lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

ARD - ttt - Widerstand gegen den digitalen Überwachungsstaat - 20.10.2013 - YouTube

ARD - ttt - Widerstand gegen den digitalen Überwachungsstaat - 20.10.2013 - YouTube:

ARD - ttt - resistance to digital surveillance state - 20.10.2013

Defend yourselves - The scientist Shoshana Zuboff calls for resistance to digital surveillance state on how to monitor our military and economic data merge logic, the revelations of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden have made clear. American Internet companies allow the NSA has a live monitoring of their customers. Because Snowden said to have used the email service Lavabit, the authorities made Lavabit pressure on operators Ladar Levison until the decided to delete all data and close his company. "Lavabit is a key example of what we are discussing here," says Zuboff. "Because the business model of Lavabit was to guarantee customers a secure e-mail traffic. And now comes the NSA and wants the encryption key for all data of all customers. This is a fundamental attack on the existence of this company." The economy is based on individual self-determination - Shoshana Zuboff has predicted all of this. 30 years ago she published "Zuboffs laws" that say: All data that can be collected is collected and used for monitoring and control. As the computer technology was still in its infancy, it was already clear that data would be the currency of the new economic model. And they found out that companies were especially successful when they used the currency in the interest of their clients. The breakthrough of this new economy was Zuboff Apple's iPod. For while the music industry with penalties tried to prevent consumers from downloading music from the net, the iPod did exactly the business model. Suddenly, everyone could put together exactly the music he wanted. "The next stage of capitalism is based on a completely new logic in which the interests of the consumer are paramount," says Zuboff. "The whole economic process begins with the individual self-determination of the client and no longer as before with the companies that manufacture them and then strangle purely to customers." Corporations as "Big Brother" - The special ability of capitalism is its adaptability. The current epochal change is only to be compared with Henry Ford's introduction of industrial mass production, when he began to build cars not only for the upper class, but for everyone. Just as Henry Ford also made Apple previously unrecognized advantage of consumer needs. The unique success story of Apple started with the claim that paternalism consumers through the "big brother" to break the power of large corporations. Today, Apple and other technology companies even the big brother. "The corporations stumbled through the logic of their own success. They had not understood, which they had become so rich. They used the data of their customers for short-term profits, and thereby betray their interests." Total surveillance as a realistic scenario - But we consumers can fight back. Because we are so, make the company rich and successful. The case Lavabit and its operator Ladar Levison show that there are also companies that do not betray their business model and not give in to pressure from the data collector. Levison is a role model in our struggle for self-determination in which we are only at the very beginning of Shoshana Zuboff. "Ladar Levison has the integrity, intellectual and moral clarity applied to say, that's a line I can not cross. This is a line that I can not hurt. Because if I do, then there is no reason that my company exists. " Thomas Jefferson, the father of the American Declaration of Independence should have said it was the duty of every patriot to protect his country from his government. If we do not fight it, that our private data from intelligence agencies and corporations are constantly spied on, then - Shoshana Zuboff - is George Orwell's vision of a total surveillance a realistic scenario for the future. Source: