martes, 30 de abril de 2019
NATO Expands Eastward to Russia - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
NATO Expands Eastward to Russia - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
1990, on the eve of the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, US Secretary of
State James Baker assured USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev that “NATO
will not extend by a single inch to the
east”. But in twenty years, after having demolished the Yugoslavian
Federation, NATO extended from 16 to 30 countries, expanding more and
more eastwards to Russia.
The Last Battle - Truthdig
The Last Battle - Truthdig
values and more values. Another dreary dish added to the smorgasbord
of Democratic hopefuls for the White House. This one is a bit cured and
worn, smoked by history. Biden, having
performed the role of Vice President for Barack Obama and senator for
Delaware, is making his third attempt to not so much gallop as crawl
into the US executive. [ 968 more words ]…/corporate-joe-biden-enters-th…/
Corporate Joe: Biden Enters The Presidential Race –
Corporate Joe: Biden Enters The Presidential Race –
values and more values. Another dreary dish added to the smorgasbord
of Democratic hopefuls for the White House. This one is a bit cured and
worn, smoked by history. Biden, having
performed the role of Vice President for Barack Obama and senator for
Delaware, is making his third attempt to not so much gallop as crawl
into the US executive. [ 968 more words ]…/corporate-joe-biden-enters-th…/
Selected Articles: Terror Attack in Sri Lanka by ISIS - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Selected Articles: Terror Attack in Sri Lanka by ISIS - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Selected Articles: Terror Attack in Sri Lanka by ISIS
Remembering the Horrific Revelations of US Torture at Abu Ghraib
Remembering the Horrific Revelations of US Torture at Abu Ghraib
to 90 percent of those held in Abu Ghraib were innocent civilians who
were detained mistakenly, according to the International Red Cross.
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : The Fanatic Running Trump’s Foreign Policy
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : The Fanatic Running Trump’s Foreign Policy
to recent financial disclosures, President Trump's national security
advisor, John Bolton, was paid $40,000 for one speech he gave to the
Marxist/Islamist terror cult,
Mujahideen-e-Khalq. Normally this close of a relation to a fanatical
group (which has killed Americans) would be enough to disqualify one for
further US government service. Sadly, not in the Trump
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Iran Appeals Directly To Trump: Your Advisers Dragging You Into War
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Iran Appeals Directly To Trump: Your Advisers Dragging You Into War
foreign minister took his case that Trump's neocon advisors are pushing
him to war with Iran direct to the one source where he was sure Trump
would hear it: Fox News. Will the president pay attention to the very
reasonable Zarif?
Sri Lanka government admits Easter Sunday terror warnings were ignored | Defend Democracy Press
Sri Lanka government admits Easter Sunday terror warnings were ignored | Defend Democracy Press
Sri Lanka government admits Easter Sunday terror warnings were ignored | By Lasanda Kurukulasuriya
US-backed Saudi regime beheads 37 political prisoners | Defend Democracy Press
US-backed Saudi regime beheads 37 political prisoners | Defend Democracy Press
US-backed Saudi regime beheads 37 political prisoners
US and NATO’s Ongoing Support for Neo-Nazis in Ukraine | Defend Democracy Press
US and NATO’s Ongoing Support for Neo-Nazis in Ukraine | Defend Democracy Press
US and NATO’s Ongoing Support for Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
SPAIN -- This is how Spanish sewers have controlled Spanish sewage for 40 years - VICE
Así han controlado las cloacas del Estado la política española durante 40 años - VICE
This is how Spanish sewers have controlled Spanish sewage for 40 years
Our democracy has been guarded from the beginning by plumbers who have
helped the power, even without direct orders, so that the Transition was
not a total break with the past.
CATALONIA -- Spanish electoral body blocks Puigdemont from running in EU election – POLITICO
Spanish electoral body blocks Puigdemont from running in EU election – POLITICO
'Spain’s Central Electoral Commission has blocked ousted Catalan
President Carles Puigdemont from running in the European Parliament
'The commission’s decision not to recognize Puigdemont
as a candidate comes after the right-leaning Popular Party and
Ciudadanos appealed to the electoral body about his candidacy, as well
as that of two other Catalan separatists who face charges in Spain,
according to their party, Junts per Catalunya (Together for Catalonia).'
