', Borrell's toy in the middle of the trial
Spanish foreign minister Josep Borrell's team is full
of gems. One of them is Irene Lozana, writer, journalist and former
Congress deputy for UPyD, the centrist, centralist party that was led by
Rosa Díez. Well, Lozano is now secretary of state of the body called España Global ("Global
Spain"), which has replaced the fiasco that was Marca España ("Brand
Spain"), Mariano Rajoy's flagship project which was headed by the
businessperson Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros. Under the umbrella of
España Global falls the management of Spain's brand and image abroad,
badly affected by the crisis with Catalonia, the police violence of 1st
October, the extraordinary imprisonment of the social leaders Jordi
Cuixart and Jordi Sànchez, the suspension of the Catalan government and
the later bifurcation towards exile and prison of its members.
CATALONIA -- Flight risk and the right to defence
Flight risk and the right to defence
Hours before the Catalan prisoners are moved from Catalan to Madrid prisons, the Spanish Supreme Court has
taken its last decisions with respect to their release, namely denying
it. The court alludes to the flight risk they pose, to the defence they
are guaranteed despite being incarcerated and gets in a mess in
explaining the existence of republican power structures abroad, a clear
reference to the exiles and the Council of the Republic.
CATALONIA -- Spanish police visited or called Ripoll mosque three time...
Spanish police visited or called Ripoll mosque three time...
Spanish police visited or called Ripoll mosque three times before 2017 attacks
How the West Weaponizes Refugees It Creates - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
How the West Weaponizes Refugees It Creates - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
CARTALUCCI: The United States and its allies have done both extensively
– from exploiting the flow of refugees fleeing US-led wars in Libya and
Syria – to the cynical exploitation of
high-profile cases like Rahaf al-Qunun of Saudi Arabia and Hakeem
al-Araibi of Bahrain – both of whom are fleeing autocratic regimes armed
and propped up exclusively by the West.
US Caught Helping ISIS Commanders Escape from Taliban Prison in Afghanistan - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
US Caught Helping ISIS Commanders Escape from Taliban Prison in Afghanistan - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
large number of prisoners, all of them senior members of Daesh (also
ISIS or ISIL) terrorist group, broke out of a Taliban prison in
northwest Afghanistan after US troops helped them escape through a
covert operation.
CATALONIA ----- ‘I’m Catalan and in prison’: Twitter erupts after EU bigwig Verhofstadt’s ‘I am European’ mantra — RT World News
‘I’m Catalan and in prison’: Twitter erupts after EU bigwig Verhofstadt’s ‘I am European’ mantra — RT World News
#Catalonia #Catalunya • "I'm #Catalan and in prison."
#Twitter erupts after #EU bigwig #Verhofstadt's "#IamEuropean" mantra.

Independence protests in Catalonia © Reuters / Albert Gea; Guy Verhofstadt / Yves Herman
martes, 29 de enero de 2019
Venezuela: What Activists Need to Know About the US-led Coup - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Venezuela: What Activists Need to Know About the US-led Coup - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
has the largest oil reserves in the world and the second largest gold
reserves, as well as diamonds and other minerals such as coltan (needed
for electronic devices). And, Venezuela
is taking over as president of OPEC and will be in a position to push
for oil payments in non-dollar currencies or in cryptocurrencies, a
major threat to the US dollar.
'This Is Very Dangerous': Trump Administration Seizes Venezuela Oil Assets, Renews Threat of Military Action If Maduro Stays
'This Is Very Dangerous': Trump Administration Seizes Venezuela Oil Assets, Renews Threat of Military Action If Maduro Stays
"The problem here is that these efforts by the United States to change other countries' governments often lead to catastrophe."
Bill McKibben on Climate Change, COP Meetings, Activism & Solutions
Bill McKibben on Climate Change, COP Meetings, Activism & Solutions
acTVism Munich: In this exclusive interview with environmental activist Bill McKibben, we talk about climate change, the Conference of the Parties (COP) convention
generally and their recent meeting in Poland, as well as the latest
report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). We also
cover climate action, the current state of the environmental movement in
the US and abroad as well as possible solutions that individuals can
apply to tackle humanity’s greatest challenge yet.
