martes, 30 de abril de 2019

South-East Europe In The International Relations At The Turn Of The 20th Century (I) –

South-East Europe In The International Relations At The Turn Of The 20th Century (I) –



the beginning of the 20th century the Great European Powers,[i] divided
into two totally antagonistic political-military alliances, were
preparing themselves for the final
settling of accounts among each other concerning the new division of
political-economic spheres of influence and the redistributing the
colonies around the world. Their different interests overlapped upon the
territory of South-East Europe, much more look down at the other parts
of the globe, for the reason of the exploitation of the regional natural
wealth and to take advantage of the military-strategic importance of
South-East Europe as the strategic hinterland of East Mediterranean and
the most fitting bond between Central Europe and the Middle East. [
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