CATALONIA --- Pro-independence ERC party gets historic Spanish election win
Pro-independence ERC party gets historic Spanish election win
_____ 📎 Pro-independence ERC party gets historic Spanish election win.
#28A ➡ __
This map of Catalan municipalities shows the victory (including Barcelona) of pro-#independence parties (ERC in yellow; JxCat in pink) in the #SpanishElections today. Via #Catalonia's public boadcaster TV3
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CATALONIA -- Puigdemont turns to Canadian justice before blocking his trip to Quebec
Puigdemont recorre a la justícia canadenca davant el bloqueig del seu viatge al Quebec
Canada is not allowing Puigdemont to travel there today with no explanation.…/canada-bloqueja-viatge-puigdem…
CATALONIA -- Carles Puigdemont to be excluded from European elections | World news | The Guardian
Carles Puigdemont to be excluded from European elections | World news | The Guardian
The day after the Spanish elections President Carles Puigdemont and
former ministers Clara Ponsatí and Toni Comín have been blocked from
running EU 🇪🇺 elections "because they do not meet the conditions for electors”
In #Francoland life is "easy". Why allowing people to decide and vote if they (👨⚖️🇪🇸) can do it for you just by blocking them? "Voilà!"
CATALONIA -- Puigdemont and the lack of legal foundation of the Central Electoral Board --
Puigdemont y la falta de fundamentación jurídica de la Junta Electoral Central
'The decision of the Central Electoral Board to exclude Puigdemont,
Comín and Ponsatí from the list of Junts per Catalunya to the European
Parliament lacks any legal basis. The three Catalan politicians are in
full use of their political rights and have not done so far other than
exercising the fundamental rights of which are holders as Spanish
citizens. Specifically, they have exercised the right recognized in
Article 19 of Spanish Constitution, which protects the free
choice of residence as well as freely entering and leaving Spain. "This
right can not be limited for political and ideological reasons," says
the final paragraph of the article.'
'Puigdemont, Comín and Ponsatí appealed the arrest warrant issued by
Judge Pablo LLarena, making use of the possibility contemplated in the
European directive regulating such judicial cooperation instrument. They
exercised their right to defense.
Puigdemont, Comín and Ponsatí
have not declared themselves in absentia nor have fled from the action
of justice. They have appeared before the competent judicial authority,
Belgian, German or Scottish, whenever their presence has been required.
And they have argued before such European judicial authorities why their
delivery should not be authorized to be tried in Spain for the crime of
So far, only the German justice has ruled on the
arrest warrant issued by the Spanish Judge Instructor, authorizing the
delivery of Carles Puigdemont so that he could be tried for an eventual
crime of embezzlement, but not for rebellion or sedition. The Supreme
Court could be currently judging Carles Puigdemont.
So, it has
not been Carles Puigdemont who has fled from the Spanish justice, but
the Spanish justice which has fled from the German justice, not
accepting the decision adopted by the Superior Court of Justice of
Schleswig-Holstein. Carles Puigdemont has accepted the authority of the
European courts of justice. Of all, each one acting in the exercise of
the competition that is his own. It is the Supreme Court that is not
willing to accept the authority of the courts of other European Union
countries, if they do not resolve in the way that it considers that they
should do so.'…/Puigdemont-Junta-Electoral-Centra…
SPAIN -- Why isn’t Spain a democracy?
Why isn’t Spain a democracy?
'Why Spain is not a Democracy?'