Bill McKibben is an author and environmentalist who in 2014 was awarded the Right Livelihood Award: The 'Alternative Nobel Prize'. He is a founder of 350.org,
the first planet-wide, grassroots climate change movement, which has
organized twenty thousand rallies around the world. A former staff
writer for the New Yorker, he writes frequently for a wide variety of
publications around the world, including the New York Review of Books,
National Geographic, and Rolling Stone.
uses online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public actions
to oppose new coal, oil and gas projects, take money out of the
companies that are heating up the planet, and build 100% clean energy
solutions that work for all. 350’s network extends to 188 countries.
CATALONIA ---- Prosecution reports against the catalan politcal prisonerS -- Legal documentation – International Trial Watch
Legal documentation – International Trial Watch
Prosecution reports against the catalan politcal prisoners
Fresh alert over Brazil dam collapse as relatives’ anguish intensifies | World news | The Guardian
Fresh alert over Brazil dam collapse as relatives’ anguish intensifies | World news | The Guardian
eco tragedy in Brazil! When will the government stop allowing the
construction of dams that damage the environment and pose a threat to
local communities?
"At least 58 people have been confirmed killed and hundreds remain
missing following Friday’s mudslide. Even before the latest setbacks,
hope that people had survived the tsunami of iron ore mine waste from
the dam collapse was turning to anguish that there would be no more
"The chief executive of Vale, Fabio Schvartsman,
apologised on Saturday without taking responsibility for the incident,
in a television interview. 'Apologies to society, apologies to you,
apologies to the whole world for what has happened,' he said. 'I don’t
know who is responsible, but you can be sure we’ll do our part.'"
Read more here: https://www.theguardian.com/…/fresh-warning-at-brazil-minin…
Israel Elections: Benny Gantz Runs on Netanyahu’s “Heroic” Gaza Slaughter
Israel Elections: Benny Gantz Runs on Netanyahu’s “Heroic” Gaza Slaughter
Benny Gantz really has no accomplishments to show. What few
achievements he does boast are nothing more than the massacres of a
civilian population in Gaza, and even those he executed as a soldier
following orders from Netanyahu.
How the Organization of American States Became an Agent of Regime Change
How the Organization of American States Became an Agent of Regime Change
has been far more interested in anti-democratic regime change than in
facing these critical challenges. The region has an opportunity to
restore regional cooperation on shared priorities. But that will require
a change in leadership.
How Brexit Burst the West’s Immigration Taboos
How Brexit Burst the West’s Immigration Taboos
The key thing to recognize about the Brexit conflict is that the critical issue is not economics but immigration.
The U.S. Military’s Lost Wars
The U.S. Military’s Lost Wars
The U.S. Military’s Lost Wars: Overfunded, overhyped, and always over there.
A Progressive ‘Artifice’ of Democratic Impotence: The ‘World’ Finally ‘Gets It’
A Progressive ‘Artifice’ of Democratic Impotence: The ‘World’ Finally ‘Gets It’
the first time, an American official has definitively exposed the fact
that the US has no vision for the future, and that the US now can only
act disruptively in the Middle East.
Propagande contre le Venezuela | Defend Democracy Press
Propagande contre le Venezuela | Defend Democracy Press
The Delphi Initiative
Propagande contre le Venezuela
The Global Elite is Insane | Feelings First
The Global Elite is Insane | Feelings First
The Global Elite is Insane
Robert J. Burrowes
In a recent report titled ‘Working for the Few: Political capture and economic inequality’
Oxfam informs us that ‘Almost half of the world’s wealth is now owned
by just one percent of the population’. Their report goes on to
recommend that the World Economic Forum,
an elite gathering held annually in Davos, Switzerland, take economic
and political measures to ensure a more equitable distribution of

Fragment of Sue Coe ‘Butcher to the World’
The Global Elite is Insane Revisited | Feelings First
The Global Elite is Insane Revisited | Feelings First
Robert J. Burrowes
In 2014 I wrote an article titled ‘The Global Elite is Insane’. I want
to elaborate what I explained in the earlier article so that people have
a clearer sense of what we are up against in our struggle to create a
world of peace, justice and ecological sustainability.
<<< https://feelingsfirstblog.wordpress.com/…/global-elite-is-…/ >.
Destruction of the Biosphere, Timeframe of Global Climate Change: A Last Ditch Strategy to Fight for Human Survival - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Destruction of the Biosphere, Timeframe of Global Climate Change: A Last Ditch Strategy to Fight for Human Survival - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
However, there is no consensus regarding the timeframe in which this climate catastrophe will cause human extinction.
