miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

▶ Resist Greece - YouTube

▶ Resist Greece - YouTube

Video of anti-fascist solidarity from Turkey to Greece.
"The video was set to a dirge written by Turkish composer Zülfü Livaneli and Greek lyricist Lefteris Papadopoulos, and performed by famous Greek singer and political Maria Farandouri, an icon of the struggle against the Greek military junta in the late 60′s." (via Global Voices, video in Turkish with Greek subtitles)


unanistan'da şu anda direnmekte olan dostlarımız için hazırladığımız kısa bir video.
A short video for our friends in Greece who are resisting at the moment.

*Resimler internet kaynaklarından alınmıştır. / Photos were taken from internet sources.
**Müzikler Zülfü Livaneli ve Maria Farandouri'nin "I Mnimi Tou Neru" albumunden alınmıştır. /Songs were taken from "I Mnimi Tou Neru" album of Zulfu Livaneli and Maria Farandouri.