'One. The current regime is tainted from origin with an imposed monarchy'
'Two. There is a blatant absence of democratic culture'
'Three. Subtle mechanisms of censorship and silencing of dissent'
'Four. Impunity of Francoism'
'Five: a systemic and protected corruption'
'Six. Poorly plural media'
'Seven. A political police and, worse, the incapacity of reaction of Spanish society'
'Eight. Almost absolute control of Francoism in key institutions'
'Nine. Hegemony of its symbols' (of the Francoism)
'Ten. Catalonia and the farce trial'
lunes, 29 de abril de 2019
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : With Assad Victorious, US Oil Sanctions Now Strangle Entire Syrian Population
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : With Assad Victorious, US Oil Sanctions Now Strangle Entire Syrian Population
thought that after beating ISIS and al-Qaeda and getting their country
back from crazed jihadists they could begin getting back to normal, but
there is one formidable force they did
not count on: crippling new US sanctions that have thrown the country's
recovery into a tailspin. Ironically the new stranglehold over Syrian
oil imports was put in place precisely because the Syrians did clear out
US-backed jihadists in Eastern Ghouta and elsewhere. Those savages were
US allies and Washington didn't want to cut off oil while they were
still operating in country. With jihadists defeated, the US war shifts
back to "regime change."
Les « routes de la soie » passent par le Kazakhstan, par Arthur Fouchère (Le Monde diplomatique, septembre 2017)
Les « routes de la soie » passent par le Kazakhstan, par Arthur Fouchère (Le Monde diplomatique, septembre 2017)
deuxième forum des « Nouvelles routes de la soie », lancées en 2013 par
le président Xi Jinping, vient de s'achever. Ces voies doivent relier,
par terre et par mer, la Chine au
Proche-Orient, à l’Afrique et à l’Europe, en passant par l’Asie
centrale. Si la Russie y a d’abord vu une ingérence chinoise dans son
arrière-cour, elle table aujourd’hui sur une coopération dont elle
espère des retombées positives. Le Kazakhstan, lui, cherche un équilibre
entre les deux géants.
Libéraux contre populistes, un clivage trompeur, par Serge Halimi & Pierre Rimbert (Le Monde diplomatique, septembre 2018)
Libéraux contre populistes, un clivage trompeur, par Serge Halimi & Pierre Rimbert (Le Monde diplomatique, septembre 2018)
développer une force politique capable de combattre simultanément les
«technocrates éclairés» et les «milliardaires enragés» ?
(Réédité dans Tous populistes ! Manière de voir, en kiosques. Photo :
David de la Mano ///// «Sans titre», peinture murale, Djerba, Tunisie,
Refugees in Germany: Legal entry — without asylum | Germany| News and in-depth reporting from Berlin and beyond | DW | 28.04.2019
Refugees in Germany: Legal entry — without asylum | Germany| News and in-depth reporting from Berlin and beyond | DW | 28.04.2019
is increasingly making use of humanitarian admissions programs as part
of its refugee policy, meaning orderly entry for migrants rather than
high-risk journeys.
One in 10 EU voters support far-right populist parties | News | DW | 26.04.2019
One in 10 EU voters support far-right populist parties | News | DW | 26.04.2019
of voters said they would back right-wing populist or extreme-right
parties - the highest level of voter approval of any single political
The fate of the Syrian Kurds | openDemocracy
The fate of the Syrian Kurds | openDemocracy
The end of the war in Syria might be in sight with the elimination of ISIS.
But what about the Syrian Kurds who helped defeat ISIS?
Genetically Modified Babies. The Genetic Editing of Human Life is "Big Business" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Genetically Modified Babies. The Genetic Editing of Human Life is "Big Business" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY: Last November, He Jiankui, a Chinese biology
professor at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUST) in
Shenzhen (Guangdong Province) announced that he and his team had created
the World’s first “genetically edited babies”: twin babies Lula and
Pete Buttigieg - Manufactured U.S. Presidential Candidate - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Pete Buttigieg - Manufactured U.S. Presidential Candidate - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
MAKINDE: Buttigieg’s formula of “practical leadership guided by
progressive values” has been subjected to devastating criticism by those
familiar with his 9-year mayoral record in South Bend.