This lack of consensus is primarily due to the global elite controlling
the public perception of this timeframe with frequent talk of ‘the end
of the century’ designed to allow ongoing profit maximization through
‘business as usual’ for as long as possible. Why has this happened?
Learning from Gandhi. ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Learning from Gandhi. ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
J. BURROWES: He was not just interested in the violence that occurs
when nations fight wars or one person kills or injures another. He was
interested in addressing the violence that occurs when individuals and
nations exploit other individuals/nations (such as when British
imperialism exploited India and Indians) and the violence that occurs
when a structure (such as capitalism or socialism) exploits the
individuals within it.
<<< https://www.globalresearch.ca/learning-from-gandhi-…/5666819 >
CATALONIA --- Prosecutor: no need for observers in independence trial
Prosecutor: no need for observers in independence trial
Spanish general prosecutor, María José Segarra, sustains there’s no need
for international observers to follow the independence trial from
inside the Supreme Court, where it will be held.'
'Several human
rights organizations have requested to observe the sessions, including
Amnesty International and International Trial Watch, including
professors, jurists, and human rights experts.'
France’s Red Scarves: Ready-Made Counter-Protest and New Media Darlings
France’s Red Scarves: Ready-Made Counter-Protest and New Media Darlings
pressure will now grow to disperse the Yellow Vest movement while also
attempting to use the Red Scarves to manufacture support for draconian
government policies and police crackdowns aimed at finally ending the
establishment-threatening protests.
lunes, 28 de enero de 2019
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Involvement by U.S. military, intelligence and police agencies in the murders of Kennedys, King and Malcom X | Defend Democracy Press
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Involvement by U.S. military, intelligence and police agencies in the murders of Kennedys, King and Malcom X | Defend Democracy Press
The Delphi Initiative
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Involvement by U.S. military, intelligence and
police agencies in the murders of Kennedys, King and Malcom X
In land of illegal outposts and hate crimes, another Palestinian life claimed - Israel News - Haaretz - Israel News | Haaretz.com
In land of illegal outposts and hate crimes, another Palestinian life claimed - Israel News - Haaretz - Israel News | Haaretz.com
"A lethal weekend for Palestinians — four killed, from Rafah in the Gaza
Strip to Ramallah in the West Bank — ended Saturday with the death of a
farmer in his olive orchard, in the central West Bank village of
Al-Mughayyir." - Gideon Levy
Before Venezuela: The Long History of U.S. Intervention in Latin America - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Before Venezuela: The Long History of U.S. Intervention in Latin America - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro accuses the United States of trying
to orchestrate a coup against him, and that allegation has resonance
among many in a region where Washington has a long history of
interventions—military and otherwise.
The Empire's "Left Intellectuals" Call for Regime Change. The Role of "Progressives" and the Antiwar Movement - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The Empire's "Left Intellectuals" Call for Regime Change. The Role of "Progressives" and the Antiwar Movement - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
PROF. MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY: Several prominent intellectuals are calling
for a “negotiated settlement” between the Maduro government and “the
opposition” led by the self proclaimed
interim president Juan Guaido . It should be obvious that this proposal
is redundant and contradictory. The leader of the National Assembly Juan
Guaido is a US proxy (instrument of a foreign government) who will be
“negotiating” on behalf of Washington.
Faut-il brûler le protocole de Kyoto ?, par Aurélien Bernier (Le Monde diplomatique, décembre 2007)
Faut-il brûler le protocole de Kyoto ?, par Aurélien Bernier (Le Monde diplomatique, décembre 2007)
Climat : aucune solution efficace ne peut vraisemblablement exister sans
remettre en cause les systèmes de production et les règles du commerce
international, en instaurant par exemple
de nouveaux droits de douane qui intégreraient le contenu énergétique
et carbonique des produits d’importation.
UK to warn of Brexit backstop’s threat to Irish peace treaty – POLITICO
UK to warn of Brexit backstop’s threat to Irish peace treaty – POLITICO
Theresa May's latest plan to keep Brexit on track is to maneuver the EU
into giving legally-binding guarantees on the Irish border.

The Border Communities Against Brexit group break through a mock wall
between Ireland and the U.K. on January 26 in Louth, Ireland | Charles
McQuillan/Getty Images
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