Briten-Geheimdienst GCHQ betrieb Wirtschaftsspionage in Italien - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Briten-Geheimdienst GCHQ betrieb Wirtschaftsspionage in Italien - SPIEGEL ONLINE
War doch klar dass sie diese Möglichkeiten auch wirtschaftlich nutzen...wird wohl nur eine Frage der Zeit sein bis raus kommt, dass auch die #NSA deutsche Unternehmen ausspioniert.
"Die amerikanisch-britischen Abhördienste haben auch in Italien massenhaft Daten abgegriffen. Die Spitzel sollten Politiker überwachen - aber auch Unternehmen. Der Auftrag der Londoner Regierung war eindeutig:
Spionage zum "Wohle der britischen Wirtschaft"."
The American-British interception services have tapped data masse in Italy. The spies should monitor politicians - but also companies. The mission of the London government was clear: espionage for "the benefit of the UK economy."
A quick overview
The Facts
U.S. intelligence agencies have probably listened to the mobile phone of the Chancellor. "Spying among friends - that does not go," said Angela Merkel. Cause of the unusually sharp reaction is a recent SPIEGEL request in the course of research. The affair also charged the coalition talks between the CDU and the SPD.
When U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta met this week in Rome, it was received friendly and open, it said. Agreed it was talked about Libya, Syria and Afghanistan and, oh yes, a few minutes it was probably around the vexed NSA spying scandal.
To complete elucidation asked the landlord. He wanted to see what could make the Americans promised. But now there is even the threat of terrorism and therefore one must "find the right balance between security concerns and the privacy". Nicoletta took it back, drove the next day to Brussels to be dutiful and press according upset there among his EU colleagues a little. He had every reason to genuine outrage.
Italy as a British target area
More so than many other countries, Italy has been at the center of global eavesdropping. The new documents show from the collection of ex-NSA employee Edward Snowden , presented this Friday by the Italian magazine "L'Espresso". Thus Italy was under the illegal wiretapping transatlantic partnership between Washington and London to working area of British intelligence agency GCHQ ( Government Communications Headquarters ). The British had to use the tenses get program from their superiors a wide Order on the way.
You should collect all
"The political intentions of foreign governments' concerns, so the government and many parliamentarians were intercepted in Italy;
disclosure "of nuclear, bacteriological or chemical weapons to hostile states" As, this would be best to keep everyone under control and technological exchanges globally look at interesting technologies very closely;
also "the best interests of the British economy" is used, which is a crystal clear mandate for economic espionage.
Intercepted in Sicily Europe
The British were in their sight Italy-use not only the local politicians and businesses . For in Sicily they had the opportunity to access some of the most important lines of communication that connect Europe to Asia, Australia, the Middle East and America's east coast. Transport huge undersea cable, the phone calls, emails and other data packets around the globe. The line "FLAG Europe-Asia", for example, covers 26,000 kilometers long - Palermo to get lucky.
The diversion of streams, however, could be done in the UK - both FLAG Europe-Asia and the cable called SeaMeWe-3 . landing on in the UK SeaMeWe-4 , another cable system "L'Espresso" explicitly mentioned, running from Palermo - there is also a hub of FLAG Europe-Asia - to the coast of North Africa, from there through the Persian Gulf to several Arab countries, India and Southeast Asia.
That the British as part of the tenses and branch caching program Internet content on its own soil, has been known for months.
The tapping happened yet with the help of the Italian services? Maybe Italian secret services have helped the theft, or at least tolerated. As evidenced by the new Snowden files there namely a treaty with the British, which allows the services to the intercepted countries to gain access to the information gained here. Of course, only to those who are for it coughed up by the British. In return of such gifted national intelligence to assist in the British need to tap around the nets.
The intelligence officials in Rome have of course denied immediately. No knowledge, and certainly no help and no evidence that his government might have been spied in Rome, the responsible Secretary Marco Minniti says even now.
The people laughing
And the Italians, the people? That moves not but laugh at Minniti, the shell outrage of Prime Minister Enrico Letta and the political chatter in Rome. Everyone in the country knows that there pretty much everything is bugged, what anybody interested could use or harm anyone. By their own government eavesdroppers or if the are not skilled enough of "friendly" services or even by private companies for public works.
Also, the four-time Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was apparently intercepted regularly. And a large part of the booty, recordings of thousands of phone calls, eventually ended up in the media. For pleasure or horror readers.
Cooperation: Christian Stocker