Glyphosate Worse than We Could Imagine. "It's Everywhere" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Glyphosate Worse than We Could Imagine. "It's Everywhere" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
WILLIAM ENGDAHL: Glyphosate residues have been found in tap water,
orange juice, children’s urine, breast milk, chips, snacks, beer, wine,
cereals, eggs, oatmeal, wheat products, and most conventional foods
tested. It’s everywhere, in brief.
CATALONIA -- Pro-independence ERC party gets historic Spanish election win
Pro-independence ERC party gets historic Spanish election win
SPANISH ELECTION #28A | @Esquerra_ERC won Catalonia in the #28A Spanish Elections, making pro-independence history
Find out how the night went for them here ➡

CATALONIA -- Catalan Separatists Pay Price for Spain's Crude Transition to Democracy
Catalan Separatists Pay Price for Spain's Crude Transition to Democracy
Catalan Separatists on Trial Pay Price for Spain’s Crude Transition to Democracy
<<<…/25/catalan-trial-spain-democracy/ >>
CATALONIA -- Independence for Catalonia set to play key role as Spain goes to the polls | The National
Independence for Catalonia set to play key role as Spain goes to the polls | The National
President of Catalonia, “Torra told The Sunday National: “Unfortunately
some Spaniards use this word, Nazi, to [describe] many of us who are
defending the independence of Catalonia.
“We Catalans have had a
turbulent history and have suffered two dictatorships in the last
century – two fascist regimes – many people died because the actions of
Franco, many had to exile, many Spaniards and Catalans at the end of the
Spanish Civil War fought with the Resistance in France and many were moved to the Nazi concentration camps.
“So, for a Catalan this is the worst word anyone can use, it really cuts them.”…/17602424.independence-for-…/…
<<<CATALONIA --Spain's Election May Lead to More Fragmentation - Bloomberg
Spain's Election May Lead to More Fragmentation - Bloomberg
“For Catalonia, this is a painful issue. Having the entire previous
Catalan government either in prison or in exile means that people are
seriously questioning the quality of Spanish democracy and certainly its
ability to manage political and peaceful dissent in deliberative rather
than punitive ways.
The Catalan parties standing in this
election that defend the right to self-determination (that is, to
organize a referendum, which according to official opinion polls
is supported by 80 percent of the population in Catalonia) are calling
for dialogue, with the other side mainly threatening the permanent
removal of self-government.
This is the biggest challenge to the contemporary political system of
the Spanish state. At the moment, punitive measures and repression of
government ministers, civil-society leaders, public servants and even
university professors does not provide a picture of hope.”…/spain-s-election-may-lead-to-mo…
_____CATALONIA -- Spanish vote spins around the question of Catalonia -
Spanish vote spins around the question of Catalonia -
Spanish vote spins around the question of Catalonia
<<<…/spanish-vote-spins-around-the-qu… >>
CATALONIA --- Neus Català, fighter against fascism in Spain and France, dies at 103 - The Washington Post
Neus Català, fighter against fascism in Spain and France, dies at 103 - The Washington Post
'To the end of her 103 years, the Catalonian anti-fascist activist Neus
Català, believed to have been one of the last Spanish survivors of the
Holocaust, was proud that, in her words, “I never once wept or got on my
knees in front of a Nazi.”
She was a Catholic-born communist who
fought alongside the French resistance against the Nazis during World
War II. As a young woman, before and during the Spanish Civil War of
1936-39, she had fought for the republican side against the nationalists led by Gen. Francisco Franco.'
'Working with her new husband, Albert Roger, a Frenchman, she carried
weapons, falsified documents or messages under a headscarf or under a
basket of vegetables on her bicycle, charming her way through Nazi
After a French collaborator betrayed her, she was
arrested by the Gestapo in November 1943 and deported to the women’s
concentration camp at Ravensbrück, north of Berlin, while her husband
was sent to Bergen-Belsen, also in Germany.
From Ravensbrück, Ms.
