miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019

(84) Noam Chomsky: The Business Class Wants You to Hate the Government Because It Has a Defect - YouTube

(84) Noam Chomsky: The Business Class Wants You to Hate the Government Because It Has a Defect - YouTube




"Business leaders and elite intellectuals recognized that the public
had won enough rights so that they can't be controlled by force, so it
would be necessary to turn to control of attitudes and opinions...

...So you had to create a mood of anti-politics, which leaves a very
powerful interventionist state but makes people hate the federal
government, and the reason to make people hate the federal government is
it has a defect. But the things that they're worried about is not what's
bad. They're worried about what's good. The government has a defect;
namely, it's potentially influenceable by the population. Now private
corporations don't have that defect. Nothing you can say about the GE
management. But you can do something about federal government policies.
And that defect, for good Madisonian reasons, has to be gotten rid of.
So they have to create a mood of anti-politics, where everything is
blamed on the federal government, and you don't notice the real power
behind it. You're not supposed to read the Fortune 500 issue." -