jueves, 25 de abril de 2019

Unprecedented EU Commission power grab fails as Services Directive reform collapses | Corporate Europe Observatory

Unprecedented EU Commission power grab fails as Services Directive reform collapses | Corporate Europe Observatory



📣 Important announcement:

We can now confirm that the EU Commission's plans to reform the Services Directive (a.k.a. #Bolkestein Directive) have collapsed.

This is a huge victory for local democracy in Europe! 🎆

The strong civil society backlash has been a key element in the failure
to reform the Bolkestein Directive. NGOs, mayors, parties and unions
from all around Europe came together to oppose this unprecedented EU
Commission power grab. And it worked. ✊

The main lesson that we can draw from this victory - and we hope the
Commission will make a note, too - is that municipalities need
democratic space to protect the interests of their citizens, and any
attempt to undermine that space will face strong and relentless

This is why the failure of the Bolkestein Directive reform is such an important victory for all of us.

Our reaction, here 👇