Català was moved to another concentration camp at Flossenbürg, Bavaria,
near the Czechoslovakian border, where she was part of a forced labor
group quarrying granite as well as making parts for fighter planes and
Ms. Català persuaded her fellow female workers to
boycott or disrupt weapons production, and they became known by their
Nazi guards as “the Lazy Kommando.” '
W'hen Ms. Català was freed
around the same time, she was critically ill. “We were just skulls with
eyes,” she told the trade union magazine. “I was a bag of bones.” Yet
she survived for almost 75 more years, dying April 13 in a nursing home
in the Spanish village of Els Guiamets, her daughter Margarita Català
announced. She did not provide a specific medical cause.
Neus Català
Pallejà was born in Els Guiamets in Catalonia, where the northeastern
corner of Spain meets the Pyrenees on the border with France, on Oct. 6,
Her father was a farmer, growing olives and grapes while
serving as the village’s only barber. He was helped, in the fields and
the barber shop, by his wife. By 14, Neus (pronounced Nay-oos) was
working in the fields, and her first struggle was to demand equal pay
for women during the grape harvest. She succeeded.'
Franco’s nationalists moved into Barcelona in 1939, she fled on foot
with 182 orphans across the snow-covered Pyrenees into France. There,
she secured shelter and safety for the children, often in foster homes,
while she settled in the village of Carsac.'
'Ms. Català returned
to Catalonia in the 1970s after Sancho died. She continued to fight,
not with arms but with words, against the dictatorship of Franco, who
had banned the use of the Catalan language in public. After his death
in 1975, Spain eased toward democracy. Ms. Català continued to fight for
the independence of Catalonia from Spain.'…/5bbe36c2-6623-11e9-a1b6-b2…
sábado, 27 de abril de 2019
CATALONIA ---- Cs, PP try to prevent Puigdemont standing in the European election
Cs, PP try to prevent Puigdemont standing in the European election
Cs, PP try to prevent Puigdemont standing in the European election
<<…/cs-pp-puigdemont-european-elec… >>
CATALONIA -- Is the Catalan separatist trial in Spain about law or politics? - The Washington Post
Is the Catalan separatist trial in Spain about law or politics? - The Washington Post
European Commission Justice Scoreboard confirms the SPANISH JUDICIARY as one of the LESS INDEPENDENT in Europe.
At the same time International press continues questioning the politics behind the trial in Madrid of the Catalan politicians.
Washington Post:"Is the Catalan separatist trial in Spain about law or politics?"
jueves, 25 de abril de 2019
The Buried Maidan Massacre and Its Misrepresentation by the West — Strategic Culture
The Buried Maidan Massacre and Its Misrepresentation by the West — Strategic Culture
new Ukrainian government is faced with reopening an inquiry into
evidence of an organized mass killing in Kiev that Poroshenko
stonewalled, Ivan Katchanovski investigates.
The Buried Maidan Massacre and Its Misrepresentation by the West - Read Below:
After ISIS, a Divided Iraq, Wounded and Grief-Stricken — Strategic Culture
After ISIS, a Divided Iraq, Wounded and Grief-Stricken — Strategic Culture
If Iraq is to be unified, all who fought against its Islamist enemies must be respected.
Hong Kong pro-democracy protest leaders sentenced | News | DW | 24.04.2019
Hong Kong pro-democracy protest leaders sentenced | News | DW | 24.04.2019
"Umbrella Movement" had demanded Hong Kong's five million voters be
allowed to choose the leader of the semi-autonomous Chinese territory.
Scotland′s First Minister calls for second independence referendum by 2021 | News | DW | 24.04.2019
Scotland′s First Minister calls for second independence referendum by 2021 | News | DW | 24.04.2019
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon hopes to have legislation to pave the way for a new referendum agreed by the end of 2019.
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : The Collapse of Deterrence with Iran
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : The Collapse of Deterrence with Iran
US policy toward Iran is completely incoherent and without any
specific goals (beyond, seemingly, capitulation or war). As Christopher
J. Bolan writes at the link, "the
traditional measures essential to developing a successful deterrence
include clear and consistent communications of what specific behaviors
are acceptable and which actions will result in credible and punishing
reprisals. Unfortunately, the steps taken thus far by the Trump
administration have increased tensions with Iran and US allies alike,
weakened international resolve to pose a united front against Iran, and
do not present Iranian leaders with a viable path forward to avoid
confrontation with the US."
