Nació Digital: L'ONU reclama a Espanya que investigui els crims del franquisme
Nació Digital: L'ONU reclama a Espanya que investigui els crims del franquisme
UN calls on Spain to investigate the crimes of Francoism Rajoy formally asks UN to repeal the Amnesty Law of 1977
The scandal has led to the historic veil on the dark side of the regime could be completed soon. The United Nations has formally asked the government of Mariano Rajoy to repeal the amnesty law in 1977 to investigate "urgency" of disappearances and crimes committed during the Franco regime. The UN sent a commission of experts to learn how they were investigating the deaths and disappearances during the long repression after the Civil War. UN sees' regrettable impunity in cases of enforced disappearances committed during the fascist dictatorship. " In this sense, the organization admits that no capo "effective ongoing criminal investigation or any convicted person," says the lawsuit.