'El nacionalisme serbi tenia la mateixa retòrica que Madrid', diu un ex-ministre de Macedònia - VilaWeb
The Serbian nationalism had the same rhetoric that Madrid ', says ex-minister of Macedonia
Emil says Kirjas Catalans: 'Do not be afraid, you will not be alone'
Former Foreign Minister of Macedonia, Emil Kirjas, who held the position between 2004 and 2006, criticized the government's attitude towards the Spanish Catalan process. Speaking collected by the newspaper now Kirjas said: 'I can not believe that twenty years after [the Balkan war] heard the same rhetoric from Madrid did Serbian nationalism'. The Macedonian politician today visited the Cultural Center Born during the presentation of the campaign to publicize the process Sapiens Catalan world. The former Minister of Macedonia, is secretary general of the Liberal International also said it has been demonstrated that Europe is very Renu to promote policies that advance and therefore always react afterwards. 'Do not be afraid, you will not be alone,' he said addressing the Catalans. He added that the process of disintegration of Yugoslavia has nothing to do with the Catalan process from the point of view of history and experience.