A Short History of Yugoslavia (VI) –
A Short History of Yugoslavia (VI) –
I, Part II, Part III, Part IV Part V The brutal destruction of
Yugoslavia (1991‒1995) The brutal destruction of ex-Yugoslav Federal
state-system was in a form of the civil
wars or, in another word, a chain of violent conflicts from 1991 to
1995. From the spring of 1992, the SFRY already did not exist as a state
and, therefore, the conflicts were turned into the Wars of the Yugoslav
Succession. [ 2,787 more words ]…/a-short-history-of-yugoslavia…/
John Pilger: The War on Venezuela Is Built on Lies
John Pilger: The War on Venezuela Is Built on Lies
the CIA stooge Guaido grab power, it will be the 68th overthrow of a
sovereign government by the United States, most of them democracies.
Yemeni Military Successes May Boost Secret Peace Negotiations with Saudis
Yemeni Military Successes May Boost Secret Peace Negotiations with Saudis
Ansar Allah leader Al-Houthi revealed secret negotiations to end the
Saudi war against Yemen, but hinted that ending the war would require
serious will from the Saudi regime to change its vision towards Yemen’s
relationship with the kingdom after the war.
US & Its Afghan Trainees Now Killing More Civilians than the Taliban
US & Its Afghan Trainees Now Killing More Civilians than the Taliban
The Trump administration has increasingly relied on bombing missions in
an attempt to turn the tide in Afghanistan, where the Taliban has been
able to gain more and more land under its control in recent years.
The European Union Is Obliged To Participate In US Wars –
The European Union Is Obliged To Participate In US Wars –
having lost his majority in the House of Representatives during the
mid-term elections, President Trump has found new allies in exchange for
his discharge by prosecutor Mueller of
the accusation of high treason. He now supports the objectives of his
generals. US imperialism is back. In less than six months, the
foundations of international relations have been « rebooted ». [ 1,639
more word ]…/the-european-union-is-obliged…/
Glyphosate Worse Than We Could Imagine | New Eastern Outlook
Glyphosate Worse Than We Could Imagine | New Eastern Outlook
As new studies continue to point to a direct link
between the widely-used glyphosate herbicide and various forms of
cancer, the agribusiness lobby fights ferociously to ignore or discredit
evidence of human and other damage. A second US court jury case just
ruled that Monsanto, now a part of the German Bayer AG, must pay $ 81
million in damages to plaintiff Edwin Hardeman who contracted
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer. The ruling and a line-up of another
11,000 pending cases in US courts going after the effects of glyphosate,
have hit Bayer AG hard with the company announcing several thousand
layoffs as its stock price plunges.
Unprecedented EU Commission power grab fails as Services Directive reform collapses | Corporate Europe Observatory
Unprecedented EU Commission power grab fails as Services Directive reform collapses | Corporate Europe Observatory
📣 Important announcement:
We can now confirm that the EU Commission's plans to reform the Services Directive (a.k.a. #Bolkestein Directive) have collapsed.
This is a huge victory for local democracy in Europe! 🎆
The strong civil society backlash has been a key element in the failure
to reform the Bolkestein Directive. NGOs, mayors, parties and unions
from all around Europe came together to oppose this unprecedented EU
Commission power grab. And it worked. ✊
The main lesson that we can draw from this victory - and we hope the
Commission will make a note, too - is that municipalities need
democratic space to protect the interests of their citizens, and any
attempt to undermine that space will face strong and relentless
This is why the failure of the Bolkestein Directive reform is such an important victory for all of us.
Our reaction, here 👇…/unprecedented-eu-commission-p…
______How big is the wage penalty for mothers? - Daily chart
How big is the wage penalty for mothers? - Daily chart
Giving birth = wage penalty? Sadly, still a reality for all too many women in Europe. Another reason to vote in #EUelections2019. #EuropeWeWant #YesToChange


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